David Taylor to Oklahoma State & related news

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DT was asked who he thinks is going to win, not who he is rooting for. He said he thinks they're the two best in the world (high praise for AB considering he's never competed at that level internationally), he doesn't know, but is excited to see. You read this board and you'd think he was asked if he supported AB and said no or avoided the question.

Situation is pretty simple. DT isn't on the team anymore so PSU fans aren't ever going to take his side against current PSU guys, even if it's those guys who are taking pot shots at him in public. Saw the same thing with Iowa with Ramos and Gilman. In black and gold, they were defended endlessly. They leave and that ends. The only difference is that it's the guys who are staying that are talking trash on the old guy. If the roles were flipped and AB left, half this board would be saying they always found him arrogant, annoying, and self-righteous.

My personal theory is that it's jealousy. AB and Starocci are amazing and had amazing college careers. They never came close to being the icon that DT was, despite more paper accomplishments, and DT was the face of the program up until the moment he left. And they never will be as popular either because they just aren't as fun to watch as he is. They win and win, but they don't do things that make your head spin or your jaw drop.
DT was asked who he thinks is going to win, not who he is rooting for. He said he thinks they're the two best in the world (high praise for AB considering he's never competed at that level internationally), he doesn't know, but is excited to see. You read this board and you'd think he was asked if he supported AB and said no or avoided the question.

Situation is pretty simple. DT isn't on the team anymore so PSU fans aren't ever going to take his side against current PSU guys, even if it's those guys who are taking pot shots at him in public. Saw the same thing with Iowa with Ramos and Gilman. In black and gold, they were defended endlessly. They leave and that ends. The only difference is that it's the guys who are staying that are talking trash on the old guy. If the roles were flipped and AB left, half this board would be saying they always found him arrogant, annoying, and self-righteous.

My personal theory is that it's jealousy. AB and Starocci are amazing and had amazing college careers. They never came close to being the icon that DT was, despite more paper accomplishments, and DT was the face of the program up until the moment he left. And they never will be as popular either because they just aren't as fun to watch as he is. They win and win, but they don't do things that make your head spin or your jaw drop.
I don't know. One guy won a title with a broken hand and won another title with a torn knee. The other wrestler is so sound that he makes difficult look easy. You must be from the Mike Evans school of thought.
Let's just say this, his statement announcing himself out wished PD3 well by saying "Downey - shoot your shot, moments like this don't get gifted to you very often" was a very DT statement to make (even ignoring how you feel about PD3)
Something Cael and many of our other greats would never say. Just sayin.
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I still like and respect DT And will back him he's done nothing to me, same with Brooks. Carter has done nothing to me either but we all know he's not that innocent, not saying he's done anything wrong but the chance of him walking to far off the trail seem far greater than either DT or Brooks.
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DT was asked who he thinks is going to win, not who he is rooting for. He said he thinks they're the two best in the world (high praise for AB considering he's never competed at that level internationally), he doesn't know, but is excited to see. You read this board and you'd think he was asked if he supported AB and said no or avoided the question.

Situation is pretty simple. DT isn't on the team anymore so PSU fans aren't ever going to take his side against current PSU guys, even if it's those guys who are taking pot shots at him in public. Saw the same thing with Iowa with Ramos and Gilman. In black and gold, they were defended endlessly. They leave and that ends. The only difference is that it's the guys who are staying that are talking trash on the old guy. If the roles were flipped and AB left, half this board would be saying they always found him arrogant, annoying, and self-righteous.

My personal theory is that it's jealousy. AB and Starocci are amazing and had amazing college careers. They never came close to being the icon that DT was, despite more paper accomplishments, and DT was the face of the program up until the moment he left. And they never will be as popular either because they just aren't as fun to watch as he is. They win and win, but they don't do things that make your head spin or your jaw drop.
That's one explanation. Another is that DT just wasn't prepared for the question and didn't have time to think through how to respond.

I remember a lot of situations where I didn't think quickly enough on my feet and could have given a better response if I had time to consider exactly what words to use.
DT was asked who he thinks is going to win, not who he is rooting for. He said he thinks they're the two best in the world (high praise for AB considering he's never competed at that level internationally), he doesn't know, but is excited to see. You read this board and you'd think he was asked if he supported AB and said no or avoided the question.

Situation is pretty simple. DT isn't on the team anymore so PSU fans aren't ever going to take his side against current PSU guys, even if it's those guys who are taking pot shots at him in public. Saw the same thing with Iowa with Ramos and Gilman. In black and gold, they were defended endlessly. They leave and that ends. The only difference is that it's the guys who are staying that are talking trash on the old guy. If the roles were flipped and AB left, half this board would be saying they always found him arrogant, annoying, and self-righteous.

