Official PSU - Iowa 2020 Game Thread

I don’t see the Athletic Administration moving on from Franklin after this season, even after we go 0 - 9.
They recently signed him to a big contract and no other school is going to hire him. PSU can’t afford to buy him out, so we’re stuck with him.
So, get used to what we are seeing because this is now and the future of PSU football under James Franklin. The coaching staff is dysfunctional and will continue to be unstable from season to season. As a result, player development will continue to be bad. The recruiting will drop off significantly, although it is obvious that it doesn’t matter that much when you can’t even coach fundamentals. You could give this staff the best roster in the country and they would struggle to win a game.

There is going to be a mutual resignation/separation.
Well at least if they hold true to form,we shouldn’t be shaken our head at the defense in the 2nd half. They usually get their head out of their ass and play a respectable 2nd half.
Too bad they dug another DEEP hole for the offense to dig out of. Amazing.
Back in the dark years we would have an inept offense but a good defense. Or we would lose but see a few bright spots.

The only bright spot this year is Stout on KOs. A few like Mustipher look decent but that's about it.

DL is bad
LBs are bad
DBs are bad
OL is bad
WRs are bad
RBs aren't very good
WRs don't get separation
QBs not very good
FG and punting not great

Coaches don't help with play calls, clock management, or adjustments.

The only bright spots are some freshmen coming in and making a nice play or two.
I forgot why I don’t spend any time in the in-game thread. The stupidity of some posters absolutely blows my mind. BWI should 100% require IQ tests to post in the in-game thread.

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Iowa makes plays and we don’t - this team just isn’t very good on both sides of the ball and continues to make bad plays- well at least the Eagles are playing well - not
"I thought we did a better job of not getting behind early.

Obviously, not enough. We got some things to clean up. That starts with me."
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If you're gonna be a GENERATIONAL level failure as a team, I think it's important that you have the right swag on the UNI.

Losers are losers for a reason. Winners play in plain blues and dinner whites.
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Gotta love Keaton Ellis making a TFL on the first play of this drive and then he goes and gets fired up and stomps around. Then he gets flagged for a hold on the next play and gets beat two other times on the drive. Par for the course for this pathetic defense.
Wow - Iowa just blasts their way into the end zone with no effort at all - time to see what’s in Netflix.
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not sure I can be of much help.

effort has been pretty good by the players. the execution has been pretty poor.

as for the coaches, with the pandemic, I haven't gotten much inside info this year, so I'm as baffled as most fans. I think the combo of multiple new coaches and a lack of spring ball really hurt. That said, they've had time to overcome those issues as the season progressed, and the results are shocking. There are reports that the staff feels the fans don't fully understand how much the combination of Journey and Caine being out, Micah opting out, and PF dealing with injuries has impacted the team. I think they have a bit of a point, but you have to move past those issues, and figure out a way to make things work with those that are able to play. The short passing game being utilized in today's game is a nice adjustment to the game plan. Alas, the play calling on 3rd and short and on 4th down is dumbfounding.

I do think CJF has earned the right to get a mulligan. That said, it's painful to watch.
Effort? These is almost zero effort on either side of the ball
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Never have I seen a PSU team so gutless and lack of pride. They are a embarrassment to all former players students and anyone who has supported PSU
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I'm surprised that there wasn't an edict at halftime to ditch the 'Generations of Greatness' uniforms. This team doesn't deserve to wear them.