Final X Matchups

You are annoyed with most things on HR. Why do you keep reading it?o_O
I don't comment. Btw, your gutless buddy over there once again accuses Penn Staters of cheating, even World Champions. Of course he doesn't have the balls to say it, he just insinuates it damn near daily on an mma post of all things. God help y'all if you don't win it this coming year. Your board needs mods to clean up the sh$t. Hell I wish we could all ascend to the greatness and morality of Iowa. If y'all couldn't rip PSU, ISU, OSU, and U of M, you'd have nothing to talk about.
I don't comment. Btw, your gutless buddy over there once again accuses Penn Staters of cheating, even World Champions. Of course he doesn't have the balls to say it, he just insinuates it damn near daily on an mma post of all things. God help y'all if you don't win it this coming year. Your board needs mods to clean up the sh$t. Hell I wish we could all ascend to the greatness and morality of Iowa. If y'all couldn't rip PSU, ISU, OSU, and U of M, you'd have nothing to talk about.
You need to get yourself a filter. The majority of your posts are complaints about what a few people on HR say. Ignore them!
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"Hell I wish we could all ascend to the greatness and morality of Iowa"

Painting with a broad brush.. I think Roar could teach you a thing or two about morality and how to be a great person.
"Hell I wish we could all ascend to the greatness and morality of Iowa"

Painting with a broad brush.. I think Roar could teach you a thing or two about morality and how to be a great person.

Did you lose a bet? Because it seems like spitting in the wind with these recent posts, is different than your normal fire fighting style.

Did you lose a bet? Because it seems like spitting in the wind with these recent posts, is different than your normal fire fighting style.

I've got a fever, and the only cure is more hashtags! (Thank you Will Ferrell)
Did you lose a bet? Because it seems like spitting in the wind with these recent posts, is different than your normal fire fighting style.

Hashtags are for kids. Just calling a spade a spade
If I wanted to know what time of the year it is, all I would need to do is check out the trajectory of the posts on wrestling message boards! It's pretty obvious when the schedule is thin for good competitions. :p
"Hell I wish we could all ascend to the greatness and morality of Iowa"

Painting with a broad brush.. I think Roar could teach you a thing or two about morality and how to be a great person.
Roar sets the bar awfully high. I am more comfortable just laughing out loud and making fun of the silliness that is HR.
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