Definitely. There are some very overzealous parents out there. I've had the "we need (but really you, the parent, needs) to let little Johnny have his own career and want it himself" talk with a few. I've also had a couple "Ok, now you need to stfu before your kid hates you until they're 25" talks too. Parents don't like that from an arrogant, out-of-shape 25 year old with 0 athletic credentials, but it has to be done sometimes.I used to by a pro photographer and shot a bunch of catalogs, including the FAO Schwarz toy catalog, which involved a lot of casting and shooting of children of various ages. Many of the kids who showed up for casting were the same kids who went to Broadway, TV, film castings. I always thought that the demands of some of these projects robbed kids of ordinary childhoods, because you could see it reflected in their attitudes. For the most part it was the parents who wanted it, not the kids. I've seen the same dynamic on the sidelines of youth sports events when I'm watching one of my nephews play. But every so often at these shoots there'd be a kid who was genuinely born to perform and be on camera. But he/she was the exception to the rule. So I get what you're saying. There are occasions where the kid is so naturally inclined to excel at something and happy doing it that depriving him/her of those opportunities is the wrong choice. But again, exception, not the rule.
It is very much kid-to-kid basis. Some want it, hell, they should go. Some don't, and you know what? That's OK too.
Now, if your kid wants to go to Ohio State, it's an entirely different discussion...