It is beyond a "risky situation" to force visiting team's to be exposed to morons like this where the morons are able to make contact with the "Visiting Team's Bench" and players by doing nothing more than reaching their arm out over the stadium wall. It is not a joking matter in any way, shape or form, especially in regards to "player/team safety", which is why they have plexi-glass barriers in this exact situation at hockey rinks. There isn't a stadium in the country that would allow this and expose participants to such bull$hit and moron behavior - no way in f'ing hell should fans be even remotely this close to PARTICIPANTS simply sitting on their "TEAM BENCH" on the PLAYING SURFACE! No way, no how.....the B1G and Iowa allowing this and exposing Visiting Team's to the actions and behaviors of such fans is RIDICULOUS and the height of "UNSPORTSMANSHIP" at the INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL -- treating that ridiculous situation like it is "cute" or "funny" is typical B1G myopic, homer hor$eshit. It isn't "cute" or "funny" and is pure bull$hit and unsportsmanlike behavior being sponsored by IOWA UNIVERSITY towards visiting teams given that they control the situation, have set it up this way and have allowed it to persist. This absolutely falls under the "it's funny until someone losses an eye" category - who's responsible if one of these tools and idiots were to touch or throw something on a player/coach and the visiting player/coach responded in-kind and knocked the moronic idiot into the middle of next week?
They actually moved the fans back this year, they use to be a few feet closer. I once sat in the second row behind the visitors bench (Minnesota game) most of what is being said to the players is harmless teasing. The players had smiles on their faces on good one liners. Most of the players near the wall are subs looking for entertainment.