Welcome, my friends, to the new normal.
Not better, not worse. Just different rules than before. And the coaches who learn to play by those rules will prosper most.
Shorter’s departure, if he elects to do do, simply opens a spot for somebody new. If the player who comes in is more productive that the player departing (regardless of “stats”), it’s a win.
After giving it some thought, I have no issue with any player looking for a better situation at any time. I’m fine as long as the rules are consistent on eligibility. Coaches move on with little restriction. Some players leave early for the NFL. I’m free to become a Notre Dame fan at any time. (I almost barfed typing that.)
Coaches are going to start earning those huge paychecks in the free agent world. It’s a young MSN’s game. Those long-time coaches like Joe would have struggled to adjust to this environment in my opinion.