My personal theory is that it's jealousy. AB and Starocci are amazing and had amazing college careers. They never came close to being the icon that DT was, despite more paper accomplishments, and DT was the face of the program up until the moment he left. And they never will be as popular either because they just aren't as fun to watch as he is. They win and win, but they don't do things that make your head spin or your jaw drop.
Taylor was good for sure but AB is a better wrestler on and off paper and I'm not saying this because Taylor left two different styles of wrestling but after this past win over Taylor I'm saying AB for his age is about as dominant as it comes. He is one solid wrestler
Taylor was good for sure but AB is a better wrestler on and off paper and I'm not saying this because Taylor left two different styles of wrestling but after this past win over Taylor I'm saying AB for his age is about as dominant as it comes. He is one solid wrestler
HOWEVER, I've noticed that experience is a better predictor of success on the international scene than anything else. I hope I am wrong.
Carter, AB, some other guys might have a beef w DT. That doesnt mean it has to be my beef. DT followed Cael here and built a program. He will always have my respect and appreciation for that. I’ll root for Carter, AB just like I did DT and defend them too (carter’s posts, AB’s preaching). We dont have to all pick sides in their beef.
My personal theory is that it's jealousy. AB and Starocci are amazing and had amazing college careers. They never came close to being the icon that DT was, despite more paper accomplishments, and DT was the face of the program up until the moment he left. And they never will be as popular either because they just aren't as fun to watch as he is. They win and win, but they don't do things that make your head spin or your jaw drop.
Aaron Brooks .... a kid who basically hasn't tweeted in 2 years, all his Instagram posts are bible verses and never promotes himself and only spreads the word of God (knowing full well that people are growing tired of it) is jealous because he isn't an icon.

Carter, AB, some other guys might have a beef w DT. That doesnt mean it has to be my beef. DT followed Cael here and built a program. He will always have my respect and appreciation for that. I’ll root for Carter, AB just like I did DT and defend them too (carter’s posts, AB’s preaching). We dont have to all pick sides in their beef.
Jim Carrey GIF by Team Coco
While you’re there: eat a donut from Mighty Fine for breakfast, have a Smiths hotdog for lunch, snack on a pepperoni ball and polish off your Ox Roast dinner with a bag of sponge candy from Stefanelli’s.
He's upset his lots are being re-named
I don't know. One guy won a title with a broken hand and won another title with a torn knee. The other wrestler is so sound that he makes difficult look easy. You must be from the Mike Evans school of thought.
You’re confusing quality with popularity. Neither AB nor Starocci are nearly as popular as DT and that’s a fact.
Aaron Brooks .... a kid who basically hasn't tweeted in 2 years, all his Instagram posts are bible verses and never promotes himself and only spreads the word of God (knowing full well that people are growing tired of it) is jealous because he isn't an icon.

None of that precludes being jealous.
DT was asked who he thinks is going to win, not who he is rooting for. He said he thinks they're the two best in the world (high praise for AB considering he's never competed at that level internationally), he doesn't know, but is excited to see. You read this board and you'd think he was asked if he supported AB and said no or avoided the question.

Situation is pretty simple. DT isn't on the team anymore so PSU fans aren't ever going to take his side against current PSU guys, even if it's those guys who are taking pot shots at him in public. Saw the same thing with Iowa with Ramos and Gilman. In black and gold, they were defended endlessly. They leave and that ends. The only difference is that it's the guys who are staying that are talking trash on the old guy. If the roles were flipped and AB left, half this board would be saying they always found him arrogant, annoying, and self-righteous.

My personal theory is that it's jealousy. AB and Starocci are amazing and had amazing college careers. They never came close to being the icon that DT was, despite more paper accomplishments, and DT was the face of the program up until the moment he left. And they never will be as popular either because they just aren't as fun to watch as he is. They win and win, but they don't do things that make your head spin or your jaw drop.
A pair of 4 Timers (in the same year) never came close to being the icon DT was? Not fun to watch? Where do you come up with this crap?

You guys are insufferable.
None of that precludes being jealous.
It does when the reason you stated he is jealous is because "he isn't the icon DT is" when he has shown 0 interest in ever being an icon.

As for Starocci, I addresed in this thread why he would have beef with DT.

