MN vs IA

I used to hate Cornhusker football (I was at Penn State during the let's give Tommy the pitty Championship trophy in 94-95.) But they've been irrelevant for so long my hatred has deescalated to ambivalence.
I feel like the split title with Michigan in 1997 was more out of pity since Osborne was retiring. It would have been great to see Nebraska/Penn St in 1994 and Nebraska/Michigan in 1997. However, no one will convince me there was a better team than 1995 Nebraska.
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I hate Nebby football. Im from the Sioux City area so the rivalry is thick and I spent my entire childhood hearing how great Nebraska football was. Well, i had a friend move to Lincoln for work and he got tickets for a bunch of us. It was my first and only game at Memorial Stadium and it was against BYU. Yep, the hail mary game. I felt no sympathy. God was repaying me for all my suffering.
Mike Riley’s first game. Too bad it wasn’t his last.
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I do! And it’s a double whammy for me cause I was a student at Nebraska starting in 1993 and graduated in 1998 (yes, I know that’s 5 years). Got used to winning National Titles in football and that’s long gone. Now you guys can hate me even more. Iowa wrestling and Nebraska football fan. Oh, the humanity!
we might know each other
My take. I was at the arena tonight cool moment I walked right by Tod and Hope Stickley and Eli's girlfriend Brie

184- IDK what too expect going forward. Just bad.
197. Warner with more confidence in his offense he could of won bigger but ok performance.
HWT. Cass outhorsed and out talented. I agree Steveson has no fire
125. Skip
133. DeSanto knee seems fine and he he did his thing but I favor Bravo- Young in a rematch based on RBY's talent
141. When Murin gets too his offense, Key word when, he his very effective at finishing the TD. But despite his gutsy wins over McKee and Moran im still worried cuz Red has his # and Max has never AA before
149. Lugo is what he is he gives up almost no takedowns and Brayton is tougher then some people think.
157. Young is still good but like Murin im still worried big matches come March. Ryan Thomas came too scrap
165. Only thing I thought McIntosh might of been pinned. But Joseph is improved this year and Wick & White are still tough matches for Bull
174. Ref finally called the pin. Kemerer looks like a god.
So what if I do or dont? It has nothing to do with wrestling. That fact that its so important to you tells me you are very sensitive about Iowa being favorites, and you cant deal with it. You have to focus on hand shakes and other silly things to cope.
Don't take it personal. It's just corny. Seems more like a Tom Ryan thing.It's not important to me and I'm not sensitive to hawks being favorites.I think it's funny and I'm making fun of it. Is that OK with you? I would have thought it was funny in any of the years your team was finishing 3rd,4th, or 5th too. Maybe in fourth grade I would have thought it was cool.
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I feel like the split title with Michigan in 1997 was more out of pity since Osborne was retiring. It would have been great to see Nebraska/Penn St in 1994 and Nebraska/Michigan in 1997. However, no one will convince me there was a better team than 1995 Nebraska.

For sure the 95-96 Husker team was the best. Lawrence Phillips is the poster child of a waste of elite athletic talent. Sad story.
My take. I was at the arena tonight cool moment I walked right by Tod and Hope Stickley and Eli's girlfriend Brie

184- IDK what too expect going forward. Just bad.
197. Warner with more confidence in his offense he could of won bigger but ok performance.
HWT. Cass outhorsed and out talented. I agree Steveson has no fire
125. Skip
133. DeSanto knee seems fine and he he did his thing but I favor Bravo- Young in a rematch based on RBY's talent
141. When Murin gets too his offense, Key word when, he his very effective at finishing the TD. But despite his gutsy wins over McKee and Moran im still worried cuz Red has his # and Max has never AA before
149. Lugo is what he is he gives up almost no takedowns and Brayton is tougher then some people think.
157. Young is still good but like Murin im still worried big matches come March. Ryan Thomas came too scrap
165. Only thing I thought McIntosh might of been pinned. But Joseph is improved this year and Wick & White are still tough matches for Bull
174. Ref finally called the pin. Kemerer looks like a god.

