The reason Nebraska won the national title in 1994 is because Penn State's "Big Ten brethren" all voted for Nebraska.
And, no, I'll never forgive them for that.
That said, that Penn State offense was the greatest offense I've ever seen, bar none. They would have beaten any other team that decade, and only that superb '97 Wolverine defense and super-talented '91 Huskies team would worry me a bit. Despite having a quarterback who didn't run, and despite running a pretty vanilla scheme, they owned everyone, including a very tough Illinois defense that had Simeon Rice and two Butkus winning linebackers. The only weak spot was that the defense was relatively inferior to certain other PSU defenses. But they got the job done against Illinois and Michigan. They were fine.
Speaking of 1991 Huskies, they don't get nearly enough respect in the "greatest team ever" category. Steve Emtman is the best defensive lineman I've ever seen in college football. Their offense steam rolled everyone except USC (who had Willie McGinnest, Jason Sehorn, and several others).