Jay Bilas on the NCAA regarding UNC (PSU related).....


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
Saw this article by Greg Barnes on TOS (sorry if link violates any board rules but have to give credit to who wrote it- not on ESPN site when I checked).

Bilas is talking about the NCAA and how they are treating UNC. Now, I forget Bilas' take on the NCAA vs PSU but his quote with regard to UNC could fit the PSU case as well-

"A rules-based organization is not allowed to violate its own rules to get the result it wants, and that’s exactly what’s happening........."

"The decision-making authority there, the Committee on Infractions – I don’t think the system is very well-run. I don’t think a sitting commissioner (Sankey) should be in charge of the Committee on Infractions. That’s a conflict of interest that you cannot waive and – no matter how good your judgment is – you cannot get past. But that aside, listen to the arguments. If they’re compelling, if you agree, don’t agree, whatever, but there’s nothing wrong with them making their argument. They should defend themselves. And they’re right.

"Their arguments, in my judgment, are correct, based upon the rules and the bylaws of the NCAA. They’re absolutely correct, but people don’t want to hear that. They want a pound of flesh. And it goes beyond what the rules are and goes to sort of a moralistic argument. And so, ‘who cares what the rules are? Hit them with a bag of hammers because I don’t like this.’ That’s not the way the system works. I think the NCAA should follow their own rules, because they make everybody else follow theirs. So they should follow their own, and right now they’re not doing that. That’s pretty clear."
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Bilas wanted the NCAA to drop a show-cause on Paterno, Spanier, Curley, and Schultz. I don't know what his stance was on PSU being supported in the rankings or boned on the field by the conference in the wake of all this. It's not Duke but this is his ACC ox being gored so his opinion here comes as no surprise.

I'm numb to guys like him anyway. Whatever. Shut everything down at PSU, UNC, MSU, Baylor, go ahead. It's a joke and I don't care what the hell they do. The razor blade and eclipse discussions are more entertaining anymore. He has no problem with "moralistic arguments" when it's PSU in the crosshairs and so what? Fine with me. Go Jay. You're the man.