Silas Redd

You claimed each response to your comments proved he was attacking Redd ... yet, despite me providing each one of them to you, you have not addressed a single response to your comments by the OP to show how they are evidence that the OP was attacking Redd. The only thing you mentioned was something meaningless in the thread originating post, which obviously isn't even a response to your comments, since it kicked this whole thing off.

You have been given opportunity after opportunity to support your stance. You have purposefully avoided doing so, despite responding (by, once again, only restating your unsupported claim).

Your concession on the merits is, again, duly noted. No need to concede again.

Either show, specifically, how his responses to you are evidence that the OP was attacking Redd, or don't respond at all. If you chose to respond AGAIN by simply restating your claim, without supporting said claim, I will just repost this comment in its entirety as a reply until you either stop responding or you actually support your claim.
It was "legend" as an attack--see the way he responded which shows I was right. It wasn't meaningless--it was the entire point of the first thread--the word was picked careful as you damn well know.

I have supported it--you just are disregarding it because you can't admit you're wrong. It's not an unsupported claim which his response proves. Hell, look at the responses prior to my response in this thread. Everyone knows what the intent was--you're pretending otherwise because you need the back and forth with me since Kaspy isn't fighting with you.
Instead of letting the OP defend himself, which he chose to do, you all wanted to start the same war again.
We all know this game--the problem isn't me but those that need me to be relevant.
It was "legend" as an attack--see the way he responded which shows I was right. It wasn't meaningless--it was the entire point of the first thread--the word was picked careful as you damn well know.

I have supported it--you just are disregarding it because you can't admit you're wrong. It's not an unsupported claim which his response proves. Hell, look at the responses prior to my response in this thread. Everyone knows what the intent was--you're pretending otherwise because you need the back and forth with me since Kaspy isn't fighting with you.


You claimed each response to your comments proved he was attacking Redd ... yet, despite me providing each one of them to you, you have not addressed a single response to your comments by the OP to show how they are evidence that the OP was attacking Redd. The only thing you mentioned was something meaningless in the thread originating post, which obviously isn't even a response to your comments, since it kicked this whole thing off.

You have been given opportunity after opportunity to support your stance. You have purposefully avoided doing so, despite responding (by, once again, only restating your unsupported claim).

Your concession on the merits is, again, duly noted. No need to concede again.

Either show, specifically, how his responses to you are evidence that the OP was attacking Redd, or don't respond at all. If you chose to respond AGAIN by simply restating your claim, without supporting said claim, I will just repost this comment in its entirety as a reply until you either stop responding or you actually support your claim.

You claimed each response to your comments proved he was attacking Redd ... yet, despite me providing each one of them to you, you have not addressed a single response to your comments by the OP to show how they are evidence that the OP was attacking Redd. The only thing you mentioned was something meaningless in the thread originating post, which obviously isn't even a response to your comments, since it kicked this whole thing off.

You have been given opportunity after opportunity to support your stance. You have purposefully avoided doing so, despite responding (by, once again, only restating your unsupported claim).

Your concession on the merits is, again, duly noted. No need to concede again.

Either show, specifically, how his responses to you are evidence that the OP was attacking Redd, or don't respond at all. If you chose to respond AGAIN by simply restating your claim, without supporting said claim, I will just repost this comment in its entirety as a reply until you either stop responding or you actually support your claim.
Then, yes, every response to me proves that was his intent--read them
It wasn't meaningless--it was INTENTIONAL
You can repeat whatever you want--you're wrong here and this is one of those times you've known that for a while but continue because you're envious of me
Then, yes, every response to me proves that was his intent--read them
It wasn't meaningless--it was INTENTIONAL
You can repeat whatever you want--you're wrong here and this is one of those times you've known that for a while but continue because you're envious of me
Silas called Lando wants you to bring him over some weed. He’s getting low
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Ah, so then you lied. Originally you said that "all his responses prove that" - "that" meaning "ill intent."

Now, you're claiming it was his original post (which was not a response) ... and you're hinging that all on the single word "legend." That, to sane individuals, would indicate a playful jab ... just part of a harmless joke. To you, it's an attack!

