Wow lots of hate. So you also hope Dennis loses at Rio great attitude u have.
Hope he gets teched
Wow lots of hate. So you also hope Dennis loses at Rio great attitude u have.
This is ridiculous. Gotta put your hatred of Iowa aside for a couple weeks this summer.Hope he gets teched
Yes, Chance, say you what you want about him, but he certainly had the credentials coming out of HSWho was the other one, Chance? Anyone could tell in their senior year that Nolf had passed Chance by.
Hope he gets teched
This is ridiculous. Gotta put your hatred of Iowa aside for a couple weeks this summer.
Kyle Dake may be a real a-hole, but if he had beaten Cox, he'd be Team USA a-hole -- with grace period expiring the moment he departs Rio.
would be absurd to pin anything on those two - comment in jest, c'mon. And I'm not digging on any of our guys. Simply stating a fact and not trying to start or win any arguments. In fact, young Mr Lee hasn't even graduated HS yet.. Really enjoyed watching Spencer and was looking forward to continuing that in the blue/white uni....Let's not put this on Nico or Jason.
As far as "the top 2 PA studs in the past few years" goes, I'll take my chances with this guy.
Exactly. Once the trials are over, whoever steps on the mat in Rio wearing a USA uniform is the person who I'll be rooting for. You can bet that the Russians and Iranians have the same thoughts about their guys.
I'm not sure if I'd root for Dake. Being American doesn't give him a pass for being a total jerk. Id pull for anyone else.... Ramos, Metcalf etc I hope Dennis pins every one of his opponents .... I remember being out at a bar in Manyunk watching on tv pulling like hell for Tom Brands to win gold. But I've seen enough of Dake to realize he's not someone i would want my son to emulate. So why root for him... just because he's American? Again, Not saying I definetly would not root for him. But it is certainly not a given ....
If you go this year, you'll get to see both Lee and Teasdale. Barring injury, both will finish as 4x state champs, and PIAA will hold a brief ceremony honoring each as they claim their 4th.One of the crazy parts of all of this is that we just got two huge studs and this DOESNT put us in the driver seat. Happy as heck about this, but we still have some catching up to do. Amazing the talent that comes out of PA. I need to make it out there for a HS state tournament. It has to be pretty special.
Exactly.Totally agree,Kyle Dake is the exception to the rule,don't care if KD is American
Delete your internet.I am terrible with dates
What's embarassing? A question about recruiting strategies and tactics? What would be wrong with him being funded?
I'm gonna say one more thing and go away. What I see is unprecedented. It's strange to me. So no, Young Guns coaches don't get money to help maintain a club in PA. Not ethical. Not right. But, it's like Duke University basketball players running a year long basketball camp/club downtown Indianapolis.
Despite losing Lee and Teasdale, I can guarantee you no one in the wrestling world is feeling sorry for Penn State tonight.
The roster is still loaded now and well into the future.
Ah now I am super bummed he is coming to Iowa. I thought he was really good but I guess the two time world champion is afraid of competition. Pack it up boys, apparently Lee wasn't ever any goodMy guess is that Lee won't win one match against Penn State. In fact I think he was scared he couldn't beat out suriano. U can't run in college. Truth is ... Cael didn't really care if he came here ... And Teasdale wasn't even a thought. High school great doesn't mean college anything. Spencer isn't the only man who made a mistake if following the p....y. Hate me if u want... But I am right ! Dumb decision spencer
This is exactly what I was thinking, not in a snarky way as an Iowa fan, more as a compliment to PSU. Iowa NEEDED these commitments to qualify for the race. Penn State is still the favorite, but Iowa can now at least pose a threat.
not m4e. i know it's sour grapes but i don't care.i hope neither one of them ever wins a collegiate match.ouch, that's a kick to the privates.
I'm more surprised by Teasdale's decision. Lee I hoped would opt for PSU, and it appears that it went back and forth, but unfortunately he picked the Hawkeyes.
congrats to Iowa. they came into PA and bested us for 2 guys that we legitimately would have liked on PSU's team.
they're both PA wrestlers, so I will root for them in their college careers, except when they wrestle a PSU wrestler.
