Did you actually READ this? ..... I took the time to expand on this example in hopes that you will read it....process it....and look for future attempts to guide your/our beliefs with False Information, Diversion, Tunnel Vision etc...........Best Wishes
Sports fan is correct neither this article not any other that I have searched provides any indication there is a 'direct or overt' payment I premium tied to the classification of a death as CV-19.
That said there is these three pieces of circumstancial evidence:
1) As stated previously, and documented in oodles of articles, Medicare patients absolutely trigger a 20% payment coverage premium boost for patients diagnosed with CV.
2) More than 8 of 10 of CV deaths are for patients older than 65, this presumably on Medicare.
3) Hospitals are absolutely able to, and do list the presumed cause of death as CV-19 without a positive CV test as a requirement (this includes deaths 'with' CV, seat he s 'from' CV and deaths presumed to be from CV).
The CDC's guidance adds: “Ideally, testing for COVID-19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty.”
It is very clear that patients with comorbities are at most risk, and if you have diabetes, heart disease and 'presumed' but unconfirmed CV due to say pneumonia, and then die of a heart attack while in a ventilator you will be classified as a CV death.
In this situation the hospital can reclassify the entirety of the treatment billings to medicare as CV, and indeed the hospital will receive more money (indirectly) due to that classification of CV on the death certificate without ever having received a positive test, not to mention the 'direct cause' of death being a heart attack to a high risk patient.
Most deaths have co morbidities, and most deaths are on Medicare, so yes hospitals receive more money putting CV on the death certificate, especially after the fact. I have a family member in Sr. Management that works for one of the mammoth health care providers, and she has told us that they are absolutely classifying as many patients as possible as CV due to government guidance and they are also financially incented to do so.