Is there an American team less loved than the womens soccer team?

You're definitely right that there is extreme bias in America and the rights of citizens are under attack.

When you have a sitting president indicting a former president and his top political challenger 3 times now each exactly 1 day after evidence of crimes by the current president and his family were exposed, then you see the pattern and recognize it as pure political persecution. It's as if we woke up in a 3rd world communist dictatorship because that's where those tactics are employed.

And if they can politically persecute a former president in the open then my friends, it can be done to you and your family at any time for any reason. So yes, our very freedom is under attack. Probably best to stand up to it now because when they come to your door it is too late. We get one chance on this and your children and their children's future hinges on it.
Just curious --- did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump did break the law and did commit the crimes he is being charged with? It is so easy to simply give him a pass on all his illegal actions and just reply "political witch hunt". Wasn't it Trump himself who commented that he could shoot and kill someone in broad daylight in midtown Manhattan and his core supporters would still support him? Most of the more recent posts on this thread have been discussing soccer, not politics, which is a good thing. I just couldn't let some of the most offensive comments pass without a response. FWIW, and this may surprise you, I have no time for EITHER political extreme --- far right OR far left. I get very tired, however, that anyone who opposes Trump or today's Republican Party (I voted Republican for most of my adult life but can't stand today's Republican Party) is often referred to by those entities as a progressive or socialist who hates their country. The majority of Americans are moderate Republicans, Independents, conservative Democrats or moderate Democrats. Unfortunately, no one in today's political landscape speaks to, or for, us. Thus the huge divide in our country.
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Just curious --- did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump did break the law and did commit the crimes he is being charged with? It is so easy to simply give him a pass on all his illegal actions and just reply "political witch hunt". Wasn't it Trump himself who commented that he could shoot and kill someone in broad daylight in midtown Manhattan and his core supporters would still support him? Most of the most recent posts on this thread have been discussing soccer, not politics, which is a good thing. I just couldn't let some of the most offensive comments pass without a response. FWIW, and this may surprise you, I have no time for EITHER political extreme --- far right OR far left. I get very tired, however, that anyone who opposes Trump or today's Republican Party (I voted Republican for most of my adult life but can't stand today's Republican Party) is often referred to by those entities as a progressive or socialist who hates their country. The majority of Americans are moderate Republicans, Independents, conservative Democrats or moderate Democrats. Unfortunately, no one in today's political landscape speaks to, or for, us. Thus the huge divide in our country.
There are a minimum 200 EVIL 🤡s that should be in jail before Trump is even charged for anything. They have broken all sorts of critical laws for ten years and not one has been charged for a single crime.

I would be quite happy to see 1,000 people in DC…..including most of Congress…..both parties…..charged for a whole panoply of criminal acts.
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🛎🛎 ding ding


Just curious --- did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump did break the law and did commit the crimes he is being charged with? It is so easy to simply give him a pass on all his illegal actions and just reply "political witch hunt". Wasn't it Trump himself who commented that he could shoot and kill someone in broad daylight in midtown Manhattan and his core supporters would still support him? Most of the more recent posts on this thread have been discussing soccer, not politics, which is a good thing. I just couldn't let some of the most offensive comments pass without a response. FWIW, and this may surprise you, I have no time for EITHER political extreme --- far right OR far left. I get very tired, however, that anyone who opposes Trump or today's Republican Party (I voted Republican for most of my adult life but can't stand today's Republican Party) is often referred to by those entities as a progressive or socialist who hates their country. The majority of Americans are moderate Republicans, Independents, conservative Democrats or moderate Democrats. Unfortunately, no one in today's political landscape speaks to, or for, us. Thus the huge divide in our country.

