Finally caught the episode. I am just "meh" at this point with the pacing and rushed plot. I hate Euron and his role in this. NK or NK/Bran/3ER should have been the final boss. It is what it is.
However, I actually kind of like that they are pushing Dany over the edge. It shows that anyone who really wants the crown or is able to get the crown looses their mind/happiness/soul in the process; it's an unobtainable thing and the pursuit never stops. What you have to do to maintain or obtain the crown steals your humanity, making you a shell of what you formerly were. Probably why John doesn't want it. He was solely focused on humanities' survival and doing what is right in the moment.
I can certainly see Dany and John not making it out of this. Dany goes nuts and has to be stopped, probably by John. John doesn't want to be king or feels guilt for having to stop Dany, so he removes himself from that opportunity (death or exile). Tyrion and Varis are killed and the Starks take over, either by committee or Sansa.
Dany, the Dragon Queen, is one of the great characters to come out of Game of Thrones (IMO, Arya is the best character). They spent years developing this awesome character who constantly proves she is up to the task of being the leader of Westeros only to break her down in the final season. It appears to me that they are trying to change her character's likability to reach a desired end to this story. It feels forced to me.
The idea that Dany would be a bad leader because she wants to use her superior fire power to attack Kings Landing is plain stupid. Innocent people are killed all the time in war and it is not uncommon for bad people surround themselves with civilians as a defensive tactic to protect themselves from superior fire power. A good leader does everything in his or her power to minimize the deaths of civilians but not at the cost of losing the war. The dragons are not nuclear bombs that indiscriminately kill everyone within miles of where they are dropped. IMO, Dany would be viewed favorably (by the TV audience and her followers) if she targeted the enemy soldiers with the dragon fire and tried her best to minimize the death of civilians.
IMO, the overall writing in the last 2 seasons has been lacking. The writers know where they want the story to end but they do not know how to get there with the quality that went into the first six seasons. While I still enjoy the show and certain episodes do live up to the standards of previous seasons, there are far too many eye rolling moments in the last 2 seasons.
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