57kg Nate Desmond vs Christian Castillo (Mat 1)
Tying up & circling, Desmond in on a leg, working, Castillo trying to fight it off, but Desmond gets the TD, 2-0
Desmond has the legs laced & adds a turn, 4-0, restart
Tying up, breaking & then back to the tie ups
Castillo working the head, drives Desmond out of bounds, 4-1, restart
Back to tying up & looking for an opening
Desmond gets an ankle, Castillo fighting, gets the leg free, but Desmond right back in on it & working, gets an exposure, 6-0 and then finishes the TD, 8-0
Desmond adds a turn for the Tech, 10-0
Wait, now they take away the last TD for Desmond & we're back at it, still 8-0 Desmond
Desmond in on a leg again again & gets a TD with 1-sec left for the Tech, 10-0
Nate Desmond TF Christian Castillo 10-0 (2:59)