Shorter in the portal

Excellent use of poor grammar, anonymous name-calling, and multiple crude statements all in one otherwise stupid post. He can’t catch the football. Juwan could not catch the football. If they have some sort of epiphany with that basic skill, yippee for them. But they both were extreme disappointments at PSU.

I blame the coaches for lots of things, but the pitiful performance of these two is their own responsibility.
JJ cant catch?? Hmmmm I wonder about that?

hmmm 2 years in a row we have to fire the WR coach? Something doesnt sound right.

I agree, but I have seen nothing out of the new WR coach that makes me think that he is doing a stellar job. Maybe it is the play calling and not the position group most of the time, who knows for sure as it is hard as heck to tell sometimes.
He has to sit a year out right?
Unless he claims he was under severe duress, or had emotional issues caused by PSU, or a victim of prejudice, or family matters, or yada, yada, yada. In other words, he’ll be granted immediate eligibility by the NCAA once he enters his reasons/excuses, similar to Justin Fields and many other transferees in the new free agency system adopted by the NCAA for FBS athletes (not nesessarily student athletes any longer either ). It’s the new normalcy.
Unless he claims he was under severe duress, or had emotional issues caused by PSU, or a victim of prejudice, or family matters, or yada, yada, yada. In other words, he’ll be granted immediate eligibility by the NCAA once he enters his reasons/excuses, similar to Justin Fields and many other transferees in the new free agency system adopted by the NCAA for FBS athletes (not nesessarily student athletes any longer either ). It’s the new normalcy.
A lot depends on which team he wants to transfer to.
What adversity? He has had every opportunity in the world. Any adversity was self created.

Im not going after you directly, but Shorter really has not had a ton of opportunities. Outside of the Minny game, I don't think he has been awful at securing the football. In fact, I don't have the stats, but I would guess his catch rate on catchable balls is higher than Hammlers. Clearly, he has lost his mojo, is that because he can't catch, maybe, is that because he has been thrown to literally 18 times this year and is drown out in this offense, maybe.
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Really they are taught that early..OMG stop the presses..once again a stupid statement--- its all the coaches fault---. No one said ALL ..reading comprehension can be your friend...but please tell me that the resume of the current WR coach speaks to you of experience and has been there and done that and is the guy you want teaching . This is PSU not f'in Duke. Obviously all coaches have a base level of knowledge or are supposed to teach SOME DO IT WAY BETTER THAN OTHERS. The notion that a few WR's may not take to being taught a certain way is off the table and its all on the player is just flat out ignorant-- well good for you. Glad you have such experience to just be able blame your players 100%

When the ball is in the air, I have yet to see a coach make the catch. Perhaps you should watch Duke....they've had some decent years in the passing game.
Im not going after you directly, but Shorter really has not had a ton of opportunities. Outside of the Minny game, I don't think he has been awful at securing the football. In fact, I don't have the stats, but I would guess his catch rate on catchable balls is higher than Hammlers. Clearly, he has lost his mojo, is that because he can't catch, maybe, is that because he has been thrown to literally 18 times this year and is drown out in this offense, maybe.
You have to get open to have the ball thrown to you.
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Im not going after you directly, but Shorter really has not had a ton of opportunities. Outside of the Minny game, I don't think he has been awful at securing the football. In fact, I don't have the stats, but I would guess his catch rate on catchable balls is higher than Hammlers. Clearly, he has lost his mojo, is that because he can't catch, maybe, is that because he has been thrown to literally 18 times this year and is drown out in this offense, maybe.

Shorter has had plenty of opportunities and he hasn’t capitalized on them. Is anyone who doesn’t succeed capable of looking in the mirror and stop making excuses any more?
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Sigh....more Perspective...Shorter needs to catch the ball-AGREED...If we had a better WR Coach I think he would be better and if he RESPECTED his WR coach he stays. I also believe he sees another NJ receiver who had similar issues-now having success elsewhere and wouldn't be surprised if he has a few in his ear about what you all already stated---Qb-Offense-Progressions-Playing time-Etc. etc.

On a side note--Here is how a certain school plays it when competing for a WR...interesting isn't ito_O

vs. their Competition

Few thoughts

1. It's too bad that it does not appear that things have worked out for Justin here at Penn State. Recruiting is a crap shoot and every year, there are players who are highly praised that just don't pan out - for one reason or another.

2. The parallels to Juwan Johnson are striking. As far as I know, after Johnson resolved some injuries, he has done fairly well at Oregon.

3. The WR coaching situation is a bit bizarre.

4. Shorter and Dotson have not really been a focal point of the QBs. Personally, I think it's a combination that they have not really been open/when they get a pass they drop it or don't make the effort/Clifford seems solely locked in to KJ and PF. To the point that the other WRs don't really seem to come into his vision at all.

5. I hope he reconsiders, works hard and improves and comes back. But if he doesn't hope he lands at a place that can get him coached up.

6. Who knows why he chose this week to enter the portal - maybe he had sit down with the coaches, or maybe they simply said - you are not improving.
You have to get open to have the ball thrown to you.

Totally fair, and you never see the receivers on the tv screen(i have not been to a game this year), does he run poor routes or is he slow(I don't think thats the knock on him)?
[QUOTE="Is anyone who doesn’t succeed capable of looking in the mirror and stop making excuses any more?[/QUOTE]

Check the calendar. It’s 2019. No one is accountable for anything. It’s always someone else’s fault. Just pick your go to excuse why “the man” is keeping you down.
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OTOH, if you saw him make this, then why wasnt he making those? it is not because he lacks ability. and IDK the answer to my question.
Me neither. Can't quantify it. Every time I looked at him matched up one on one with some dude half his size I thought, just throw it to him.
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Either way, it's a shame and I would be surprised by anyone who does not feel that way. A 5 star kid that is 6ft 4 and runs like the wind is not exactly something that grows on trees and if everyone remembers, he was a strong early commitment that never wavered on his commitment when a myriad of other schools and bagmen were surly trying to get his attention and negative recruit. Franklin said about Justin something to the effect of "we never had any drama with Justin, he was about the easiest recruit we ever had, good kid, high character kid, looked us in the eyes and committed and never wavered." Its just a shame, I was rooting for him
Using this logic, every mistake a player makes on the field is the coach’s fault.

