I repeatedly complained last season that way too many stupid and inexplicable things kept happening just to coveniently move the story where they wanted. They regained my faith through the first three episodes of this season, and then boom, right back to last season’s garbage again.
1) As everyone has pointed out repeatedly, the idea Euon just hides a fleet in between some rocks and nobody knows is absurd. As is the idea they now have zero scouts or spies to tell them 200 giant crossbows have been built and mounted on ships/walls. Just stupid.
2) Perhaps those crossbows are on rotating platforms and can spin around to face any direction, so maybe she can’t just circle behind them. But it sure looks from their design as though it would be impossible to point them straight up, so just dive bomb them until they’re gone.
3) From the time the dragons were full grown, I wondered, how is there going to be any excitement to how this show ends? The dragons are like being the only country with nukes. It’s over. Turns out, just have everyone make nonsensical decisions and treat the audience like they’re idiots was the answer all along.
4) as if Cersei wouldn’t have all her firepower rain down on Dany, Tyrion, Grey Work, et al. What, she’s respecting decorum in settlement negotiations? Give me a break.
Maybe the last two episodes they can finally stop treating their audience like they’re fools now that they leveled the playing field entirely. Hope so, because if the last two are like this, they’ll have really blown the last two seasons in total, even with the perfection of last episode.