I started with unhealthy hate and ugly names for AJ, evolved to believing even he deserves a second chance (or 10th?), then selfishly enjoyed anticipating his coming matches with AB. After SS and his odd foreplay with a car on a country road, I’m stuck on one feeling: Pity.
For a 22-year-old who hasn’t outgrown “macho adolescence” and clearly never will. For a troubled man-child who, despite the illusion of a strong family, is cursed with parasitic parents who care more for profiting off their sons’ athletic skill than they do their own child’s mental health. Moreso than AJ’s sad behavior, I’m sickened by parents who use their kids like this.
For a 22-year-old who hasn’t outgrown “macho adolescence” and clearly never will. For a troubled man-child who, despite the illusion of a strong family, is cursed with parasitic parents who care more for profiting off their sons’ athletic skill than they do their own child’s mental health. Moreso than AJ’s sad behavior, I’m sickened by parents who use their kids like this.