Nolf is going to have a field day in the 3rd period against Kemmerer.
It is entirely Nolf's prerogative if the match gets to the third. Bigger, meaner and more funky than last year.....hard to imagine.
Nolf is going to have a field day in the 3rd period against Kemmerer.
Majority? Nah. There is always a few bad eggs, just like here but i would say the most of the posters have their heads screwed on straight. There is probably posters here that still think Guilbon will win a title. Just passionate fans that have trouble seeing reality.
And yeah we get that Zain and Nolf are monsters. But dont hate on the Iowa fanbase for supporting Sorensen and Kemerer.
Sort of like here huh?AZchief32 is a fantastic poster. My favorite HR poster. Fair and hysterical. WildTurk & Minnhawkeye are fair & very knowledgeable. They have a few other great posters. Pardon me if I can't remember names.
But the majority of HR posters are drooling mouth breathers.
Ah , I have to raise my hand and say I am one of those posters who believe jimmy will AA this year. If not for that standford and Rutgers kid may land on top. What you describe as being detached from reality I just refer to as being optimisticNO... no one thinks that WildMan. Not remotely. (Concerning Jimmie Gulibon) I have not seen one post remotely asserting that statement.
And Penn State fans don't hate on Iowa fans for supporting their guys... it's the mere twisted hyperbole that Sorensen can hang with Zain Retherford after getting annihilated in the NCAA finals or that KemDogged is remotely hanging with Jason Nolf as he's not even in Jason Nolf's league. Well... technically he is in Jason Nolf's league, but it gets overwhelmingly idiotic to hear, even 2nd hand drivel presented in simpleton thought that KemDawger has a chance again a "monster" like Jason Nolf. He's got NO chance.
But it does create for a good laugh that someone remotely connected to reality could make such statements. If fandom thought was only real and if only Brandon Sorensen was a reincarnation of Zain Retherford and if only Michael Kemmerer were a twin bother of Jason Nolf. If..only.![]()
Sort of like here huh?