Preach it comrades.
Just curious --- did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump did break the law and did commit the crimes he is being charged with? It is so easy to simply give him a pass on all his illegal actions and just reply "political witch hunt". Wasn't it Trump himself who commented that he could shoot and kill someone in broad daylight in midtown Manhattan and his core supporters would still support him? Most of the more recent posts on this thread have been discussing soccer, not politics, which is a good thing. I just couldn't let some of the most offensive comments pass without a response. FWIW, and this may surprise you, I have no time for EITHER political extreme --- far right OR far left. I get very tired, however, that anyone who opposes Trump or today's Republican Party (I voted Republican for most of my adult life but can't stand today's Republican Party) is often referred to by those entities as a progressive or socialist who hates their country. The majority of Americans are moderate Republicans, Independents, conservative Democrats or moderate Democrats. Unfortunately, no one in today's political landscape speaks to, or for, us. Thus the huge divide in our country.
Make paragraphs if you want someone to read this drivel.
They were beaten by Sweden and knocked out of the World Cup. Hard to feel sorry for women who play for a country that they hate. They do like American $. The team should pay a huge honorarium to Rapinoe to shut up.
Most are nice people, but the most vocal have been unlikable. People like nice people.
couldn't be part of national anthum. the hell with them!!
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What they hate isn't their country, but rather the injustices and inequalities that still exist for many in our society. For some, simply rewriting history to whitewash things that were wrong or need improvement is the chosen path. For others, openly addressing and trying to remedy these issues is the chosen path. I'm no fan of Megan Rapinoe, but I was up at 5:00 AM this morning to watch our team play. You certainly got the reaction you sought from this board, but I bet most who replied with venom wish it were the 60's again when racial, religious, and sexual minorities "knew their place". I'd lay even odds that you still think the 2020 election was stolen (it wasn't, but isn't it ironic who DID try to steal it)
The 60’s…ah yes, when racist Dems fought against passage of the civil rights bill. (Psst...Take a look at the congressional record for that vote). You do know the party that was formed to fight against slavery, right? (Psst…That was the Republican Party). You do know the political party that enacted Jim Crow laws in the first place, right? (Psst…That was the Democrat Party)

Crap…I shouldn’t have given you all of the answers.
The 60’s…ah yes, when racist Dems fought against passage of the civil rights bill. (Psst...Take a look at the congressional record for that vote). You do know the party that was formed to fight against slavery, right? (Psst…That was the Republican Party). You do know the political party that enacted Jim Crow laws in the first place, right? (Psst…That was the Democrat Party)

Crap…I shouldn’t have given you all of the answers.
If anyone is forced to pay reparations it is the evil 🤡 party that did far, far more damage to black civil rights than any one or any thing in the country’s history.
Just curious --- did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump did break the law and did commit the crimes he is being charged with? It is so easy to simply give him a pass on all his illegal actions and just reply "political witch hunt". Wasn't it Trump himself who commented that he could shoot and kill someone in broad daylight in midtown Manhattan and his core supporters would still support him? Most of the more recent posts on this thread have been discussing soccer, not politics, which is a good thing. I just couldn't let some of the most offensive comments pass without a response. FWIW, and this may surprise you, I have no time for EITHER political extreme --- far right OR far left. I get very tired, however, that anyone who opposes Trump or today's Republican Party (I voted Republican for most of my adult life but can't stand today's Republican Party) is often referred to by those entities as a progressive or socialist who hates their country. The majority of Americans are moderate Republicans, Independents, conservative Democrats or moderate Democrats. Unfortunately, no one in today's political landscape speaks to, or for, us. Thus the huge divide in our country.
Is that a portion of your manifesto?

Did it ever occur to you that Biden broke the law? How many millions did he receive from foreign governments?
The 60’s…ah yes, when racist Dems fought against passage of the civil rights bill. (Psst...Take a look at the congressional record for that vote). You do know the party that was formed to fight against slavery, right? (Psst…That was the Republican Party). You do know the political party that enacted Jim Crow laws in the first place, right? (Psst…That was the Democrat Party)

Crap…I shouldn’t have given you all of the answers.

Yawn, those were features.
Your Christianity is A LOT different than my Christianity. So people who care about correcting inequities and caring about others in our society who are less fortunate and have little or no voice are "lost"? Jesus might have some interesting thoughts on that subject. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and the billions of additional people who believe in a large variety of worldwide religions.
Mary has already stated on the Test Board that she believes innocent Muslims and Jews will rot in hell because they don’t follow her version of religion.

All kidding aside, I think she’s not all there if you know what I mean.
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Is not singing the anthem evidence of standing up for an injustice?

Can you tell me any sacrifices rapinoe is willing to make to make things right?