Then, yes, every response to me proves that was his intent--read them

I read them. I friggin copied and pasted them in one post, and explained how they prove ill intent was NOT his intent, and asked you to explain how they read otherwise. And, that's why we're here - with you unable to fulfill that simple duty - the duty to present ANY evidence those responses prove ill intent. Instead, you've just restated your unsupported claim that they do.

It wasn't meaningless--it was INTENTIONAL
You can repeat whatever you want--you're wrong here and this is one of those times you've known that for a while but continue because you're envious of me

A whole lot of crazy on display here - you're cracking.

I feel like I just stumbled across Buffalo Bill doing his "wiener between the legs" dance while he tells the mirror he'd bang himself. Welcome to Crazytown ... population: LandoComando.


So, to sum ... the OP's responses are proof of ill-intent ... but all his responses claim it's just a joke, include outright denials of any ill-intent, and include no attacks on Silas themselves ... and the responses don't matter anyway, because of the word "legend" in the thread originating post.

That's your story and you're sticking to it?

The use of the word "legend" has no bearing on whether or not there was ill-intent, and his subsequent responses definitively prove there was no ill-intent.

It was a joke - like your attempts to formulate an argument, once again.
Silas called Lando wants you to bring him over some weed. He’s getting low

LOL. That's funny.

I didn't know this guy with the dumb screen name had a brain, let alone a sense of humor. Typically his giggling emojis are the best he can muster.

Of course, he's at the 3rd-grade level in basic punctuation and rules of English -- no surprise there -- but you can't have everything.
Ah, so then you lied. Originally you said that "all his responses prove that" - "that" meaning "ill intent."

Now, you're claiming it was his original post (which was not a response) ... and you're hinging that all on the single word "legend." That, to sane individuals, would indicate a playful jab ... just part of a harmless joke. To you, it's an attack!

I read them. I friggin copied and pasted them in one post, and explained how they prove ill intent was NOT his intent, and asked you to explain how they read otherwise. And, that's why we're here - with you unable to fulfill that simple duty - the duty to present ANY evidence those responses prove ill intent. Instead, you've just restated your unsupported claim that they do.


A whole lot of crazy on display here - you're cracking.

I feel like I just stumbled across Buffalo Bill doing his "wiener between the legs" dance while he tells the mirror he'd bang himself. Welcome to Crazytown ... population: LandoComando.


So, to sum ... the OP's responses are proof of ill-intent ... but all his responses claim it's just a joke, include outright denials of any ill-intent, and include no attacks on Silas themselves ... and the responses don't matter anyway, because of the word "legend" in the thread originating post.

That's your story and you're sticking to it?

The use of the word "legend" has no bearing on whether or not there was ill-intent, and his subsequent responses definitively prove there was no ill-intent.

It was a joke - like your attempts to formulate an argument, once again.
All his responses prove that--yes, they do prove that. He didn't say that wasn't his intent. Read them again--he refused to answer what his intent was. I know that hurts your argument so you're ignoring it.

Not cracking--just dealing with a stalker

Yes, the OP is an attack, all responses thereafter support that. People say "it's a joke" when they refuse to take ownership of their actions. Much in the same way you're a joke.

Calling him a legend is mocking him--it's referring to Mauti being a legend. We all know this. Sorry, those of us with even a small amount of intelligence know this which is why you're aligned with those mentioning his suspension and drug use.

Stick to arguing with Kaspy--he's on your level--on your best day you can't contend with me.
LOL. That's funny.

I didn't know this guy with the dumb screen name had a brain, let alone a sense of humor. Typically his giggling emojis are the best he can muster.

Of course, he's at the 3rd-grade level in basic punctuation and rules of English -- no surprise there -- but you can't have everything.
Yes, attacking his drug use is all a joke--so very funny
  • Haha
Reactions: Jerry
Whose drug use...Silas's or this Hawkeybrokenglasses person? From the looks of his posts, the latter has a bigger problem than the former.


Just kidding, man. Lighten up, Lando.
Yeah, it's kidding to attack his drug use that ended his career--very funny--great entertainment
LOL. That's funny.

