Bartlett vs Sokol at WNO

That does not sound appealing. :confused: I would rather have Taco Bell at 2am than whatever deep nutty mole dish you are describing

You didn't know? Word is your father-in-law has a nifty little side-business making good use of the moles harvested incidentally from his fields. He's one of the major suppliers to the eastern U.S., feeding hungry mouths with high-quality protein, all from great American soil and sweat.

You didn't know? Word is your father-in-law has a nifty little side-business making good use of the moles harvested incidentally from his fields. He's one of the major suppliers to the eastern U.S., feeding hungry mouths with high-quality protein, all from great American soil and sweat.

You are trying way to hard. There is only one @dunkej01 . Quit stealing his schtick
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That does not sound appealing. :confused: I would rather have Taco Bell at 2am than whatever deep nutty mole dish you are describing
2 am Taco Bell is the guy who qualified for districts once, never made states, and now rolls around some in the college IM league.

Not bad in that context, but he'll get obliterated by the varsity 4th stringer.
2 am Taco Bell is the guy who qualified for districts once, never made states, and now rolls around some in the college IM league.

Not bad in that context, but he'll get obliterated by the varsity 4th stringer.

A 3x natty champ enjoyed 2am taco bell tooooooo.....1 tooooooo many times, maybe???
KBay, I liked your post, but then I had to unlike it when I realized that Penn State recruits turn down Ivy-League-quality schools all the time to go to a school (Penn State) with a better wrestling team.

If you’re smart and work hard, imo it doesn’t matter where you go. You’re smart and work hard.
Funny, but no. He hit a tree and went up on the curb while trying to parallel park in front of the Taco Bell on College Ave.

I didnt think it had a drive thru. I'm glad my memory isn't totally failing me. That Taco Bell was pretty entertaining at 2 am on weekends. Anyway, I looked up Ruth's bad decision and the article said his blood-alcohol was at .281. I don't know how he even made it to Taco Bell. He must've had a serious chalupa craving.
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Ski, I’m not sure I understand your question. Both my iPad and iPhone displayed @diceman99’s spreadsheet in I have previously visited this spreadsheet on both my iPad and iPhone, but never took notice to the difference in colors.
I'm on my Android phone. I looked at it using Google docs and Bartlett's name is red. I then opened it with my Excel app on my phone and his name was blue.
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These kids are all pretty young as Juniors in HS. On balance you really can't fault them too much for changing there minds as they approach their senior year and NLI.

I get it that 80%+ pan out as planned, but at the end of the day I don't get the point of a verbal. One would think an early verbal probably results in a lower scholy offer as well.

Does it signal to other programs not to contact? Are coaches fully comitted to creating their long term 9.9 allocations around verbals or passing on other recruits at the same weight with a verbal in hand? I doubt it.

Honestly someone educate me as to the point of a non binding verbal other than giving someone a warm fuzzy.
... Honestly someone educate me as to the point of a non binding verbal ...
Verbals seem weak and pointless, but ... :)

Diceman - quick question. Why is Bartlett listed in red text in your spreadsheet as opposed to blue as with the other verbals? I hope this doesn't imply risk.

Ok Diceman what did you do? Last week he was still listed in red text, now he is finally blue!