BTS Results and Discussion Thread

So far this card is about mismatches, with a few more almost definitely on the way.

Ashnault did well to get deep on Green late in the first but hesitated instead of wrestled.
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Green taking ground, now picks a lower leg up and finishes the TD for 2.

Green takes him to the edge and continuation gets him 2 more.

Ashnault trying to muscle Ashnault with a 2 on one, but Green just stops it cold. Ashnault in on a good shot, but Green stops it and defends his way out. Ash gets another good shot in, but Green stops again.


Green pushes him out and Ash drops three feet off the stage. They need more stage. And another pushout. Green just too strong for Ash.

Now a takedown to go 8-0. Green gets him laced up but can't convert.

Ash gets a TD of his own, but they're back to their feet.

And another TD for Ash.

It ends 8-4 for Green.
First match was high school girls.

Next up, Aragona (Rutgers commit) vs. Busiello (ASU commit).
Not much action midway through the first. Aragona gets passivity warning. Now Aragona on the clock, but gets a TD. It was actually a counter off of Busiello's move. Aragona gets a four by throwing Busiello all the way off of the elevated mat.
Snyder v. Randhawa next. No break this time, so we're going straight to it.

Snyder draws first blood with a TD. 2-0. Back to center.
Collar ties. Pushout for Randhawa. 2-1
Another TD for Snyder. Center. 4-1
Snap to a TD for Snyder. Hands locked on a gut, but nothing. 6-1
And another TD for Snyder, followed by another. 10-1
Holy Cow!!! He closes it out with a lift to throw straight over his back for 5!!!
15-1 Tech
It’s getting annoying the announcer keeps telling the front row spectators to pay attention how hard is it to get a bigger stage?
Gwiz v. White

White throws him by, almost, Gwiz counters and gets the 2.
And, another TD for Gwiz, after taking good ground for a while. 4-0
Gwiz taking shots, but not converting. Gets pushout to go 5-0.

Gwiz v. White

White throws him by, almost, Gwiz counters and gets the 2.
And, another TD for Gwiz, after taking good ground for a while. 4-0
Gwiz taking shots, but not converting. Gets pushout to go 5-0.

Collar ties.
White in on a great shot, but Gwiz's defense just too good. Ref let it go for a little longer than he should have, IMO, and Gwiz works behind for 2 more. 7-0
Gwiz laces it up this time, but can't turn. Back to center.
White singles, but Gwiz throws him over for 2. 9-0
And, that's how it will end.
Leathers v. Weicker

Leathers in on a shot. Weicker with a chest wrap. Neither can convert.
Weicker in on single, elevates it, and gets the 2. Back to center.
Now Becca gets 2 of her own and the lead 2-2.
Becca gets 2 exposure, but nothing more. Back to center 4-2.
Weicker in on a good single, but Becca defends.

Leathers v. Weicker

Leathers in on a shot. Weicker with a chest wrap. Neither can convert.
Weicker in on single, elevates it, and gets the 2. Back to center.
Now Becca gets 2 of her own and the lead 2-2.
Becca gets 2 exposure, but nothing more. Back to center 4-2.
Weicker in on a good single, but Becca defends.

Becca with another TD. 6-2. BTC.
Another TD. 8-2. BTC.
Weicker gets a TD, making it 8-4.
Terrible footsweep attempt by Weicker. Counter by Leathers 10-4.
Weicker with 2. And it ends 10-6.

Nice win.
Nick looked good. Colon felt him out too much? Or was Nick's defense that good?
But, they restart, and he can't go. Novogratz comes out and says, "Hey, this isn't worth it." Snyder calling from the front row to tell him not to do it.
Damn, I hope that is nothing for DT. No need to test it now with Final X coming up.