I didn't know this guy with the dumb screen name had a brain, let alone a sense of humor. Typically his giggling emojis are the best he can muster.

Of course, he's at the 3rd-grade level in basic punctuation and rules of English -- no surprise there -- but you can't have everything.
You should be more concerned about your son trying to impregnate under age girls
  • Haha
Reactions: Jerry
Lando, I didn't attack anyone. It was this other person, the illiterate idiot, who made sport of Silas's travails.
You defending him is supporting the attack especially since you find it funny
If you don't stand up against it you're an enabler--and now the idiot is bashing you and your family but you took his side so clearly he's right--hope that's a good laugh for you--parent of the year you are
You should be more concerned about your son trying to impregnate under age girls
@Jerry this is who you sided with all because you can't accept that I was right--yet again. But have a sense of humor about your sex offender son while he lets his neighbors know I guess

Hawkey, you forgot the period at the end of the sentence again. I realize basic punctuation is not your strong point. When does Mom take your laptop away in the evening?

Same with Lando. Plus he didn't capitalize the first word of his drivel. Basically we've got two illiterate peas in a pod arguing like little girls.
Hawkey, you forgot the period at the end of the sentence again. I realize basic punctuation is not your strong point. When does Mom take your laptop away in the evening?

Same with Lando. Plus he didn't capitalize the first word of his drivel. Basically we've got two illiterate peas in a pod arguing like little girls.
This is a message board--nothing more
But good way to deflect as per usual
Hawkey, you forgot the period at the end of the sentence again. I realize basic punctuation is not your strong point. When does Mom take your laptop away in the evening?

Same with Lando. Plus he didn't capitalize the first word of his drivel. Basically we've got two illiterate peas in a pod arguing like little girls.
lol your son hates when girls have their periods. In fact he thinks the democrats are reason girls have them.
  • Haha
Reactions: Jerry
All his responses prove that--yes, they do prove that. He didn't say that wasn't his intent. Read them again--he refused to answer what his intent was. I know that hurts your argument so you're ignoring it.

LOL! By the time you got around to asking him his intent ... after you had already accused him of ill intent a number of times ... he had already stated that your accusations were baseless. He told you that you were pulling stuff out of thin air ... he stated it was a joke and asked you why you were getting upset over a joke.

And he's under no obligation to answer any accusation of yours ... but he did ... and he refuted your accusations, multiple times.

Here's CaptMisspelledComando leading an investigation:

CaptMisspelledComando: He did it!
Random Guy: I didn't do it!

CaptMisspelledComando: He did it!
Random Guy: I didn't do it!

CaptMisspelledComando: Did you do it?
Random Guy: GFY

CaptMispelledComando: See? He did it!

BRILLIANT!! You got 'em!

No wonder you refused to provide evidence to support your claims for so long - you had nothing (as we all knew).

Not cracking--just dealing with a stalker

You're having to fall back into delusions to take the heat off yourself for your epic failure here.

Yes, the OP is an attack, all responses thereafter support that. People say "it's a joke" when they refuse to take ownership of their actions. Much in the same way you're a joke.

It's pretty clear you don't know how people interact with one another. He said you're making up the allegation that it was an attack, if there was any doubt prior (and there wasn't). My guess is you're overly sensitive to jokes, since a ton were made at your expense over your lifetime. And it's turned you into a raging, misguided Karen, apparently.

Calling him a legend is mocking him--it's referring to Mauti being a legend. We all know this. Sorry, those of us with even a small amount of intelligence know this which is why you're aligned with those mentioning his suspension and drug use.

Stick to arguing with Kaspy--he's on your level--on your best day you can't contend with me.

A small amount of intelligence is being rather generous to yourself.

Even you realize you messed up here, which explains why you're falling back on these delusions of grandeur as a last gasp.

CaptMisspelledComando: "His responses to me prove he did it!"
Normal Human: "His responses affirmatively deny he did it."

CaptMisspelledComando: "His responses don't matter - all that matters is the first post!"
Normal Human: "His first post is innocuous."

