OT: Game of Thrones S8E4 - 'The Last of the Starks' - Thread Discussion - Beware of Spoilers...

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Another extended episode that will set the stage for the the 'last war'. I think it's a given we will be discussing SPOILERS, but if you can, try to warn folks early in the body of your post.

I expect a relatively calm episode after last week, but I don't think they'll fill 80 minutes with 'just' dialogue. I'm expecting a bit more - maybe something unexpected. Guess we'll see in about a half hour!

Wtf? How is Euron Greyjoy so damn good at sneaking up on people with a fleet of ships? Especially with someone that's in the air riding a dragon? And why didn't she just fly around behind them and light them up?

Yeah, and to be 100% honest - SPOILERS:

While watching Drogon and Rhaegal sort of spread their wings and have a bit of fun on the way to King's Landing, I thought 'Hey, wouldn't it be so typical of this show to kill Rhaegal by having him shot with one of those huge arrows right about now?,' and then BOOM, it happens. I mean, I never thought all three dragons would make it to the end of the show (and likely none of them will now), but still - that was crappy. I agree about Euron's magical ninja fleet - how the FU*K does Dany not have any f'n scouts anywhere? They spend all this time planning for battles and have no idea where their enemies are. Really sort of wished the show ended last episode. This, coupled with all the family-feuding I predicted at the onset (of course Jon is going to tell Sansa, and of course she can't keep her mouth shut), made for a really awful episode. Missandei dying was the turd on the cake.
OK. If we are in spoilers.

WTF was that with ghost?

Having Jon interact with him at all probably cost a ton of money. That said, pretty sh*tty.

*Wanted to add, Bronn's schtick is tired at this point. His scene with Tyrion and Jaime was f'n terrible. Highgarden? Even Bronn must know that's never going to happen. He's going to be killed like everyone else.
Title sequence I believe are things that have already happened (Killing of Robb Stark, beheading the direwolf, three dragons and a comet....).

The final image shows a larger dragon flying alongside three smaller ones, while a comet falls from the sky. The camera lingers on this image as the Game of Thrones title card appears.

That picture is a nod to the Red Comet, which predicts when dragons would return to the world, as prophesied by many soothsayers. (Maybe that fan theory about dragon eggs hidden under Winterfell isn’t as wild as it seemed after all?) Overall, there’s a huge emphasis on dragons in the new intro, which isn’t surprising, given how much of the show has focused on them as the seasons have progressed and how their firepower seems likely to help decide the fate of the world this season. The new bands also suggest that new events to come will eclipse past historical events in their impact, and shape a whole new Westeros as a result.”
Recall a few seasons ago when Jorah & Tyrion were on a boat and sailing near Valyria, former home of dragons. They saw a dragon flying around Valyria and Dany had not seen Drogon for some time and did not know where Drogon went. Hmm, perhaps Drogon laid some eggs on Valyria and more dragons will appear??? Surprise may not only be on Cersei’s side.
Another extended episode that will set the stage for the the 'last war'. I think it's a given we will be discussing SPOILERS, but if you can, try to warn folks early in the body of your post.

I expect a relatively calm episode after last week, but I don't think they'll fill 80 minutes with 'just' dialogue. I'm expecting a bit more - maybe something unexpected. Guess we'll see in about a half hour!


Does Euron know that Tyrion knows Cersei is pregnant? He openly talked about when he was pleading with Cersei to not go to war.
Yeah, and to be 100% honest - SPOILERS:

While watching Drogon and Rhaegal sort of spread their wings and have a bit of fun on the way to King's Landing, I thought 'Hey, wouldn't it be so typical of this show to kill Rhaegal by having him shot with one of those huge arrows right about now?,' and then BOOM, it happens. I mean, I never thought all three dragons would make it to the end of the show (and likely none of them will now), but still - that was crappy. I agree about Euron's magical ninja fleet - how the FU*K does Dany not have any f'n scouts anywhere? They spend all this time planning for battles and have no idea where their enemies are. Really sort of wished the show ended last episode. This, coupled with all the family-feuding I predicted at the onset (of course Jon is going to tell Sansa, and of course she can't keep her mouth shut), made for a really awful episode. Missandei dying was the turd on the cake.

I Know........I wanted to see her butt one more time. And what a waste of a dragon. Way too easy and a bit of a WTF moment.
There comes a point for me where the good guys are just so damn stupid, I feel like rooting for Cersei. She deserves to win.

I was kinda hoping Cersei's archers would just go ahead and plug Tyrion and shut him the hell up.

