Here, do yourselves all a favor...

Huge thumbs up!!!
Not only is Jimmy one of the best organist ever, Kenny Burrell is a fantastic guitarist and Art Blakey is one of the best drummers ever. The rest of the band is top notch.
I have to tell you Victor, I'm not a big Jazz fan, but that was good. I think from time to time we all need to venture outside the music we are most comfortable with and sample something new. Thanks for the prompt.
Just a little inside baseball here by the way, you maybe noticed there's no bass player credited on this recording so keep in mind Brother Jimmy is playin' that cool bass line with his FEET on the B3.

Carry on.
Just a little inside baseball here by the way, you maybe noticed there's no bass player credited on this recording so keep in mind Brother Jimmy is playin' that cool bass line with his FEET on the B3.

Carry on.
Amazing what those guys could do with foot pedals for bass. I'm not sure how Jimmy played, but I know a lot of guys today use a combo of foot pedals and the low keys in the keyboard. Some guys use exclusively keys. Still pretty amazing though.

And correct on Porgy and Bess. Grant Green just rearranged it and altered the melody.