CaptMisspelledComando: "Including 'legend' is an attack!"
Normal Human: "Uh, it's a joke ... he stated as much"

CaptMisspelledComando: "Saying a joke is a joke is what you say when a joke isn't a joke"
Normal Human: "So what do you say when a joke IS a joke?"

CaptMisspelledComando: "Loud noises!"
You defending him is supporting the attack especially since you find it funny
If you don't stand up against it you're an enabler--and now the idiot is bashing you and your family but you took his side so clearly he's right--hope that's a good laugh for you--parent of the year you are

Hey, dummy ... Jerry was attacking Hawkey, not Silas.

He even tried to clarify that fact and you still didn't get it. Good lord.
LOL! By the time you got around to asking him his intent ... after you had already accused him of ill intent a number of times ... he had already stated that your accusations were baseless. He told you that you were pulling stuff out of thin air ... he stated it was a joke and asked you why you were getting upset over a joke.

And he's under no obligation to answer any accusation of yours ... but he did ... and he refuted your accusations, multiple times.

Here's CaptMisspelledComando leading an investigation:

CaptMisspelledComando: He did it!
Random Guy: I didn't do it!

CaptMisspelledComando: He did it!
Random Guy: I didn't do it!

CaptMisspelledComando: Did you do it?
Random Guy: GFY

CaptMispelledComando: See? He did it!

BRILLIANT!! You got 'em!

No wonder you refused to provide evidence to support your claims for so long - you had nothing (as we all knew).

You're having to fall back into delusions to take the heat off yourself for your epic failure here.

It's pretty clear you don't know how people interact with one another. He said you're making up the allegation that it was an attack, if there was any doubt prior (and there wasn't). My guess is you're overly sensitive to jokes, since a ton were made at your expense over your lifetime. And it's turned you into a raging, misguided Karen, apparently.

A small amount of intelligence is being rather generous to yourself.

Even you realize you messed up here, which explains why you're falling back on these delusions of grandeur as a last gasp.

CaptMisspelledComando: "His responses to me prove he did it!"
Normal Human: "His responses affirmatively deny he did it."

CaptMisspelledComando: "His responses don't matter - all that matters is the first post!"
Normal Human: "His first post is innocuous."

CaptMisspelledComando: "Including 'legend' is an attack!"
Normal Human: "Uh, it's a joke ... he stated as much"

CaptMisspelledComando: "Saying a joke is a joke is what you say when a joke isn't a joke"
Normal Human: "So what do you say when a joke IS a joke?"

CaptMisspelledComando: "Loud noises!"
As I stated--obsessed with me
Again, you know the intent--there was no joke
I'm not sure who you actually think I am but unlike you I wasn't the loser growing up. Grew up wealthy (that will be your next insult), was a captain of a BCHL hockey team and my HS hockey team as a sophomore, the list goes on and on.
My entire life (to this dead) I defend those that are wrongfully attacked like Redd was here
Simple concept--and you think the name is spelled wrong is funny--it's a joke you don't get (see I know what a joke is--do you?)
Last edited:
Hey, dummy ... Jerry was attacking Hawkey, not Silas.

He even tried to clarify that fact and you still didn't get it. Good lord.
@PurposePitch folllow the thread
Aka "support" but lost on you
LOL. That's funny.

I didn't know this guy with the dumb screen name had a brain, let alone a sense of humor. Typically his giggling emojis are the best he can muster.

Of course, he's at the 3rd-grade level in basic punctuation and rules of English -- no surprise there -- but you can't have everything.
As I stated--obsessed with me
Again, you know the intent--there was no jokes
I'm not sure who you actually think I am but unlike you I wasn't the loser in school. Grew up wealthy (that will be your next insult), was a captain of a BCHL hockey team and my HS hockey team as a sophomore, the list goes on and on.
My entire life (to this dead) I defend those that are wrongfully attacked like Redd was here
Simple concept--and you think the name is spelled wrong is funny--it's a joke you don't get (see I know what a joke is--do you?)
Holy shit. It's like I stumbled into an insane asylum.

