Even the writers from The Walking Dead are questioning some of the choices made in the script for this episode.
Editing the thread to add the episodes official title - 'The Last of the Starks.'
The thing that got me was they fired 3 ballista bolts and all three hit... really? And one just happened to hit a moving dragon through the neck?
1. They know the Night King can raise the dead.
2. They know the dead can only be killed with valyrian steel or dragon glass.
So what's the most logical move? Obviously, it's to send the entire dothraki army on a cavalry charge without valyrian steel or dragon glass. It's hard to watch a show when you're constantly saying to yourself, "Come on! Noone can be that stupid."
Speaking of Varys, he has become useless. His value was having information gathered by his spies. He certainly hasn't provided much information to Dany on what Cersei and Euron are up to.True - Sansa has learned from experience. She's seen this before (as has Varys, and Tyrion to a degree). They know people seeking or in power will do nearly anything to get or keep it. That said, I don't know what else Jon and Dany can do to show Sansa they are sincere in their actions. Dany is hardly Littlefinger, Cersei, Robert, etc. Even when she was short with Jon about how things could be if he never told anyone his true lineage, it's coming from a place of obvious frustration - she could have been on the Iron Throne three seasons ago if she had a half decent advisor.
The funny thing is that no one noticed including the actors when it was right in front of them. Either that or it was a joke.
Honestly, I thought Cersei was going to kill Tyrion at the end.
Speaking of Varys, he has become useless. His value was having information gathered by his spies. He certainly hasn't provided much information to Dany on what Cersei and Euron are up to.
Not to mention he is talking treason. Didn’t the red woman predict his death? He gone.Spoiler.
Honestly, I thought Cersei was going to kill Tyrion at the end.
Speaking of Varys, he has become useless. His value was having information gathered by his spies. He certainly hasn't provided much information to Dany on what Cersei and Euron are up to.
Something to ponder. If Dany no longer has the Dothraki, Unsullied and her dragons why in the world would anyone fear her? The entire reason she was so feared was because of her dragons and armies. Take that all away and she basically has no power.
Adding to the battle strategy talk...does anyone else notice the woeful vertical range on those scorpion cross bows? I mean it doesn't take Rommel to notice that attack from directly above would render those weapons useless before they were destroyed.
I believe the title had a typo, it was officially titled "Last of the Starbucks". House Starbucks has the Mermaid sigil.That might be the official title, but the effective title is "Let's Split Up and Look For Clues."
All this build up and delay, and, with everything on the line, they're channeling their inner Scooby Gang.
Wtf? How is Euron Greyjoy so damn good at sneaking up on people with a fleet of ships? Especially with someone that's in the air riding a dragon? And why didn't she just fly around behind them and light them up?
that is ridiculous, of course it has it's own internal logic based on the world it exists in, the problem is that this worlds internal logic has flow the coop the last two seasonFor people who take a too logical approach to reviewing and criticizing a TV show about fantasy and swords and sorcery....IT AINT REAL!!! LOGIC DOES NOT APPLY HERE!
They were wired guidedThe thing that got me was they fired 3 ballista bolts and all three hit... really? And one just happened to hit a moving dragon through the neck?
Dracarys.....Melisandre's last words. She knew she was dead, so was that her relaying the message to burn everything? Just the Red Keep? Maybe just a statement of loyalty?
A dragon dropping large stones/boulders as 'bombs' does make a ton of sense, unfortunately there is only 1 dragon left, so it's time to fly back, re-load with another stone and drop another would be so long it would give those in KL time to take cover in the basement. .... It should have been done when she had 3 dragons. No joy riding over the bay. Keep the dragons in hiding and out of site before you use them as bombers..... But again, we get off on the lack of smarts by Danny & her staff of advisors.
There is talk that the 4th dragon may appear in the next episode. Some think Euron sees a 4th dragon while looking up at the sky in episode 5 previews.
I've seen the theories & speculation about more dragons being alive. But here is the worm-hole that would create..."IF there were more dragons that Danny could go get & use at her disposal, then why would she not use them for the battle against the Night King & the Army Of The Dead'??
Think about that second-guessing next Monday morning... Let's say this week Danny shows up with a few more dragons.... You know the questions being raised would immediately be..."why didn't she use them against The Dead and The Night King" ???
True, but facts are facts.1. They know the Night King can raise the dead.
2. They know the dead can only be killed with valyrian steel or dragon glass.
So what's the most logical move? Obviously, it's to send the entire dothraki army on a cavalry charge without valyrian steel or dragon glass. It's hard to watch a show when you're constantly saying to yourself, "Come on! Noone can be that stupid."
The only semi-plausible way this would work is along these lines:
While in Mereen, at the end of S4 Dany locks up Rhaegal and Viserion. They aren't released until S6E2 (by Tyrion), and they don't leave the catacombs until S6E9. In GoT, dragons are able to change gender to preserve the species (though I don't know that it's ever specifically said that all of Dany's dragons are male). It would then be possible for Viserion and Rhaegal to have pups while in the catacombs. We also know that Dany has a sort of mental bond with her dragons and they sort of know when she is in pain or suffering (especially with Drogon). Could be that these pups grow up and find her in Westeros; even though not full size, they could still do tremendous damage (and likely would be harder to hit with the scorpion bolts) as seen in S3 when Drogon lights up the slaver and his arena. Could also be accompanied by Daario Naharis, who at last check was left in Mereen to rule in Dany's stead. He also has some 2,000 Second Son sellswords who would probably be a great asset in the upcoming fight. It's still a tough sell at this point in the show, but anything's possible.
Lol bot backTrue, but facts are facts.
