Candid coaches. Overated/underrated.

Is Franklin even highly regarded? I never see anyone mention him among the best college coaches. Surprised to see him come up as overrated.

Maybe it's just coaches who think he didn't deserve the success he's had the past two years and I would actually agree with that. Lots of good luck during the past two seasons. Especially 2016. I believe that he will cement himself as elite over the next few.

Didnt deserve it? Ridiculous statement
with a title of "candid coaches: overrated/underrated" I should have know some dolt would bring politics into it....


"I'm hungry for pizza"

"speaking of pizza, can you believe POTUS wants to restore Iranian sanctions?"


What are you talking about the Iranians and pizza about? Everyone knows that Hilary ran her sex ring out of a pizza shop so that just proves the Iranians and POTUS didn't have anything to do with it. Geez, ya think we are all stupid. :confused: (Sarcasm alert)
Didnt deserve it? Ridiculous statement
Why are people here so sensitive?
That 2016 team lost to Pitt. Got humiliated by 40 against an obviously superior team. Got very lucky against Ohio State. Needed overtime to beat Minnesota at home. Got very lucky to have Michigan lose to both Iowa and Ohio State. That season was a miracle and if you don't think so you don't appreciate it enough.
Narduzzi, I'd bet money he is one of the three. He seems the personality type who would LOVE an opportunity like "an anonymous survey where I get to take pot-shots at my competition."

Dantonio --- he seems more like the type who would take shots at Jim Harbaugh (Dantonio views JH as enemy #1, everyone else is far back in the rear-view mirror on the enemy list) in public. Dantonio has no use for anonymity. :D:D:D

Look at the quote they put first, once against using PSU negatively for ratings.Guaranteed that quote is from Narduzzi. Good thing for him it's literally impossible for him to be overrated.
Why are people here so sensitive?
That 2016 team lost to Pitt. Got humiliated by 40 against an obviously superior team. Got very lucky against Ohio State. Needed overtime to beat Minnesota at home. Got very lucky to have Michigan lose to both Iowa and Ohio State. That season was a miracle and if you don't think so you don't appreciate it enough.

Or in reality... handed a sure victory to Pitt in the last minute of the game. Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries, lucky timing for Michigan. Beat OSU, no luck involved, and likely still would have without the blocked kick. It's like you didn't watch any of these games. You also forgot them winning the B10 title game against a very talented UW team.
Why are people here so sensitive?
That 2016 team lost to Pitt. Got humiliated by 40 against an obviously superior team. Got very lucky against Ohio State. Needed overtime to beat Minnesota at home. Got very lucky to have Michigan lose to both Iowa and Ohio State. That season was a miracle and if you don't think so you don't appreciate it enough.

You must be a Buckeye. Penn State was “lucky” to beat OSU? Hahaha.

I believe it was OSU that benefited from a blocked FG and a bad snap over the punter’s head for a safety. But to you, those plays were the result of Buckeye skill?

And when Penn State blocked a FG, and took over on downs, it was pure luck, huh?

Oh, and that 2016 National Champion Clemson team also lost to Pitt.

You call Michigan “obviously superior” ... it was better on that day, but certainly not by the end of the season. Of course, you knew that, since Penn State defeated BOTH Iowa and OSU, something “old superior” Michigan couldn’t do.

No, 2016 was no miracle ... and I appreciate it plenty.
Why are people here so sensitive?
That 2016 team lost to Pitt. Got humiliated by 40 against an obviously superior team. Got very lucky against Ohio State. Needed overtime to beat Minnesota at home. Got very lucky to have Michigan lose to both Iowa and Ohio State. That season was a miracle and if you don't think so you don't appreciate it enough.

Just stupid. You are just stipid.
You must be a Buckeye. Penn State was “lucky” to beat OSU? Hahaha.

I believe it was OSU that benefited from a blocked FG and a bad snap over the punter’s head for a safety. But to you, those plays were the result of Buckeye skill?

And when Penn State blocked a FG, and took over on downs, it was pure luck, huh?

Oh, and that 2016 National Champion Clemson team also lost to Pitt.

You call Michigan “obviously superior” ... it was better on that day, but certainly not by the end of the season. Of course, you knew that, since Penn State defeated BOTH Iowa and OSU, something “old superior” Michigan couldn’t do.

No, 2016 was no miracle ... and I appreciate it plenty.