It says something when people care as much or more about dragons (not to mention the poor direwolf), than these moronic people.

Regardless of how it ends, the world cannot be safe with dragons roaming about so Drogon wll have to die too.
I want a do-over with the Night King.
Most ridiculous episode yet:

How the hell do they make giant pieces of boats explode with thin metal javelins?

And how does an old, fat Varys swim to shore successfully in several layers of bathrobes?

And why didn't Dany attack Euron's ships right after they fired the last volley and were reloading?

And where the hell did they find the time to cut down an entire forest so they could burn the dead in front of Winterfell?

And where did all the dead wights go?

And why didn't Cercei just annihilate Tyrion, Dany, and the tiny group of Unsullied as they stood in range of all of her firepower outside King's Landing?

I sure hope this series doesn't end with a whimper, but looking more like it.
Few thoughts:

1. When Tyrion pleads with Cersie not to do this ... not for her ... but for her unborn baby ... >> Wouldn't Euron wonder how Tyrion would know Cersei is pregnant??? Think about it. Cersei just broke the news to Euron that she is pregnant and tells him it is HIS child.... but her brother who has not seen her in months knows too ??? This is not questioned by Euron??? Or does he just not care??

2. The good guys stupidity really are making me think of that scene in Spaceballs when Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) tells LoneStar that "Evil will always beat Good because Good is stupid"..... Really how is it that time after time after time this all-star team of braintrust advisors and generals can get totally outsmarted, outmaneuvered and blind-sided ????

3. And along the lines of 'why not do the obvious or logical....' .... You know Euron has a super-fleet full of super-crossbows. But Cersei opened the gates. So wouldn't it be pretty freaking easy to send in a spy who can pinpoint the docking location of this super ninja fleet .... get the dock location then simply have Drogon sweep in at night, under cover of darkness from behind and torch the fleet while they are docked at night???

4. Unless Danny can come up with reinforcements from other houses, how would she still have numbers on her side??? She was already down to 2 dragons .... but Cersei had hundreds of super-crossbows to kill them. She was down to a depleted Army Of The North and a depleted Unsullied Army. That's it. The Dothraki and the Free People are no longer with her. Meanwhile Cersei has a complete rested & healthy Lannister Army and the Golden Co. Army....... My math says that it is Cersei who would have numbers.
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Yeah, too many obvious unfathomably stupid mistakes made by Danerys' crew to continue suspending your sense of disbelief. Kinda jumped the shark with making Danery's advisors seem like twits, while making Cersei seem mythical in her brilliance. Now if Danerys wins, it'll seem it's only because of a surprise twist that came out of nowhere. Look, Drogon had more baby dragons, so now there's 12 of them!

I mean, is there anybody watching who didn't immediately think a cavalry charge into a wave of the undead was possibly the dumbest move ever? Didn't the writers watch Braveheart?

Pretty much watching it now only for special effects.
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Is there a clause in his contract that he gets paid more for interacting with animals?

Not sure if serious, but I imagine the CGI cost is higher for something like that. Good news is Drogon should look great in the final episodes since he’s the only big CGI expense left.
I repeatedly complained last season that way too many stupid and inexplicable things kept happening just to coveniently move the story where they wanted. They regained my faith through the first three episodes of this season, and then boom, right back to last season’s garbage again.

1) As everyone has pointed out repeatedly, the idea Euron just hides a fleet in between some rocks and nobody knows is absurd. As is the idea they now have zero scouts or spies to tell them 200 giant crossbows have been built and mounted on ships/walls. Just stupid.

2) Perhaps those crossbows are on rotating platforms and can spin around to face any direction, so maybe she can’t just circle behind them. But it sure looks from their design as though it would be impossible to point them straight up, so just dive bomb them until they’re gone.

3) From the time the dragons were full grown, I wondered, how is there going to be any excitement to how this show ends? The dragons are like being the only country with nukes. It’s over. Turns out, just have everyone make nonsensical decisions and treat the audience like they’re idiots was the answer all along.

4) as if Cersei wouldn’t have all her firepower rain down on Dany, Tyrion, Grey Worm, et al. What, she’s respecting decorum in settlement negotiations? Give me a break.

Maybe the last two episodes they can finally stop treating their audience like they’re fools now that they leveled the playing field entirely. Hope so, because if the last two are like this, they’ll have really blown the last two seasons in total, even with the perfection of last episode.
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OK. If we are in spoilers.

WTF was that with ghost? Maybe he should hook up with Nymeria's band of merry direwolves.

