Flo Updated Rankings of Juniors

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
has been posted. It requires a FloPro account. If you have one, you can access it at THIS LINK.

some highlights:
- 5 of the top 10 have verballed
- PSU has verbals from #4 (Travis Wittlake), #5 (Roman Bravo-Young), and #28 (Joe Lee)
- PA has 4 in the 10. No other state has multiple guys in the top 10
- Northwestern has verbals from #6 (Michael Beard) and #10 (Ryan Karoly), both of whom attend Malvern Prep, in PA
- other guys that have been mentioned in association with PSU, either as part of fans' wish lists or legitimate connections made between them and PSU include #1 (Gable Steveson), #3 (David Carr), #7 (Shane Griffith), #8 (Sammy Sasso), #14 (Seth Nevills), and #16 (Jacori Teemer)
- PA has 8 in the top 50, NJ has 5, NY has 2, and OH has 5

that's seriously pushing how much info I can disclose