And Reid fumbled a punt return which led to OSUs first score as well.
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Or in reality... handed a sure victory to Pitt in the last minute of the game. Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries, lucky timing for Michigan. Beat OSU, no luck involved, and likely still would have without the blocked kick. It's like you didn't watch any of these games. You also forgot them winning the B10 title game against a very talented UW team.
Unbelievable "Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries" but Michigan losing last year to PSU without a starting QB doesn't count? What and hell do you think PSU's record would have been last year without your starting QB???
And Reid fumbled a punt return which led to OSUs first score as well.

Guess then it was lucky OSU blocked out punt last year, which changed the whole 4th quarter and set them up for a win? Or was that just pure talent?
Everyone needs something lucky to happen to win a championship. Like the replay machines not working....
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Unbelievable "Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries" but Michigan losing last year to PSU without a starting QB doesn't count? What and hell do you think PSU's record would have been last year without your starting QB???

It wasn't the lack of a QB that cost Michigan against PSU last year. Your all-world defense got run over. Again. And again. And again.
2-1 against Franklin so what does that make Franklin?

Hahaha. Get back to me when Harbaugh finishes in the top 2 IN HIS DIVISION.

Franklin took over a sanction-depleted roster and has made Penn State a top 10 program in a couple of years. TOP 10, Slappy.

Harbaugh can’t win with Brady Hoke’s players, or his own players. No one is more overrated than Harbaugh as a coach, and no program is more overrated than Michigan. Including Notre Dame. Michigan is the Tennessee of the Big Ten, but they think they are Bama.
I would be disappointed if I found out he wasn't listed. Only 20% of the coaches responded. Most likely they are middle to lower of the pack coaches. Do you think Saban responded to the survey? People always hate those on top.
Unbelievable "Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries" but Michigan losing last year to PSU without a starting QB doesn't count? What and hell do you think PSU's record would have been last year without your starting QB???
I dont care who the qb was, Michigan would have been mangled regardless. One of the Michigan media acknowledged that the score should have been worse because Penn St left points on the field.
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Unbelievable "Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries" but Michigan losing last year to PSU without a starting QB doesn't count? What and hell do you think PSU's record would have been last year without your starting QB???

Michigan's starting QB wasn't the problem in that game.

The U-M fan narrative going into that game was "The Great Don Brown, the best defensive coordinator in college football, will find a scheme to shut down the PSU offense. The Great Don Brown will out-coach Joe Moorhead. Devin Bush will win the 1-on-1 battle against Saquon Barkley."

It took TWO plays for that narrative to be proven incorrect.

To give U-M's defense credit, they did limit PSU to a gain of 6 on the game's first play. :p
I dont care who the qb was, Michigan would have been mangled regardless. One of the Michigan media acknowledged that the score should have been worse because Penn St left points on the field.

Yep. If we don't throw the INT going in for another TD up 14-0, I think we go for 60 points. I'm not kidding. That INT changed momentum completely and it took us a bit to get things going again. As we saw, Franklin was not taking his foot off the gas. Michigan was lucky it was as "close" as it was.
Unbelievable "Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries" but Michigan losing last year to PSU without a starting QB doesn't count? What and hell do you think PSU's record would have been last year without your starting QB???
Tommy problem
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You must be a Buckeye. Penn State was “lucky” to beat OSU? Hahaha.

No, 2016 was no miracle ... and I appreciate it plenty.

The PSU team was genuinely elite in 2017. The PSU team was pretty good in 2016. The difference in success the two years was mostly luck.

Do you think Franklin deserves extra credit for Michigan losing to Iowa? PSU doesn't win the B1G otherwise. Personally I'm much more impressed with what Franklin put together in 2017 than 2016. Makes me very optimistic about the future. 2016 was fluky as hell.
Is Franklin even highly regarded? I never see anyone mention him among the best college coaches. Surprised to see him come up as overrated.

Maybe it's just coaches who think he didn't deserve the success he's had the past two years and I would actually agree with that. Lots of good luck during the past two seasons. Especially 2016. I believe that he will cement himself as elite over the next few.
Whaaaaaaaat? Didn't deserve his success? You don't win 20 of 23 and go nearly, very nearly, 2 for 2 in major bowl games by mere luck.
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Why are people here so sensitive?
That 2016 team lost to Pitt. Got humiliated by 40 against an obviously superior team. Got very lucky against Ohio State. Needed overtime to beat Minnesota at home. Got very lucky to have Michigan lose to both Iowa and Ohio State. That season was a miracle and if you don't think so you don't appreciate it enough.
Another poster who has no concept of context.
How the heck is Franklin overrated? He took over a weird situation and won the B1G in year 3, went to a bowl game every year, and has won 22 games and been to the Rose Bowl and Fiesta Bowl in the last two years. He also put multiple players into the NFL, including this years #2 overall pick, and his coordinators are going on to get P5 HC positions. He just pulled in a top 5 recruiting class. The graduation rate in his program is 84 percent.