This is the chicken vs egg debate. Players clearly have to perform and that’s on them to be the best they can. That said, coaches have to set up players to take the greatest advantage of their talent whether in scheme or correcting bad habits/ errors.

Clearly, every player error is not the coaches fault. However, if there are repeated problems that aren’t corrected game after game then a lot of that blame does fall on the coaches IMO.
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Ah, maybe better anticipation & better hands sir is more likely.

Catching the ball, somewhat like hitting a baseball, can be a "confidence" thing. No one has been able to (at least to my knowledge) explain why even Hall of Fame level hitter go into "slumps." But when it happens, I'm told, even the best feel like they may never get another hit.
IMO, Shorter's issues have been both confidence (some drops) poor instincts (not coming back to or going up to the ball etc,) and a glaring inability to create separation. Now, I don't know why all of these things are occurring, so lets just say its inferior coaching.....LOL
Keep in mine that beginning at age 10 or younger, these "blue chip" recruits have been pampered like super stars. Some rise to the challenge as Micah Parsons did Saturday and some wilt against equal competition and look for others to blame. It was always my experience that competitors find a way to overcome temporary setbacks and welcome the challenge. I've also seen my share of gifted athletes empty their lockers and quit when things didn't fall in their lap.
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You are correct. Mea Culpa.

I should have said "One of the Dicks", but, then again, someone has to be the "Champ" :)
You wanna' battle it out with him?

(Here's a little clue:
The PSU offense is - and has been - a disjointed, "stupid", rudderless clusterf^ck for the last two years. Any high-end-talent kid looking to maximize his production would be doing the same as Shorter. It is what it is.
But you can join with the other NattyLite-Pounding, Chest-Beating dingle****s who want to rag on the kid who's getting the short end of the stick..... just because you haven't been able to get as much wood over "your" team as you would like.)
While eloquent, your explanation doesn't cover the issue of dropped passes.
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Shorter had inside position on Winfield for that ball, but in the words of the announcer, “ he ( Winfield ) just went up higher than a much taller receiver “.
Shorter also has not come aggressively back for the football on underneath passes thrown to him, instead simply waiting on the ball to get to him while defenders closed the small gap/window he had created during his route. I’ve noticed that on at least 3 routes he’s been targeted. For such a highly rated recruit with his size and speed, he’s really been a major enigma. Can he turn it around and realize his full potential for a major Power 5 program ? It remains to be seen IMO.
Can't people just calm down? People go into the portal and come back (ask Wade how that worked out). People de-commit and re-commit (ask Parsons how it worked out).

He may be finally done at PSU or maybe this was a way to get the staff's attention and have some off-season discussions with PSU (and other potential schools) before he decides what to do.

I've been really hopeful about Shorter but you have to admit he has played a lot and not produced a lot -- though it's still early in his career. He's a redshirt freshman for crissakes.

If he does leave, there will be dozens of receivers in the transfer portal so plenty of opportunities for PSU to stock the position. And there will be excellent redshirt freshmen and true freshmen receivers coming in. PSU's going to be fine with Shorter or without him.

I do hope he ends up staying though because there's still a good chance he will be a productive college player and I would like that to happen at PSU.
He is entering the portal before the season is even over. There is no coming back from this.
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Shorter dropped too many passes this year but he's only a RS freshman. Gesicki dropped a lot of passes during his first two years. IIRC he turned out to be pretty good. I'm not sure why so many on the board are acting like this isn't a loss. I think it's a big loss. You can't teach 6'4". Besides, I don't want any more fades to a 5'9" WR in the end zone.
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Any chance we see Shorter playing for rutgres on Saturday?

“Hi, Coach Campanile. I’ll play for you. Thanks. I’ll wait here in State College for you guys. Just bring me a uniform, and I’m ready to go.”
I am on the 100% Shorter fault train.....although I remember yelling at the TV in some of our games that the constant throwing to Hamler needed to stop.....

We had plenty of times and plenty of leads where we simply could have told Clifford that his progression started with Shorter. Instead he locked on Hamler and PF.

IMO, the Minnesota game wasn't the game you force the coming out party.

On second though maybe I am not 100% Shorters fault on this.
of course they dont teach drops that's stupid statement in and of itself.. but they do teach other things like technique which can lead to drops, how come he didn't high point the ball in the Minny game.. what you do in a game is a reflection of practice and practice habits. Who runs practice?

I forgot the players just show up and the coaches have nothing to do with their development--they all already are 5 star diamonds. LOL

We all know the player is to execute, where were you when Giesecki(sp) dropped all those balls early in his career? in addition to his continued work to get better pray tell who helped him get better or more importantly how to get better. I doubt he did it all on his own.
So did PSU fire Giesecki's WR coach when he had dropsy? Did he pout and transfer?
Wow. You must be a couple of branch campus dummies. I predict Slade will be next in the portal and stated that Franklin is bad with wideouts. Doesn't mean Slade is a wideout. Two thoughts in one post, looks like that is too advance of a topic for a couple of branch campus dummies.

Who cares if Slade leaves? I would say there was near 100% negative bitching about him,every time he saw the field and the 4 back rotation. Anyone who didn't see him leaving after the 4th game this year is the branch campus custodian.