Man your analyses are always so pessimistic lmao.
My take. I was at the arena tonight cool moment I walked right by Tod and Hope Stickley and Eli's girlfriend Brie

184- IDK what too expect going forward. Just bad.
197. Warner with more confidence in his offense he could of won bigger but ok performance.
HWT. Cass outhorsed and out talented. I agree Steveson has no fire
125. Skip
133. DeSanto knee seems fine and he he did his thing but I favor Bravo- Young in a rematch based on RBY's talent
141. When Murin gets too his offense, Key word when, he his very effective at finishing the TD. But despite his gutsy wins over McKee and Moran im still worried cuz Red has his # and Max has never AA before
149. Lugo is what he is he gives up almost no takedowns and Brayton is tougher then some people think.
157. Young is still good but like Murin im still worried big matches come March. Ryan Thomas came too scrap
165. Only thing I thought McIntosh might of been pinned. But Joseph is improved this year and Wick & White are still tough matches for Bull
174. Ref finally called the pin. Kemerer looks like a god.
Kemerer looks like a god in Carver, we'll see in new Jersey
You were about to ban a guy for saying Nevills sucks but you allow DeSanto to be called a jackass?
This thread has matured over night like a fine marinate.

Sunday mornings sometimes better than Saturday nights
Wow not impressed by Lugo at all. I don’t see him wrestling to his seed at nationals
Lugo, Young, and Murin of Iowa are all similar IMO. None is particularly impressive, but all are difficult to score on, are in good condition, and can usually get out from bottom. That's good enough to win a lot of close matches, and probably get mid-AA or better. And it doesn't hurt that 149 in particular is pretty weak this year by historical standards.

To a lesser extent, Warner perhaps falls into this category as well, though he's looked better of late.
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My take. I was at the arena tonight cool moment I walked right by Tod and Hope Stickley and Eli's girlfriend Brie

184- IDK what too expect going forward. Just bad.
197. Warner with more confidence in his offense he could of won bigger but ok performance.
HWT. Cass outhorsed and out talented. I agree Steveson has no fire
125. Skip
133. DeSanto knee seems fine and he he did his thing but I favor Bravo- Young in a rematch based on RBY's talent
141. When Murin gets too his offense, Key word when, he his very effective at finishing the TD. But despite his gutsy wins over McKee and Moran im still worried cuz Red has his # and Max has never AA before
149. Lugo is what he is he gives up almost no takedowns and Brayton is tougher then some people think.
157. Young is still good but like Murin im still worried big matches come March. Ryan Thomas came too scrap
165. Only thing I thought McIntosh might of been pinned. But Joseph is improved this year and Wick & White are still tough matches for Bull
174. Ref finally called the pin. Kemerer looks like a god.
That's a fair and objective assessment. Refreshing.
Still trying to figure out how RBY is #4 and AD is #2.

So ridiculous that the Ref and b1g are rewarding Desanto for the worst kind of "unsportsmanlike behavior" you can display (faking injury to avoid giving up points - worse yet to avoid being pinned. IOW, cheating.). The rulebook makes it beyond clear that AD's behavior (twice, no less) is to be severely punished - instead the homer Ref and b1g clown officials have rewarded Desanto for something the rulebook says is to be punished in the most severe way possible. Utterly beyond ridiculous that Desanto is ranked higher than RBY by Conference - to put into perspective how ridiculous, Nolf was dropped to #3 after his Injury Default against Rutgers when the Ref allowed a clear Potentially Dangerous (dirty hold) by Rutgers wrestler go on for an eternity and way, way, way longer than he should have (i.e., the diametric opposite of way clown Ref called it in RBY-AD match in a legal hold that wasn't even remotely "Potentially Dangerous" or a situation that would cause an injury).
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So ridiculous that the Ref and b1g are rewarding Desanto for the worst kind of "unsportsmanlike behavior" you can display (faking injury to avoid giving up points - worse yet to avoid being pinned. IOW, cheating.). The rulebook makes it beyond clear that AD behavior (twice, no less) is to be severely punished - instead the homer Ref and b1g clown officials have rewarded Desanto for something the rulebook says is to be punished in the most severe way possible. Utterly beyond ridiculous that Desanto is ranked higher than RBY by Conference - to put into perspective how ridiculous, Nolf was dropped to #3 after his Injury Default against Rutgers when the Ref allowed a clear Potentially Dangerous (dirty hold) by Rutgers wrestler go on for an eternity and way, way, way longer than he should have (i.e., the diametric opposite of way clown Ref called it in RBY-AD match in a legal hold that wasn't even remotely "Potentially Dangerous" or a situation that would cause an injury).