Wow John Doe is back and ready for action!Lee is a good high school wrestler. But he never beat good college guys. Remember Marsteller beating college guys as a 8th grader. Lee... Not so much. Good for Iowa... Not so good for Lee. He is about to learn a big lesson... Welcome to the big leagues. And Teasdale .... Who cares ?
My guess is that Lee won't win one match against Penn State. In fact I think he was scared he couldn't beat out suriano. U can't run in college. Truth is ... Cael didn't really care if he came here ... And Teasdale wasn't even a thought. High school great doesn't mean college anything. Spencer isn't the only man who made a mistake if following the p....y. Hate me if u want... But I am right ! Dumb decision spencer
Not to mention, how dare he not beat top college guys when he weighed 113 pounds!Hehe...Oh man those grapes are sour. On the one hand, Spencer is scared and we didn't want him anyways. On the other hand Spencer, it was a dumb decision.
I wouldn't want Teasdale either...who wants a Sophomore that TF'd the field at states and is a two time cadet team member? I wouldn't think of it either if I were Cael.
Lee is a good high school wrestler. But he never beat good college guys. Remember Marsteller beating college guys as a 8th grader. Lee... Not so much. Good for Iowa... Not so good for Lee. He is about to learn a big lesson... Welcome to the big leagues. And Teasdale .... Who cares ?
Fix is a lock at OSU, Gfeller still being worked on but leaning our way. Jacobe Smith 165/174 coming to OSU (2 time NJCAA Champion at 174). High recruit that will AA right away if he can get in the lineup. Chance Marsteller heading to Lock HavenDon't be so sure about that.
Yes he did sit w the big red at msg but he is more open than people think.
I know your on the ledge, all I will say is "JUMP"!Lol...Awesome. Lmao. Yea have to admit a little sour but we will be alright..By the way i have talked to Spence numerous times and i am just kidding. I will root for him but never against his home state school..PSU.
Just love a little JohnDoe (big baby) in the early morning to make my day. Is this the time he takes his toys and run home and tells mommy that Spencer won't play with him?Lee is a good high school wrestler. But he never beat good college guys. Remember Marsteller beating college guys as a 8th grader. Lee... Not so much. Good for Iowa... Not so good for Lee. He is about to learn a big lesson... Welcome to the big leagues. And Teasdale .... Who cares ?
Are you guys going to get that mystery heavy you need for next year?Fix is a lock at OSU, Gfeller still being worked on but leaning our way. Jacobe Smith 165/174 coming to OSU (2 time NJCAA Champion at 174). High recruit that will AA right away if he can get in the lineup. Chance Marsteller heading to Lock Haven
Wow lots of hate. So you also hope Dennis loses at Rio great attitude u have.
I know your on the ledge, all I will say is "JUMP"!
Lee is a good high school wrestler. But he never beat good college guys. Remember Marsteller beating college guys as a 8th grader. Lee... Not so much. Good for Iowa... Not so good for Lee. He is about to learn a big lesson... Welcome to the big leagues. And Teasdale .... Who cares ?
Fix is a lock at OSU, Gfeller still being worked on but leaning our way. Jacobe Smith 165/174 coming to OSU (2 time NJCAA Champion at 174). High recruit that will AA right away if he can get in the lineup. Chance Marsteller heading to Lock Haven
My guess is that Lee won't win one match against Penn State. In fact I think he was scared he couldn't beat out suriano. U can't run in college. Truth is ... Cael didn't really care if he came here ... And Teasdale wasn't even a thought. High school great doesn't mean college anything. Spencer isn't the only man who made a mistake if following the p....y. Hate me if u want... But I am right ! Dumb decision spencer
Lee is a good high school wrestler. But he never beat good college guys. Remember Marsteller beating college guys as a 8th grader. Lee... Not so much. Good for Iowa... Not so good for Lee. He is about to learn a big lesson... Welcome to the big leagues. And Teasdale .... Who cares ?