And finally, Cael is the face of PSU wrestling, not a singular wrestler. DT himself will tell you that.
Saw the same thing with Iowa with Ramos and Gilman. In black and gold, they were defended endlessly. They leave and that ends. The only difference is that it's the guys who are staying that are talking trash on the old guy.
Umm ... there's one other significant difference. Taylor has said nothing negative about PSU or his former associates. Unlike, say, Ramos going Full Scorched Earth on his way out.
You’re confusing quality with popularity. Neither AB nor Starocci are nearly as popular as DT and that’s a fact.
Not yet. As one metric: Carter already has over half of DT’s instagram followers, (AB about 10%). But neither have won an olympic gold, become a UFC star, defeated the darling of the worlds largest wrestling fanbase 6 times, or moved to and engaged a second large fanbase yet. Give it time, and I think this will prove to be a fallacy.
Some of this discussion reminds me of how the media reacts to what happens when the US Supreme Court reviews a case. The pundits analyze and re-analyze every word of every question or comment that any of the justices says during the hearings. All kinds of inferences are read into what they say, and a lot of time the inferences are incorrect.
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One thing I took notice to was lack of public thank you’s. I understand that any compliment from another staff is free advertisement for psu and staff has matching orders but Kennedy should have thanked the team for giving him a home after the vax issue at northwestern, literally being given a dream role at PSU. Gilman for having his career rejuvenated and a new outlook on life. Slightly disappointed
One thing I took notice to was lack of public thank you’s. I understand that any compliment from another staff is free advertisement for psu and staff has matching orders but Kennedy should have thanked the team for giving him a home after the vax issue at northwestern, literally being given a dream role at PSU. Gilman for having his career rejuvenated and a new outlook on life. Slightly disappointed
I have said it other posts, and will again. Just because there wasn't a public gushing of "thank yous" and "best of lucks" doesn't mean the thoughts were not expressed privately in person.
The Penn State program does not allow anyone to have a peak inside at anything, I have no idea why anybody would think this is different.
I have said it other posts, and will again. Just because there wasn't a public gushing of "thank yous" and "best of lucks" doesn't mean the thoughts were not expressed privately in person.
The Penn State program does not allow anyone to have a peak inside at anything, I have no idea why anybody would think this is different.
Gilman was pretty vocal and “publicly gushed” up until he hopped that flight
Umm ... there's one other significant difference. Taylor has said nothing negative about PSU or his former associates. Unlike, say, Ramos going Full Scorched Earth on his way out.
I was talking about fan attitudes. That's the part of my post many seemed to miss. PSU fans will always take the side of the current PSU guys just like Iowa fans always took the side of the program over the guys who left.
It does when the reason you stated he is jealous is because "he isn't the icon DT is" when he has shown 0 interest in ever being an icon.

As for Starocci, I addresed in this thread why he would have beef with DT.

And finally, Cael is the face of PSU wrestling, not a singular wrestler. DT himself will tell you that.
Cael is for sure as the coach, but DT is the face of PSU athletes. You say PSU wrestling to an average fan, they will think of two people immediately: Cael and DT.

I concede AB might not be jealous. I was 90% thinking of Starocci since he's the one who's been taking most of the shots. You can speculate why he might have beef with DT, but that doesn't mean it's anymore true than mine. Starocci is constantly seeking attention. He had a better career than DT, but is not nearly as popular. I definitely think that's at least a part of the attitude towards DT. DT was basically his own program within the PSU program. He brought in Kennedy. He brought in Dake. It's pretty clear that the they viewed those guys as DT's guys (AB straight out accused Kennedy of scouting him in practice).

This is what happens when you build such a strong program where there are a bunch of guys competing for the same spots, accolades, and attention.
A pair of 4 Timers (in the same year) never came close to being the icon DT was? Not fun to watch? Where do you come up with this crap?

You guys are insufferable.
Facts don't care about your feelings. Neither are as popular as DT was/is. That's not a slight. It's just a fact. He's one of the most popular American wrestlers of all time. He's also more popular than every other 4xer minus Cael.
I think it’s funny that 40-80 year olds on this forum want to argue who the face of PSU wrestling has been.

Let’s ask the high school recruits. I’d like to know if they’ll say a guy that graduated when they were seven.
For all the outrage, nobody is making the argument that AB and Starocci are more popular than DT....

Probably because we all know it's not true.
I think it’s funny that 40-80 year olds on this forum want to argue who the face of PSU wrestling has been.

Let’s ask the high school recruits. I’d like to know if they’ll say a guy that graduated when they were seven.
I'm far younger than 40 ;)
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