PSU - Buffalo Dual Thread

174: Mark Hall vs. Jake Lanning

Per 1
Lanning in on a leg, a scramble and a nice counter by Hall for the TD, 2-0. Lanning gets away, 2-1. Hall reaches for a leg, they scramble, and Hall gets the TD, 4-1. Cement mixer by Hall, and gets the pin @ 2:12!!

31-3, PSU
184: Shakur Rasheed vs. Logan Rill

Per 1
Rasheed with a knee brace on the right knee. Shak shoots in on a single, gets the other ankle and the TD, 2-0. Shak looking for a cradle, but can't get it locked. Still going for the far side cradle, and he locks, and gets the pin @ 1:16!!!!

Welcome back, Shakur

37-3, PSU
I dislike taunting when it's someone punching down, but if you're David about to get crushed by Goliath, and Goliath slips and you wind up with two, the 'taunting' by Todrank is just good self-effacing humor. And it made Nolf's last match in Rec Hall as memorable than DT's 11 second pin.

Not to mention as soon as he got the reversal, he cut Nolf immediately. It certainly looked odd but I don't think there was any bad intent. Todrank knows his place there.

A couple of other notes. He wrestled at Purdue and never broke into the lineup and transferred to Buffalo. He wrestled at 141 most of this season including at the Midlands. He bumped to 149 for the Edinboro Open and bumped up to 157 today, his only collegiate match at that weight. Kyle is from the same hometown as Nick and Joe Lee and went to a rival HS. I know Joe beat him 3 straight weeks in the 2015 State Tournament and he ultimately finished 4th at State.
285: Anthony Cassar vs. Sam Schuyler

Per 1
Caution on Schuyler on the start. Stalemate with 2:19 left. Cassar in on the right leg, and gets behind for the TD, 2-0. After a min of riding, Schuyler to his feet and Cassar cuts him, 2-1. Stoppage for a headgear issue with Cassar. Caesar in low on the legs and gets the TD, 4-1. Schuyler tries to stand, taken back to his knee. Another stoppage for headgear issues for Cassar. Schuyler tries to stand, nothing. Cassar working an arm bar but the buzzer sounds. End. RT @ 1:51 for Cassar

Per 2
Schuyler takes bottom. He's to his feet, and then Cassar trips him back down. Schuyler up and he's out, 4-2. Cassar shoots a double and gets the TD, 6-2. Schuyler is flattened. Cassar cuts him, 6-3. Cassar with a head inside single and gets behind for the TD, 8-3. RT @ 3:13 for Cassar

Per 3
Caesar takes bottom. He's up, and taken back down. He's up again, and peels away for the esc, 9-3. RT is locked. Blast double by Cassar for a TD, 11-3, and OOB with 1:27 left. Schuyler works to his feet and is out, 11-4. Cassar with another double for the TD, 13-4. Working for a cradle, but can't get it. OOB with 21 sec. Caesar tries to throw him to his back, and gets 2 NF, 15-4. With 4:24 in RT, it's a 16-4 major

47-3, PSU
HWT notes:

Fix the headgear already. Don’t need that problem tourney time.


When Cassar is a lot bigger than the other guy, the other guy isn’t a HWT.
Ridge Riley Award: Bo & Jason

Bo being interviewed

Was today emotional for you
- no, I don't think it. I'm just appreciative and grateful for all the opportunities I've had to compete in Rec Hall

Talk about the match today
- I was just just looking to score points, and put my opponent on his back. Once I got him on his back I knew it was over

How could this have evolved any better for you
- so many great people, the coaching staff, and the training staff, it's such a great environment. I couln't have imagined it any better

Talk about your parents
- they lugged me around to tournaments since I was 6. I'm so appreciative of that.

How special is this year's team
- I feel really blessed to be on the team I am on. We all love each other. We're going to make the most of our opportunities

Is it all about enjoying the last month
- the accolades and the trophies won't me all that much in the end. It's more about enjoying being with my teammates, and appreciating the opportunity
Todrank is the worst wrestler in the country.
He lost to Nolf.
And people are jumping up and down wetting their pants?
