Green taking ground, now picks a lower leg up and finishes the TD for 2.
Green takes him to the edge and continuation gets him 2 more.
Ashnault trying to muscle Ashnault with a 2 on one, but Green just stops it cold. Ashnault in on a good shot, but Green stops it and defends his way out. Ash gets another good shot in, but Green stops again.
WowFirst match was high school girls.
Next up, Aragona (Rutgers commit) vs. Busiello (ASU commit).
Not much action midway through the first. Aragona gets passivity warning. Now Aragona on the clock, but gets a TD. It was actually a counter off of Busiello's move. Aragona gets a four by throwing Busiello all the way off of the elevated mat.
the size of this mat is just terrible
Collar ties.Gwiz v. White
White throws him by, almost, Gwiz counters and gets the 2.
And, another TD for Gwiz, after taking good ground for a while. 4-0
Gwiz taking shots, but not converting. Gets pushout to go 5-0.
Prolly MattersWho was the guy who didn’t think Aragona was a good recruit for RU?
Becca with another TD. 6-2. BTC.Leathers v. Weicker
Leathers in on a shot. Weicker with a chest wrap. Neither can convert.
Weicker in on single, elevates it, and gets the 2. Back to center.
Now Becca gets 2 of her own and the lead 2-2.
Becca gets 2 exposure, but nothing more. Back to center 4-2.
Weicker in on a good single, but Becca defends.
On many occasions I've trashed Rutgers' prospective lineup and their recruiting in general, but I do think Aragona is an exception.Who was the guy who didn’t think Aragona was a good recruit for RU?
Mid meet, its gotta be toughIt’s getting annoying the announcer keeps telling the front row spectators to pay attention how hard is it to get a bigger stage?
Giving an award to Henry Cejudo.And, here come Novogratz for a few words.
It's a wonder he can fit that $2.3 billion wallet in there.Mike Novogratz pants size = women's 5
Suriano gets a TD.Here we go with Suriano v. Colon
Suriano on the clock. Crowd not happy.
Colon gets the 1.
Now some guy named David Taylor v. Drew Foster.
Taylor is hurt. Looks very bad.
Yes. Hurt. But, he's up and they're taping it, like he's going to go.Seriously? Hurt?
Looks like the knee twisted in a direction it’s not supposed to goWhat happened?