You either missed my point, or didn't care about it.
I'd guess the sarcasm was a retort to perceived 'board policing.' But I don't see any harm in his retort, or in your post about nicknames.
The lack of naming conventions on wrestle boards has caused me confusion before too; I never understood why truncations were so popular on boards with no character limits. Off the top of my head:
- use of 'AA' for Andrew Alton; AA to me always meant All-American. I did see 'Dylan' a lot more than 'DA'
- 'NQ': used both as Non-Qualifier and National Qualifier
- 'Jimmy', when both Gulibon & Lawson were on the roster at the same time (+2-3 characters to avoid confusion)
- 'Bo', for both Nickal & Bo Jordan. Less confusing this year in different weights, but +3-4 characters for clarity
- 'Nick', for both Suriano & Nevills (+3-4 characters for clarity).
- 'Nevills', for any of them really. Especially muddy in posts about future lineups.
- 'Dean', for both Gabe Dean & Dean Heil. Not sure why you would ever use a first name, same character length, when a last name is so much more unique.
- Coming up, 'Lee' for any of Spencer, Nick or Joe
- Really, any use of two-character abbreviations to rep first & last names. They always distracted me from the poster's point, when I'd have to break and go 'wait, who?'
Maybe it's left over from when board software didn't have specific comment reply features? When you would just post a blurb to a thread, and it only had context to the thread title?
In any event, I feel ya.