I guess that is Jon renouncing the North. And in a way to save on the budget before the next big battle.
Foreshadowing John’s death? That along with Sansa’s Statement about Stark men going south.
I repeatedly complained last season that way too many stupid and inexplicable things kept happening just to coveniently move the story where they wanted. They regained my faith through the first three episodes of this season, and then boom, right back to last season’s garbage again.

1) As everyone has pointed out repeatedly, the idea Euon just hides a fleet in between some rocks and nobody knows is absurd. As is the idea they now have zero scouts or spies to tell them 200 giant crossbows have been built and mounted on ships/walls. Just stupid.

2) Perhaps those crossbows are on rotating platforms and can spin around to face any direction, so maybe she can’t just circle behind them. But it sure looks from their design as though it would be impossible to point them straight up, so just dive bomb them until they’re gone.

3) From the time the dragons were full grown, I wondered, how is there going to be any excitement to how this show ends? The dragons are like being the only country with nukes. It’s over. Turns out, just have everyone make nonsensical decisions and treat the audience like they’re idiots was the answer all along.

4) as if Cersei wouldn’t have all her firepower rain down on Dany, Tyrion, Grey Work, et al. What, she’s respecting decorum in settlement negotiations? Give me a break.

Maybe the last two episodes they can finally stop treating their audience like they’re fools now that they leveled the playing field entirely. Hope so, because if the last two are like this, they’ll have really blown the last two seasons in total, even with the perfection of last episode.

RE: 4..... That is exactly what I said last night. This is a women who basically green sauce fire-bombed all of Kings Landing and killed thousands of innocent people just to get rid of a few of her arch rivals. But yet she draws the line at simply raining arrows down and killing Tyrion, Danny, the rest of the unsullied oh... and right over there was Drogon. Or, were we just to believe they were out of distance??
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Editing the thread to add the episodes official title - 'The Last of the Starks.'
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I repeatedly complained last season that way too many stupid and inexplicable things kept happening just to coveniently move the story where they wanted. They regained my faith through the first three episodes of this season, and then boom, right back to last season’s garbage again.

1) As everyone has pointed out repeatedly, the idea Euon just hides a fleet in between some rocks and nobody knows is absurd. As is the idea they now have zero scouts or spies to tell them 200 giant crossbows have been built and mounted on ships/walls. Just stupid.

2) Perhaps those crossbows are on rotating platforms and can spin around to face any direction, so maybe she can’t just circle behind them. But it sure looks from their design as though it would be impossible to point them straight up, so just dive bomb them until they’re gone.

3) From the time the dragons were full grown, I wondered, how is there going to be any excitement to how this show ends? The dragons are like being the only country with nukes. It’s over. Turns out, just have everyone make nonsensical decisions and treat the audience like they’re idiots was the answer all along.

4) as if Cersei wouldn’t have all her firepower rain down on Dany, Tyrion, Grey Work, et al. What, she’s respecting decorum in settlement negotiations? Give me a break.

Maybe the last two episodes they can finally stop treating their audience like they’re fools now that they leveled the playing field entirely. Hope so, because if the last two are like this, they’ll have really blown the last two seasons in total, even with the perfection of last episode.

Yeah, and you saw it again last night in yet another absurd battle planning session (one that doesn't seemingly account for Euron's massive fleet). If I'm Dany I ignore the worthless advice of Tyrion and Varys (who have somehow become stupider as the show went on) and burn everything to the grown - sort it out after. Dany has lost Drogo, her unborn baby, Viserion, Rhaegal, Missandei, Jorah, and half her entire army p*ssing around with trying to be nice. She should really hang with Cersei for a day - see how this whole game is really played.
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Gee isn’t there another fleet of Greyjoy’s led by Yara that may sail in and reek havoc with good old uncle Euron??
Also don’t underestimate Arya and her faceless men ability. Perhaps she offs Cersei’s hand and gets close to Cersei and
slits her throat. Seems likely with her and the hound headed to Kong’s Landing to settle old scores. Can’t count out Jamie’s role in Cersei’s end either.
RE: 4..... That is exactly what I said last night. This is a women who basically green sauce fire-bombed all of Kings Landing and killed thousands of innocent people just to get rid of a few of her arch rivals. But yet she draws the line at simply raining arrows down and killing Tyrion, Danny, the rest of the unsullied oh... and right over there was Drogon. Or, were we just to believe they were out of distance??

I don’t get into all the military tactics stuff that other do .... but I Did find this a bit ridiculous also

That said I thought it was a really entertaining episode. Looks like I’m in the minority on this...
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