In fact, hits the airwaves directly before the B1G Conference Championship game to say that he has no problem with "Selection Committee" devaluing Conference play, OBJECTIVE Conference Outcomes, Conference Division Championships and Conference fact he supports their purely subjective and arbitrary actions in this regard??? Why is this man B1G Conference Commissioner and how is it possible the Conference does not hold him responsible for such IRRESPONSIBLE statements? He has made the B1G Conference play, Division Championships and Conference Championships utterly meaningless and the OBJECTIVE RESULTS of Conference play subservient (i.e., the PLAYERS EQUITY) to the "Selection Committee's" opinions! How does our Athletic Department and University in general not have a major problem with the B1G Commissioner selling the ATHLETE'S EQUITY IN THE SYSTEM down the river??? Disgraceful if PSU does not make a strong statement CONDEMNING what that POS Delany just did.
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