He does all of this while having multiple coaches in his own division who are far more famous and well-known than he is.

how is he overrated?
Unbelievable "Lost to Michigan while ravaged by injuries" but Michigan losing last year to PSU without a starting QB doesn't count? What and hell do you think PSU's record would have been last year without your starting QB???
Not very insightful, are you?
Haven’t clicked the link, but am I correct in believing that the top two overrated coaches were African Americans? I find that interesting.

I was going to mention this but you beat me to it. It is certainly interesting.
The PSU team was genuinely elite in 2017. The PSU team was pretty good in 2016. The difference in success the two years was mostly luck.

Do you think Franklin deserves extra credit for Michigan losing to Iowa? PSU doesn't win the B1G otherwise. Personally I'm much more impressed with what Franklin put together in 2017 than 2016. Makes me very optimistic about the future. 2016 was fluky as hell.
Call me unimpressed with OSU at Iowa in 2017, with OSU that is.
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Is Franklin even highly regarded? I never see anyone mention him among the best college coaches. Surprised to see him come up as overrated.

Maybe it's just coaches who think he didn't deserve the success he's had the past two years and I would actually agree with that. Lots of good luck during the past two seasons. Especially 2016. I believe that he will cement himself as elite over the next few.
He’s almost unanimously viewed as the coach without a national championship most likely to win one. So yeah, he is highly regarded.
I was going to mention this but you beat me to it. It is certainly interesting.

Oddly enough, David Shaw also got some most overrated consideration. How many African American power 5 head coaches are there?

Edit: Taking a quick peak, it looks like there are 6. Pretty amazing that 2 of them were the top two most overrated and another of them got votes. I have to believe that this type of thing is a recruiting goldmine for a guy like Franklin.

Re-edit: Poster below me is correct at 7 schools. Herm Edwards at AZ St. is in his first season however.
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I was going to mention this but you beat me to it. It is certainly interesting.

First thing I noticed. I think there are 7 total in the power 5 conferences. The two best of those programs got 40% of the vote. The poll says more about the coaches voting, then the ones receiving the votes.

Penn State
Florida State
Arizona State
The PSU team was genuinely elite in 2017. The PSU team was pretty good in 2016. The difference in success the two years was mostly luck.

Do you think Franklin deserves extra credit for Michigan losing to Iowa? PSU doesn't win the B1G otherwise. Personally I'm much more impressed with what Franklin put together in 2017 than 2016. Makes me very optimistic about the future. 2016 was fluky as hell.

Just stupid. You are just stupid.
Michigan is the Tennessee of the Big Ten, but they think they are Bama.

Applies to both schools. Ironically, both schools have followed similar trajectories. Their titles came around the same time, the drop off from 9-10 wins to barely .500 came about the same time, they keep hiring hot name coaches trying to get back to 10 wins and conference title contention, every year is gonna be the year they spring back to superiority...

Do you think Franklin deserves extra credit for Michigan losing to Iowa? PSU doesn't win the B1G otherwise.

Irrelevant. You play the games when they are scheduled. If Michigan was worthy, they would not have dropped two games late. It's not about extra credit; it's about getting the actual credit. Instead, you want to call it a fluke or luck.
The PSU team was genuinely elite in 2017. The PSU team was pretty good in 2016. The difference in success the two years was mostly luck.

Do you think Franklin deserves extra credit for Michigan losing to Iowa? PSU doesn't win the B1G otherwise. Personally I'm much more impressed with what Franklin put together in 2017 than 2016. Makes me very optimistic about the future. 2016 was fluky as hell.

If your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle.
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Not a good optic

So CBS asks 26 College Football coaches who is most overrated

You have 12 that share a certain racial background and 118 another.

So these 26 just somehow pick 2 from the 12 for this recognition.

Including a coach who has gone 11-3 and won the Big10 in 2016, then 11-2 in 2017, and since Oct 2016 has had only 3 heartbreak losses by 3,1,3 points to USC, OSU and MSU. Coach who recruits lights out, develops players athletically and academically and energized alumni, fans, lettermen, and and works 24/7 to excel.

So just a coincidence that Franklin and Taggart got picked by the 26 to be the uppity overrated coaches? How many of the 26 will have a job when this “overrated “ becomes first African American coach to win Division 1 National Championship in next 5 years?