So ridiculous that the Ref and b1g are rewarding Desanto for the worst kind of "unsportsmanlike behavior" you can display (faking injury to avoid giving up points - worse yet to avoid being pinned. IOW, cheating.). The rulebook makes it beyond clear that AD behavior (twice, no less) is to be severely punished - instead the homer Ref and b1g clown officials have rewarded Desanto for something the rulebook says is to be punished in the most severe way possible. Utterly beyond ridiculous that Desanto is ranked higher than RBY by Conference - to put into perspective how ridiculous, Nolf was dropped to #3 after his Injury Default against Rutgers when the Ref allowed a clear Potentially Dangerous (dirty hold) by Rutgers wrestler go on for an eternity and way, way, way longer than he should have (i.e., the diametric opposite of way clown Ref called it in RBY-AD match in a legal hold that wasn't even remotely "Potentially Dangerous" or a situation that would cause an injury).