That is courage to the Left. Standing up and telling the elites exactly what they want to hear and getting rewarded for it. I mean Rapinoe got a World Cup berth she didn’t deserve all because she has mean things to say about a country that has given her opportunities to be wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of the great majority of the population.
Mary has already stated on the Test Board that she believes innocent Muslims and Jews will rot in hell because they don’t follow her version of religion.

All kidding aside, I think she’s not all there if you know what I mean.
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It's called free speech. You don't have to listen. Geez. If you lived in another country where freedom of expression could get you the Navanly treatment you would think differently.
You do know free speech only applies to government censorship mot sure it applies in this case.
You do know free speech only applies to government censorship mot sure it applies in this case.
That's the point. It's truly free speech, unencumbered by government sanction or control and speech of the sort that should be of no concern to rational thinking people. Unfortunately the OP seems inclined to make it an issue. My suggestion is to ignore it and enjoy life.
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Watch the movie Till. A great movie and a true story but absolutely disgusting and vile that it happened. Mississippi was controlled by Democrats at the time, all pure evil. They were controlled by Democrats for 118 years until a Republican governor won in 1991. You watch that movie and you never want set foot in that state.
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I don't watch a lot of soccer in general but the women are not in the same stratosphere talent wise vs the men. Don't expect them to rival the men but wow totally different. I thought by far the most athetic player on the field for both teams was Trinity Rodman. She seemed to be able to create and get an opportunity at will but needs to work on finishing. She abused her Sweedish defender who was overmatched.

Alex Morgan was weak and blew the few chances she had and Horan, who was so hyped did nothing. Finally, Rapinoe comes on to replace Rodman for crunch time for who knows what dumb reason and can't even lift the ball more than 8 feet in the air yet she is this "gifted" passer.

The world has caught up to U.S. women's soccer. Need to find more athleticism and more players who can create in the 18 yard area and actually score.
That's the point. It's truly free speech, unencumbered by government sanction or control and speech of the sort that should be of no concern to rational thinking people. Unfortunately the OP seems inclined to make it an issue. My suggestion is to ignore it and enjoy life.
Why can’t you ignore hers then?
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Quick history lesson on the Democratic and Republican parties seems to be in order.

So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power.

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Alexi Lalas was pretty brutal. "A failure of epic proportions". He said that the USA has never finished worse than third and we went out in the round of 16. "They failed to adapt" and counted on older players who were far past their prime. ...
Should have let the younger and perhaps hungrier players have a chance. Rapinoe and Morgan seemed to treat it like a farewell tour rather than a tournament. The previous women's world cup was a turkey shoot for them, and they seem to have expected the same this time, but the other teams have gotten better, and seem to care more.

I hope for the next big event (Olympics?) they completely rebuild the team and get rid of the celebrity vets.
That is courage to the Left. Standing up and telling the elites exactly what they want to hear and getting rewarded for it. I mean Rapinoe got a World Cup berth she didn’t deserve ...

This! It's not that Rapinoe et al "hated" the US, it more that they really didn't care about representing their country.

They cared about representing women's soccer in a way, and about being called 'role models', but some of them don't have the deep pride of representing the US.

[Some USWNT players really do care deeply about representing America and American soccer, but it's hard to win world cup games against good teams if everyone is not all in].

This is in contrast to other teams that clearly say that representing their country is a huge honor for them, and clearly have all 11 players on the pitch playing with passion.

So in 2019, the USWNT were clearly superior and they lived it up, showboating and puffing themselves up, but in 2023 when the other squads have made up ground, they went down with a whimper.
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You're definitely right that there is extreme bias in America and the rights of citizens are under attack.

When you have a sitting president indicting a former president and his top political challenger 3 times now each exactly 1 day after evidence of crimes by the current president and his family were exposed, then you see the pattern and recognize it as pure political persecution. It's as if we woke up in a 3rd world communist dictatorship because that's where those tactics are employed.

And if they can politically persecute a former president in the open then my friends, it can be done to you and your family at any time for any reason. So yes, our very freedom is under attack. Probably best to stand up to it now because when they come to your door it is too late. We get one chance on this and your children and their children's future hinges on it.
Trump brought this upon himself. The case is being brought by an independent prosecutor which is further removed than the attorney general from accusations of political bias. Republican Senate Minority leader McConnell and many other Republicans justified not voting for impeaching Trump based on their belief that Trump would be held criminally responsible for any wrongdoing.

