Makes sense. I would think it would be a positive for most, and OSU will definitely play it up to create excitement in the program. Also, DT would be training in Stillwater, not Kazakhstan, so it's not like he's going to disappear for weeks on end. It's an exciting thing to be around and some of those guys probably would love to be part of his preparation.Anecdotal, but from the conversations that I had with a few parents of recruits, DT wrestling was either viewed as a positive, or at worst, it made no difference to their feelings on the program. None felt that it was a deterrent in any way.
Would he have to sacrifice a little time either coaching or training because he can't do both 100%? Yes. However, when he won worlds last year there was a lot of talk about how Yazdani was training so hard and spending every second preparing while DT was spending a lot of his time working on his farm and doing all these other things instead of training 24/7. Maybe DT doesn't want or even need to focus on training 100%, and the coaching, recruiting, and all the other stuff is a good distraction for him.