Official PSU - tOSU 2020 Game Thread

Brilliant red zone series there. Well, at least it’s not going to be a shutout.
Clifford could have ran to his right around that stunt and bought some time,..seemed like he bailed immediately...can’t blame him though.
I was hoping for better execution.

I really don’t like the point the finger at the coaches but this offensive game plan is flat out one of the dumbest set of coaching moves I’ve seen and I watched the end of last weeks game.

Defense is questionable. Coverage was really tight on that TD and it was a great catch but if the D is going to be on the field most of the night this is going to get boring quick.
Our DBs are often in 1 on 1 coverage
Losing Brown and Cain certainly hurt, but even so this offensive line looks to be completely outmatched. I was hoping for some significant improvement with the line coach from BC, but so far I’m not seeing it.
Also, tOSU appears to just simply be bigger, stronger, faster.
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O and D looked awful. Coach made a questionable 4th down call!and failed to call time out to avoid the play clock running out.But Pinegar made his fg, barely.
This next series has to produce a punt from tOSU, at worst.
They look like they are playing us at a different speed and confidence level. They are prepared and well coached.

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