If you think January 6th was ok and the president should not be held accountable for his actions that led up to that day, then you cannot be reasoned with. Hiwever, because we are not in a third world country, Trump will have his day in a court of law before a jury of his peers who will have to unanimously find that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in each case. If he is innocent, he should have no problem proving to at least one person on the jury that he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Nobody is at risk because Trump is being held accountable for his actions.
Trump brought this upon himself. The case is being brought by an independent prosecutor which is further removed than the attorney general from accusations of political bias. Republican Senate Minority leader McConnell and many other Republicans justified not voting for impeaching Trump based on their belief that Trump would be held criminally responsible for any wrongdoing.

If you think January 6th was ok and the president should not be held accountable for his actions that led up to that day, then you cannot be reasoned with. Hiwever, because we are not in a third world country, Trump will have his day in a court of law before a jury of his peers who will have to unanimously find that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in each case. If he is innocent, he should have no problem proving to at least one person on the jury that he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Nobody is at risk because Trump is being held accountable for his actions.
Wrong. The entire system is at risk because only one side is ‘held accountable .’ And if you cannot see this then you cannot be reasoned with.

And even worse, Trump has been illegally framed several times and no one has been ‘held accountable.’

There were multiple irregularities and possible illegal activities in the 2020 election….and no one has been ‘held accountable.’

The people are quickly losing faith and trust in the system. And no system can succeed or endure without that.
Trump brought this upon himself. The case is being brought by an independent prosecutor which is further removed than the attorney general from accusations of political bias. Republican Senate Minority leader McConnell and many other Republicans justified not voting for impeaching Trump based on their belief that Trump would be held criminally responsible for any wrongdoing.

If you think January 6th was ok and the president should not be held accountable for his actions that led up to that day, then you cannot be reasoned with. Hiwever, because we are not in a third world country, Trump will have his day in a court of law before a jury of his peers who will have to unanimously find that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in each case. If he is innocent, he should have no problem proving to at least one person on the jury that he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Nobody is at risk because Trump is being held accountable for his actions.
what did trump do that was illegal leading up to J6? i mean, lets take a look at what Kamala did during BLM riots. You can't hold trump liable for riots when he wanted to bring in the national guard and stated on several occasions for people to protest peacefully.

maybe his anger was completely justified after the democrats made up "Russia!" and went after his innocent kids again and again.
I don't watch a lot of soccer in general but the women are not in the same stratosphere talent wise vs the men. Don't expect them to rival the men but wow totally different. I thought by far the most athetic player on the field for both teams was Trinity Rodman. She seemed to be able to create and get an opportunity at will but needs to work on finishing. She abused her Sweedish defender who was overmatched.

Alex Morgan was weak and blew the few chances she had and Horan, who was so hyped did nothing. Finally, Rapinoe comes on to replace Rodman for crunch time for who knows what dumb reason and can't even lift the ball more than 8 feet in the air yet she is this "gifted" passer.

The world has caught up to U.S. women's soccer. Need to find more athleticism and more players who can create in the 18 yard area and actually score.
I'm not sure why people are getting caught up with the talent versus men. You can't compare the two, you either appreciate the women and their game or you don't, either is fine, but no need to compare them to the men's team.

Alex Morgan has been washed up for two years, she is uncreative, thus predictable. It's easy to defend predictable players. You're right about Rodman, great player and person. The problem is that more "Rodmans" were left behind for older players that everyone in the soccer world knew would not contribute.
I'm not sure why people are getting caught up with the talent versus men. You can't compare the two, you either appreciate the women and their game or you don't, either is fine, but no need to compare them to the men's team.

Alex Morgan has been washed up for two years, she is uncreative, thus predictable. It's easy to defend predictable players. You're right about Rodman, great player and person. The problem is that more "Rodmans" were left behind for older players that everyone in the soccer world knew would not contribute.
My point is that the soccer is not anywhere close to a high level versus all the huffing and puffing some of the team members do. I think high school boys teams could easily beat them but I guess what else can you expect. To your point it is what it is, women playing soccer.
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I'm not sure why people are getting caught up with the talent versus men. You can't compare the two, you either appreciate the women and their game or you don't, either is fine, but no need to compare them to the men's team.

