Official PSU - Buffalo Game Thread

Awful defensive call by Pry in 3rd and 3

some cat & mouse. PSU showed pressure, by the front 7, but on the snap dropped the LBers as if expecting a run. Buffalo showed pass but ended up with a run that got the 1st by a half yard or so. hardly an awful call, IMHO
Correct me if I’m wrong but the PSU offense looked like they went up-tempo and that improved performance. And the defense seemed to do better when they substituted at the MLB position. I’m just making an observation not being critical of the player.
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Clifford is accurate for a guy who throws off his back foot a bit much.

In stride, that's 6 and a top 10 play of the day.
Clifford just naturally (I.e. instinctive) stepped back in the pocket to buy more time on the deep throw before another play during which Lifegrowers OL just got him sacked.
disappointing ending to that offensive series

PSU with a 49-yard FG, making it 38-13, with 14:02 left.
Well, PSU May actually score above 40 points this game.

IMO, the Reid interception was the turning point.
Clifford put this team on his back and carried the offense.

The staff finally got their qb moving his feet. That was huge.

When the score changed they had to abandon their game plan. They can’t play with us. That’s the tempo change some of you noted.