Official PSU - Iowa 2020 Game Thread

Why dose it look like the home team in on skates on there home filed. This team sucks.
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Cue the Franklin apologists on the board. We lost 3 players - it’s covid - this year doesn’t count - keep the excuses coming. Another game, another dud, another poor performance by players and coaches.
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NW is leading Wisconsin at the half 14-7. I think I'll watch the second half of that one. Alvarez is probably mad that he may not get his annual west division walkover. "Delany promised me!!!"
Not much to say at this point. CJF seems disengaged, the Oline can’t gain any push on critical downs and D cannot come up with big plays to stop critical drives.

When the coach is checked out, the players will soon follow. It would be nice if Franklin would show any kind of fire on the sidelines when the camera cuts to him. At this point, the only thing he's missing is the fiddle.
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The only thing more pathetic than the execution ON the field is the play calling and the strategic decisions being made BESIDE the field.

Going from targeting eliteness to not being very good to not being good to not being average to being the only winless team in the Big 2(12) to being the “Kansas of the East”.
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Well at least if they hold true to form,we shouldn’t be shaken our head at the defense in the 2nd half. They usually get their head out of their ass and play a respectable 2nd half.
Too bad they dug another DEEP hole for the offense to dig out of. Amazing.
Don’t see thy happening today. These kids have no heart.
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The rest of the season I would work on improving our toughness. Live drills, hitting. Find out who wants to play.
Pretty certain I’ve lost 95% of my interest in this year’s team. (Notice I said THIS YEAR). The 5% remaining is just to see if they go 0-9.

Same. Unfortunately a draft pick doesn’t come with it.
When the coach is checked out, the players will soon follow. It would be nice if Franklin would show any kind of fire on the sidelines when the camera cuts to him. At this point, the only thing he's missing is the fiddle.
I hope he at least feels a little guilt in taking $6m for this. He’s just straight up mailing it in at this point
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As this turned out, weather is kind of crappy here so I decided to watch the first half instead of raking and hanging Christmas lights. This is just a flat out crappy team. Coaches, players, COVID, whatever. They just flat out stink. From every angle possible.
Wife is a Miami Hurricane. I have watched them for a number of years now. This PSU team looks just like those Hurricane teams post early 2000 domination. The problem there was no QB development, overrated talent, and key players who decided that they didn't want to play for the coach anymore, so they stuck as a team. This PSU team has all three signs. Only way to pull out of it is to hit on a legit QB or bring in a new coach who people want to play for.
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This is just so frustrating!! I don’t understand what this coaching staff is thinking on 3rd and 1 situations. We just keep seeing the same things over and over that fail. u
But the RPO is all about CHUNK PLAYS, and we have ZERO. But we do abstain from QB under center to allow for easier 3rd and 4th down conversions.
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This team just seems totally unprepared to play ... Former players should be calling these guys out this effort is pathetic
They are calling them out. Brandon Noble this week called this team soft.
Matt Mullen is one whiskey shot away from going
Scorched earth about the lack of toughness.
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What I don’t get is, when Jacobs and Dixon were in the defense looked markedly better and forced a couple of punts. As soon as Smith and Luketa come back Iowa marches right down the field. Where is the accountability in the form of playing time? Just how bad do you have to be to get benched?
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Cue the Franklin apologists on the board. We lost 3 players - it’s covid - this year doesn’t count - keep the excuses coming. Another game, another dud, another poor performance by players and coaches.

You hate to pile on but jeez it’s really really hard to defend Franklin at this point. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see something is very wrong right now.
If you fail to see both of our lines getting out muscled on nearly every play, you aren't looking. Very weak. I don't care about Oweh's 40, nor Saquon's power clean. Our players are physically weaker in the trenches and our entire team speed is the worst it has been since '14.

Franklin out here throwing away 4th downs at midfield like he's at Vegas playing with somebody else's money. It's like he's 0 for 77 on what are essentially 50/50 calls.

No wonder our "young stud" LBs couldn't beat out Brown and Johnson last year. They just aren't that good. Jacobs is an upgrade from Smith (who might be better suited for MLB). Luketa and Brooks take poor angles.

Much like he did with Donovan, Franklin might have to fire Pry. Since they aren't winning the recruiting battles, Smith and Banks may be expendable too. Otherwise, Franklin (who nobody credits as an X and Os guy) is on the end of a bad review. It's hard to believe we are going to go from 11-2 to possibly 0-9, but here we are... about to go 0-5 with not a single game looking favorable here on out.

Levis had a moderately good 1st half, but we've got to turn him loose passing. Portal, wherefore art thou? Thine team is in dire need of a QB.

Very frustrating season. Let's keep watching.
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Historically bad football team. I've been saying get Urban Meyer. Why would he want to come here to this grease fire? This is an awful football team.
What I don’t get is, when Jacobs and Dixon were in the defense looked markedly better and forced a couple of punts. As soon as Smith and Luketa come back Iowa marches right down the field. Where is the accountability in the form of playing time? Just how bad do you have to be to get benched?
No doubt. How is Beamon not playing more? Tarburton? Any safety on the roster?
One more thing - at least we have UNITY and the UNITY patches on the throw back uniforms and in the stands. Who says sports and politics don't match?