So many things in this post are just NOT true, that it is not worth the time to point them all out and provide the links to prove they are wrong.
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Thats right. Keep working them excuses. Kemmerer is also coming off injury. If Iowa loses, its clearly because of that.
Troll stop it, I’ve seen your posts t
Not talking trash. Comparing 2 matches. Steveson had 3 takedowns and NittanyChris said he was taking Cassioppi down at will. Kemerer took Hall down twice and had a reversal. I guess he had one less takedown so my comparison was flawed. I will remember going forward that 3 or more takedowns means you can use the term “at will”. I apologize
Your right Kemmerer is superior. I’ll bet ya $250 to charity of your choice on the rematch. How many points are you spotting me sport?
We have a group of friends that go to the first away Husker game every year. A couple years ago we went to Michigan and got throttled. I was expecting shit talking but their fans literally felt sorry for us. They thanked us for coming and were really cool. It’s worse this way because you realize how irrelevant your team has become on the national stage.
I wasn’t going to post in this thread because there are Hawk fans here whose posts I appreciate. But I couldn’t resist chiming in to say that the bolded text above made me think of how Bo Nickal’s opponents must’ve felt last year when he helped them up after each dominant victory.
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I kind of wish RBY would have just pinned him so I don’t have read 20 threads about whether he’s faking or not. It was 6 team points either way and RBY will be seeded ahead of him at Big 10s so it’s a win win for PSU
I understand your point. I too wish the ref had not thrown DeSanto a lifeline times two and instead allowed nature to run its course. The Lion should have been allowed to feed.
I feel like the split title with Michigan in 1997 was more out of pity since Osborne was retiring. It would have been great to see Nebraska/Penn St in 1994 and Nebraska/Michigan in 1997. However, no one will convince me there was a better team than 1995 Nebraska.
In 1995 there were teams much better than Nebraska. They all played in the NFL, but they were present. In 1994 the same could be said about Penn State.
I wouldn’t go that far. In your honest opinion, with Berge and Cassar healthy, how do you see each PSU wrestler finishing at nationals?

They'd both finish 1st easily. If you disagree with me, you are a troll.

In reality, I'd have Anthony in the finals (tossup to win it) and Brady 5 to 8 AA.
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I wouldn’t go that far. In your honest opinion, with Berge and Cassar healthy, how do you see each PSU wrestler finishing at nationals?
Berge healthy means, no injury beyond normal competitive wear and tear no lost time and just development.
125 Nada
133 Top 3, as likely to win as Gross or Revera.
141 First
149 Nada
157 4th to 6th.
165 1st, Marinelli is always a threat
174 1st, of course as shown in the dual Kemerer is a legitimate threat to this title
184 tough to say. My blue and white wants to say 2nd and be done with it. Too many really solid dudes at 184 to say with certainty. 2nd is not out of the realm of possibilities, neither is a 6th, 7th or 8th place.
197 as of right now nothing. You did not offer a what if Shak was healthy scenario.
Hwt 1st most likely, 2nd maybe but I doubt it.
Haha! I will take the first bet on the team race. Who has the balls to pick Penn St this year?

Ok since PSU is so weak and Iowa is full of godly creatures I’ll take a $50 bet, but given the underdog situation I would like 10-1 odds.?
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I do! And it’s a double whammy for me cause I was a student at Nebraska starting in 1993 and graduated in 1998 (yes, I know that’s 5 years). Got used to winning National Titles in football and that’s long gone. Now you guys can hate me even more. Iowa wrestling and Nebraska football fan. Oh, the humanity!
What? Come again? You’re a Nebraska alum and you root for Iowa wrestling? That’s like living in PA and rooting for the Yankees - it’s not illegal but it should be.