So for the Hawks I would goBerge healthy means, no injury beyond normal competitive wear and tear no lost time and just development.
125 Nada
133 Top 3, as likely to win as Gross or Revera.
141 First
149 Nada
157 4th to 6th.
165 1st, Marinelli is always a threat
174 1st, of course as shown in the dual Kemerer is a legitimate threat to this title
184 tough to say. My blue and white wants to say 2nd and be done with it. Too many really solid dudes at 184 to say with certainty. 2nd is not out of the realm of possibilities, neither is a 6th, 7th or 8th place.
197 as of right now nothing. You did not offer a what if Shak was healthy scenario.
Hwt 1st most likely, 2nd maybe but I doubt it.
125 1st
133 1-4 Proven he can beat Gross and RBY, recent match ups 0-2 against them
141 6-8
149 1-8 This weight is all about how it’s seeded and it’s still hard to handicap. O’Connor, Sasso, Lugo, BLee, Lewallen, Mauller, Degen, and evening Clark from American could legitimately win this weight
157 5-8 Deakin Hidlay, and Carr are favorites over Young. Berge, Monday, Coleman and Delavecchia close to the same level.
165 1-2 It comes down to Marinelli and Joseph
174 1-2 Hall and Kemerer
184 7-R12
197 3-8 Warner is an enigma. 1-1 against Brucki, lost to Aiello, not as good as Moore but beats Brunner and loses to Schultz
285 4-6 Cassar, Steveson, and Parris are better
Assume Shak is healthy, just having trouble with the higher weight?