No shortage of repeating commercials on the video stream. I guess the Nolf pin came too quickly.

You think they'd have a few better commercials set for Intermission.
165: Rasheed vs. Drew Luongo (sp?)
1st. Rasheed in quickly on a leg, they scramble, and Luongo gets away. Rasheed in again, another scramblee, and a stalemate at 1:57 left. Rasheed in on a low single, stall warning on Luongo, another scramble, and finally the TD, 2-0. Rasheed working a bar near the edge. Luongo pretty flat. Stall call on Luongo, 3-0. Rideout.
Rasheed takes down. He's upand out in 11 sec, 4-0. Rasheed right in on a single, they scramble again, and a stalemate at 1:28. Rasheed reaches, but blocked. Rasheed in on a single, and a stall call on Luongo, 5-0. They scramble, now Rasheed has him dancing on 1 leg, then down to another scramble, and a stalemate with 12 sec. End
Luongo takes neutral. Rasheed with a sloppy shot and Luongo with a spin around, 5-2. Rasheed with an esc, 6-2. Now Luongo spins around behind off of another sloppy shot, 6-4. Esc, 7-4. Now a scramble at 1 min, and TD for Rasheed at 43 sec, 9-4. Correction, that was a TD for Luongo and a Rev for Rasheed, 9-6. Then an esc, 9-7. Final. It's actually 10-8 for the final.
19-3, PSU