The biggest threat in the world of Game of Thrones is the Night King, and his power is only growing. Now that he has his very own dragon and an ever-expanding army of the dead, the leader of the White Walkers is poised to devastate Westeros if Jon, Daenerys, Cersei, and the rest of the disparate cast of human characters refuse to band together. Despite only knowing who their common enemy is in the vaguest sense, Jon and his allies understand the danger their world is in. However, the identity of the Night King remains a mystery. Season six does show the First Man whom the Children of the Forest weaponized to become the first White Walker, but is he the same guy who is so hellbent on conquering Westeros now? Probably, but that shouldn't stop fans from theorizing about who exactly the Night King is and whether or not he could be someone that we already know.
Can also be killed by fire and they had fire on their swords. Not defending the strategy, but they did have a means to kill them.1. They know the Night King can raise the dead.
2. They know the dead can only be killed with valyrian steel or dragon glass.
So what's the most logical move? Obviously, it's to send the entire dothraki army on a cavalry charge without valyrian steel or dragon glass. It's hard to watch a show when you're constantly saying to yourself, "Come on! Noone can be that stupid."
The only semi-plausible way this would work is along these lines:
While in Mereen, at the end of S4 Dany locks up Rhaegal and Viserion. They aren't released until S6E2 (by Tyrion), and they don't leave the catacombs until S6E9. In GoT, dragons are able to change gender to preserve the species (though I don't know that it's ever specifically said that all of Dany's dragons are male). It would then be possible for Viserion and Rhaegal to have pups while in the catacombs. We also know that Dany has a sort of mental bond with her dragons and they sort of know when she is in pain or suffering (especially with Drogon). Could be that these pups grow up and find her in Westeros; even though not full size, they could still do tremendous damage (and likely would be harder to hit with the scorpion bolts) as seen in S3 when Drogon lights up the slaver and his arena. Could also be accompanied by Daario Naharis, who at last check was left in Mereen to rule in Dany's stead. He also has some 2,000 Second Son sellswords who would probably be a great asset in the upcoming fight. It's still a tough sell at this point in the show, but anything's possible.
I think she may not even realize there are more dragons out there. At some point when the draqgons were off doing who knows what, they had more. That's why the show had no issue killing one off.
Love the show, but there is obviously a difference between fantasy and stupidity. They had a well organized plan to fight the dead, but they sail and fly right into an ambush at Kings Dragon like idiots, and lost a fleet and a dragon? And why are non-fighters even on the ships? That was just stupid and pretty unbelievable. How could you not see them or have any intel?
And they are all sitting ducks outside the wall, the dragon is just sitting there eating, and Cersei- does nothing?
I'm not sure about timelines, but there was no way to produce all those Stingers and Crossbows in the amount of time they had. But now that they know they exist- It would be easy to take them out- just do it at night. Stealth mission with fire along the wall. Which they obviously won't do.
I believe this universe lore is that all dragons are hatched from eggs. Never chronicled is how. After the original Dance with Dragons the only Targaryens left were children from the two warring sides that the remaining lords wed together to stop the fighting. There were only a few trained dragons left, most were small. A big event from the war was the storming of the dragon pit. While many eggs remained no one knew how to hatch them was essentially the problem. Targaryens throughout the years would try to and normally end in failure and death to hatch them. As we know they turned to stone if not hatched. My guess for new dragons would be the hatching of eggs, which my guess is that it requires a living dragon.The only semi-plausible way this would work is along these lines:
While in Mereen, at the end of S4 Dany locks up Rhaegal and Viserion. They aren't released until S6E2 (by Tyrion), and they don't leave the catacombs until S6E9. In GoT, dragons are able to change gender to preserve the species (though I don't know that it's ever specifically said that all of Dany's dragons are male). It would then be possible for Viserion and Rhaegal to have pups while in the catacombs. We also know that Dany has a sort of mental bond with her dragons and they sort of know when she is in pain or suffering (especially with Drogon). Could be that these pups grow up and find her in Westeros; even though not full size, they could still do tremendous damage (and likely would be harder to hit with the scorpion bolts) as seen in S3 when Drogon lights up the slaver and his arena. Could also be accompanied by Daario Naharis, who at last check was left in Mereen to rule in Dany's stead. He also has some 2,000 Second Son sellswords who would probably be a great asset in the upcoming fight. It's still a tough sell at this point in the show, but anything's possible.
I believe this universe lore is that all dragons are hatched from eggs. Never chronicled is how. After the original Dance with Dragons the only Targaryens left were children from the two warring sides that the remaining lords wed together to stop the fighting. There were only a few trained dragons left, most were small. A big event from the war was the storming of the dragon pit. While many eggs remained no one knew how to hatch them was essentially the problem. Targaryens throughout the years would try to and normally end in failure and death to hatch them. As we know they turned to stone if not hatched. My guess for new dragons would be the hatching of eggs, which my guess is that it requires a living dragon.
I believe this universe lore is that all dragons are hatched from eggs. Never chronicled is how. After the original Dance with Dragons the only Targaryens left were children from the two warring sides that the remaining lords wed together to stop the fighting. There were only a few trained dragons left, most were small. A big event from the war was the storming of the dragon pit. While many eggs remained no one knew how to hatch them was essentially the problem. Targaryens throughout the years would try to and normally end in failure and death to hatch them. As we know they turned to stone if not hatched. My guess for new dragons would be the hatching of eggs, which my guess is that it requires a living dragon.
My bad I missed that. I assumed dragon fire was the answer. King Aegon V died trying to use wildfire to hatch them at SummerhallRequires a lot of heat. In the most recent book that is discussed. Somehow, Dragon State provides sufficient heat to hatch dragons. That is why they hatched when Danny tried to burn herself.