Last thing I remember...I was running for the door.,.I had to find the passage the place I was before...
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I really wish "they" would have left that post up from this time last year under the subject line, "Lando."

So much time has passed and so little has changed.
As I stated--obsessed with me
Again, you know the intent--there was no joke
I'm not sure who you actually think I am but unlike you I wasn't the loser growing up. Grew up wealthy (that will be your next insult), was a captain of a BCHL hockey team and my HS hockey team as a sophomore, the list goes on and on.
My entire life (to this dead) I defend those that are wrongfully attacked like Redd was here
Simple concept--and you think the name is spelled wrong is funny--it's a joke you don't get (see I know what a joke is--do you?)

Everyone is obsessed with LAUGHING AT YOU... Duh.
I usually scroll through the threads without even looking at who's posting. I've gotten to the point where I know it's you without looking. They always sound the same!

It's because Lando is being ridiculous... lmfao...
FYI, for any sane people making the mistake of looking at this thread tonight, my son's name is Matt Walsh.

He just starred in the top-grossing movie documentary of the decade.

He's also got well over 3 million followers on X.

Plus the New York Times recently listed him as one of the top-10 most influential conservative commentators in the country.

This makes some drooling lunatics upset as you can perhaps tell from their unhinged posts above in the thread.
FYI, for any sane people making the mistake of looking at this thread tonight, my son's name is Matt Walsh.

He just starred in the top-grossing movie documentary of the decade.

He's also got well over 3 million followers on X.

Plus the New York Times recently listed him as one of the top-10 most influential conservative commentators in the country.

This makes some drooling lunatics upset as you can perhaps tell from their unhinged posts above in the thread.
lol you can have as many followers as you want doesn’t mean your still not a product of your parents failures. For you posters who already don’t know about this freak if you have young daughters be careful,.
As I stated--obsessed with me
Again, you know the intent--there was no jokes
I'm not sure who you actually think I am but unlike you I wasn't the loser in school. Grew up wealthy (that will be your next insult), was a captain of a BCHL hockey team and my HS hockey team as a sophomore, the list goes on and on.
My entire life (to this dead) I defend those that are wrongfully attacked like Redd was here
Simple concept--and you think the name is spelled wrong is funny--it's a joke you don't get (see I know what a joke is--do you?)

This post reads like it was written with poop smeared on a wall. Yikes.

Now you're having to fall back on details of your personal life to try to prove that your idiocy here doesn't extend to the real world? You're beyond desperate.

Wait, I thought, according to you, that I was stalking you? Now you're telling me your life story in order to excuse away the fact that you consistently appear to be neurodivergent on this board?

So your entire life has been dead? And it's dedicated to defending people from innocuous jokes on message boards?

"Sure, I may be entirely wrong about everything on this board, and I can't formulate an argument or support anything I say, but I was rich and played hockey!" Does BCHL stand for Bigly Cognitively Handicapped League?

So, you decided to play a joke on yourself by making yourself look illiterate? Good one! And then another joke when you decided to appear incapable of making cogent arguments while you troll the board endlessly? Another good one!
  • Haha
Reactions: LandoComando
This post reads like it was written with poop smeared on a wall. Yikes.

Now you're having to fall back on details of your personal life to try to prove that your idiocy here doesn't extend to the real world? You're beyond desperate.

Wait, I thought, according to you, that I was stalking you? Now you're telling me your life story in order to excuse away the fact that you consistently appear to be neurodivergent on this board?

So your entire life has been dead? And it's dedicated to defending people from innocuous jokes on message boards?

"Sure, I may be entirely wrong about everything on this board, and I can't formulate an argument or support anything I say, but I was rich and played hockey!" Does BCHL stand for Bigly Cognitively Handicapped League?

So, you decided to play a joke on yourself by making yourself look illiterate? Good one! And then another joke when you decided to appear incapable of making cogent arguments while you troll the board endlessly? Another good one!
Just proving my point yet again and it was as predictable as I said it would be
And, yes, I know the desperation with the attack (not joke) but if you don't know what the BCHL is that's on you big guy
All goes back to my law degree is better than the one you "earned"