Official PSU - Iowa 2020 Game Thread

It is bad enough to lose, but being humiliated due to lack of effort and coaching is just not acceptable. I don’t care what the circumstances are.
Does anyone really believe at this point that Franklin is going to come back next year? I just don’t see it! Total mail in! Not saying he is going to be fired but there is something going on behind the scenes.
I've been Pry defender, but I don't see how he can't be on the hot seat at this point. I realize it's hard for Franklin as he has a long history with Pry.
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Not one player today is playing to a scholarship level. This is just a embarrassment to everyone in the PSU family. It is time to ask “who wants to be here and are you ready to earn it. “
Does anyone really believe at this point that Franklin is going to come back next year? I just don’t see it! Total mail in! Not saying he is going to be fired but there is something going on behind the scenes.
Been saying it for a month...negotiate a buyout and get out....
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Does anyone really believe at this point that Franklin is going to come back next year? I just don’t see it! Total mail in! Not saying he is going to be fired but there is something going on behind the scenes.
I've posted already that he's gone at the end. He's off and it's over for a while.
Not much to say at this point. CJF seems disengaged, the Oline can’t gain any push on critical downs and D cannot come up with big plays to stop critical drives.
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Coaching staff gives way too much credit to the offensive line to get any sort of progress. How else can they explain some of these calls? Nothing off-tackle, no sweeps, no use of anyone's speed. Just bash into the middle and see if the wall moves.

We've turned into 2017-19 Rutgers.

Would like to see us play like 2020 Rutgers. Lordy, what has this come to.
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Jim “whiny biatch” Franklin needs to do the honorable thing and take an unpaid leave of absence and assess his mental and emotional priorities as to whether he is fit to return to service next year.
Somewhere Sandy Barbour and Barron are sharing a tub of dip and laughing to themselves on how smart they are in how they have taken an elite athletic department and turned it into a D 3 level without much effort.
Well at least if they hold true to form,we shouldn’t be shaken our head at the defense in the 2nd half. They usually get their head out of their ass and play a respectable 2nd half.
Too bad they dug another DEEP hole for the offense to dig out of. Amazing.
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Jay Paterno’s offense was way better and it didn’t cost any where near $8M we are paying for this shit.