I don't agree with Eduardo about the stock market but your characterization is politically biased and largely dishonest. The stock market has been strong but so has inflation. You can't honestly deny that. Your claim that Trump had the worst jobs record and Biden had the best jobs record has been totally debunked by the liberal Washington Post who gave that claim unlimited Pinocchios. The reason is job losses were forced by government shutdowns and not economic policies. Allowing people to go back to work after the covid shutdowns also had nothing to do with economic policies. For the record the unemployment rate was 3.5% in the months leading up to the Covid shutdowns and it rebounded back to that level in July 2022. It has since moved back up to 4.1% with the majority of new jobs being government and leisure. A lot of the jobs have also been part time. Manufacturing has struggled in recent years.It's funny that EdwardoCarrachio thinks that all-time highs in the stock market, strong GDP, and record lows in unemployment are a disaster. He's completely suckered by Trump, the first president since Herbert Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs that when he came in and the last president to have a recession. I will take inflation ANY day over people losing their jobs and not having any money.
You claim about inflation being better than people losing their jobs and having no money is largely debunked by this Bureau of Labor Statistics graph about real wage growth.
I disagree with Edwardo on some things and I appreciate different opinions about policies. I'm just trying to look at the facts.