Alex Morgan has been washed up for two years, she is uncreative, thus predictable. It's easy to defend predictable players. You're right about Rodman, great player and person. The problem is that more "Rodmans" were left behind for older players that everyone in the soccer world knew would not contribute.
Because they insisted….and all the media and our Dear Leaders went along with…… insisted on equal pay. And anyone that dare raise any objection, no matter how rational or logical or fact based, was branded as a sexist misogynist.
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Why can’t you ignore hers then?
Because she is posting drivel on a football board when the season is close at hand. Taking a broader view, she posts on a sports subject to make a political statement. I would prefer she refrain from taking up space here or take it to the Test Board where her stuff belongs.
My point is that the soccer is not anywhere close to a high level versus all the huffing and puffing some of the team members do. I think high school boys teams could easily beat them but I guess what else can you expect. To your point it is what it is, women playing soccer.
Understood. And sure, the worst team in the NBA could shutout the best team in the WNBA.....and so on. Or a good team in college.
Understood. And sure, the worst team in the NBA could shutout the best team in the WNBA.....and so on. Or a good team in college.
Yes, I get it that you can make the analogy of men vs women until the cows come home. I thought the level would be higher even for women. I used to coach boys soccer at a very low level like u10 and not club just community rec stuff. Anyway the biggest thing was trying to get them to spread out and pass. Watching the USWNT they understand the strategic concepts of soccer but have such limited athletic ability to execute. Kind of like old retired players who know what to do but their bodies won't cooperate. I know that is harsh but just my take. Surprising to me, again I know it is women and we should not expect them to be close to men, but certainly surprising we can't field a national team with more athletic ability.

Since we are one if the best teams in the world you could translate my take to many of the other countries. For example, it is not like Sweeden had a bunch of incredible athletes playing, far from it. Even that goalkeeper I think had a couple saves that were just simply "look what I found?".
Yes, I get it that you can make the analogy of men vs women until the cows come home. I thought the level would be higher even for women. I used to coach boys soccer at a very low level like u10 and not club just community rec stuff. Anyway the biggest thing was trying to get them to spread out and pass. Watching the USWNT they understand the strategic concepts of soccer but have such limited athletic ability to execute. Kind of like old retired players who know what to do but their bodies won't cooperate. I know that is harsh but just my take. Surprising to me, again I know it is women and we should not expect them to be close to men, but certainly surprising we can't field a national team with more athletic ability.

Since we are one if the best teams in the world you could translate my take to many of the other countries. For example, it is not like Sweeden had a bunch of incredible athletes playing, far from it. Even that goalkeeper I think had a couple saves that were just simply "look what I found?".
I once played a 3 on 3 game against two professional women basketball players. I was really shocked how poorly they played. Their fundamentals are great. They don't miss an outside shot. But they need to be WIDE open. They can't create or defend. The lack of athleticism was surprising. I'd compare it to playing with a 14 year old.
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Is that a portion of your manifesto?

Did it ever occur to you that Biden broke the law? How many millions did he receive from foreign governments?
And every time he puts forth an executive order that he knows he doesn't have the authority to make as law, including spending not authorized by Congress and environmental regulations that significantly impact the economy that are not part of laws passed by congress, he is breaking the law. Over stepping his authority. Yet the radicals in his administration keep throwing it out there, seeing if they can get something to stick. tying up the courts with his nonsense which further divides the country.

One thing that has become clear in the last 10-15 years is that if the Dems are drumming up charges against the Republicans it is only because what they are claiming the Repubicans to have done they have done themselves and are trying to cover up their own crimes.
what did trump do that was illegal leading up to J6? i mean, lets take a look at what Kamala did during BLM riots. You can't hold trump liable for riots when he wanted to bring in the national guard and stated on several occasions for people to protest peacefully.

maybe his anger was completely justified after the democrats made up "Russia!" and went after his innocent kids again and again.
Because there is little defense for so many of Donald Trump's actions, a common response / defense for Trump's supporters is to deflect by saying "don't look at Donald Trump's actions," look at some other person's wrongdoings instead. However, other people's wrongs do not justify Trump's wrongs and other people's wrongs are irrelevant as to whether Trump was right or not. Each person should be judged on their own set of facts. Two wrongs do not make a right.

