Like you said, "all plausible". Heck, in a show of magic, dragons, giants and witch-craft sorcery, I guess "anything" is "plausible".
Not arguing with you. I agree with you.
But like someone else mentioned above, even in a show of magic, dragons, giants, Night Kings, 3-eyed ravens ..... they have to keep with the "reality of their own boundaries". So, wouldn't Daario and his army of 2,000 Second Sons need boats to cross over to Westeros?? I thought that was one of Danny's issues, was securing boats to get her armies over to Westeros???? And right now, technically by GOT's standards, the only one who would have a large enough fleet to transport 2,000 + thier horses would be Jaara Greyjoy. And how would Jaara know about Daario??
Good points, but he’s had a lot of time to acquire/make boats. Or maybe get with Yara who met Dany in a previous season with Theon, so she knows about Daario and Mereen.