Sandwich Thread

THANKS for the info. I do believe now that it was a Stromboli. That may change things. I just remember it being packed with meat and quite would have to be to be quite that memorable :) I will be coming back to Pa. soon......definitely want to check it out :) Thanks again
I'd guess you're are correct, they always had ridiculously huge stromboli's, I can't remember calzones though . Back in the day, there were 2 OIP's in Huntingdon. The other one was on Rt 22 across the road from KFC but it wasn't as good as the one in town.

Funny you should say that. I was coming back from Mount Union a while back and I stopped at that OIP along 22....hoping it was the place. You are absolutely wasn't as big or nearly as good. Didn't know there were 2 in Huntington. I am already hungry :)