Do you really think he’s going to come out and say it...he’s better than that. His actions speak for themselves. It’s like they say In recruiting watch what a recruit does and not listen to what he says. Two offensive staff members have been fired in two years, the OC while not lighting up has left for ODU for far less than his replacement coordinator. Use your brain, he’s not going to throw anyone under the bus, he didn’t throw officials under the bus after the Iowa and Pitt games when pressed, he didn’t throw ML under the bus today, and he will never come out and say a specific person player, or staff member wasn’t good enough. Follow his actions, if the offense was putting up OSU, OU, LSU, and Clemson numbers he’s not going to ODU for half the salary of a top P5 coordinator (especially when PSU is willing to pay top dollar KC).
I hope he does well there, I met him at Mohegan Sun while he was in town for a coaches clinic and he was great to our party, he was a PSU staff member, kept his nose clean, and by all accounts a great guy.