If we keep on justifying bad behavior by our politicians by pointing to bad behavior by other politicians, I have no idea how you expect to clean up Washington. If you want to clean up Washington, you need to advocate holding bad Republicans and bad Democrats accountable.

As to "what did Trump do that was illegal", read the indictments. If it can be shown that he knew he was lying and that he knew he lost the election, then he knew his actions were illegal and he is guilty.

Addressing your "look over here" deflection, unlike Donald Trump's actions relating to the January 6 riots, Kamala Harris' actions were not the primpary cause of the BLM riots. The fact that Donald Trump's actions and rhetoric were the primary cause of the January 6 riots IMO puts his participation in the Capitol riots at an entirely different level than Kamala's participation in the BLM riots. That being said, if Kamala did something criminal in relation to the BLM (which I am unaware of), then I agree she should be held accountable, regardless of how bad Trump's actions may have been.
I once played a 3 on 3 game against two professional women basketball players. I was really shocked how poorly they played. Their fundamentals are great. They don't miss an outside shot. But they need to be WIDE open. They can't create or defend. The lack of athleticism was surprising. I'd compare it to playing with a 14 year old.
I'm with you man, it is across the board. My son runs cross country and distance track. He did it a little bit in middle school but then started again spring semester of his freshman year. Within like a month of training he was faster than the star runner on the girls team who is a top 3 runner nationally and not just a little faster but way faster. The disparity is very big. I don't mean to disrespect women. I love it that they compete and are passionate about their sport. I want them to have all the opportunities boys have. Just a an observation.
Because there is little defense for so many of Donald Trump's actions, a common response / defense for Trump's supporters is to deflect by saying "don't look at Donald Trump's actions," look at some other person's wrongdoings instead. However, other people's wrongs do not justify Trump's wrongs and other people's wrongs are irrelevant as to whether Trump was right or not. Each person should be judged on their own set of facts. Two wrongs do not make a right.

If we keep on justifying bad behavior by our politicians by pointing to bad behavior by other politicians, I have no idea how you expect to clean up Washington. If you want to clean up Washington, you need to advocate holding bad Republicans and bad Democrats accountable.

As to "what did Trump do that was illegal", read the indictments. If it can be shown that he knew he was lying and that he knew he lost the election, then he knew his actions were illegal and he is guilty.

Addressing your "look over here" deflection, unlike Donald Trump's actions relating to the January 6 riots, Kamala Harris' actions were not the primpary cause of the BLM riots. The fact that Donald Trump's actions and rhetoric were the primary cause of the January 6 riots IMO puts his participation in the Capitol riots at an entirely different level than Kamala's participation in the BLM riots. That being said, if Kamala did something criminal in relation to the BLM (which I am unaware of), then I agree she should be held accountable, regardless of how bad Trump's actions may have been.
Again the issue is not whataboutism. It is unequal prosecution of the law. Trump has been under attack for fake shit like Russiagate and more for years. Yet Hildebeast, Biden, and more do obvious crimes and aren’t even indicted.

No country can survive long this way.
Wrong. The entire system is at risk because only one side is ‘held accountable .’ And if you cannot see this then you cannot be reasoned with.

And even worse, Trump has been illegally framed several times and no one has been ‘held accountable.’

There were multiple irregularities and possible illegal activities in the 2020 election….and no one has been ‘held accountable.’

The people are quickly losing faith and trust in the system. And no system can succeed or endure without that.
Name one irregularity or illegal activity that has been proven would have overturned the election. There are none. As an example, after years of examining the Georgia election, there have been shown to be a total of 4 dead people who voted (and I am not even sure who they voted for). Certainly an illegal activity but not even close to overturning the election.

When 150 million people vote in an election, there is always going to be some illegal activities on both sides of the aisle (i.e. 4 people casting votes for dead people in Atlanta). However, the lie was that there was widespread fraud and illegal activity that would have overturned the election in Trump's favor. Fox has already paid $875 million for those lies and I believe Giuliani is still being sued for those lies.

There is not one court of law that you can point to in which any of these widespread irregularities were proven. In fact, the most common allegations have been debunked.