UFO Evidence that demands a verdict ...

All of my sisters got pregnant by alien abduction.

Still, some people will never be convinced of UFO's, no matter how much evidence.
Sorta surprised that the release of the government's lukewarm "acknowledgement report" didn't make this thread.

An article about the 9-page report can be found at this link:

The full report:

I think I did comment on this, but it might be on the Test Board, because it is buried into legislation, and my thoughts on that legislation are political.

I will keep it to ufology here.

I looked at the NYMAG article that you linked and even held my vomit through the imbedded CNN "expert" video analysis that popped into my view of the online article.

What the "expert" decided not to mention was the Commander Fravor testimony. The fact that the Navy let him speak publicly about what happened should tell you that even the Navy sees that the video evidence cannot be disputed. That video was never intended to be public. But now that it is public, it spurred everything leading up to the latest smokescreen agencies expected to report something to Congress.

It should be recognized that what's become regurgitated for the public recently is not anything new. It isn't true, for example, that UFOs are suddenly where we don't want them -- near our military and nuclear sites. That's been going on a long time, and not just for US assets. The public simply doesn't know about it because governments have done an excellent job of suppressing information. Most of it occurred before cell phones and the internet. I would not doubt that there has been planted misinformation -- some real hoax data via government to confuse the matter and give the public a reason to dismiss all of it.

But if you study what has leaked out, and include witness testimony, and actually look at all of what has been presented in ufology, it becomes impossible to dismiss all of it. Which means what I think it means. We are not the highest intelligence roaming the planet.

There is a lot that I could link to this thread that is not linked. It really doesn't matter whether most of the public thinks UFOs are extraterrestrial. It isn't going to change how we can respond to them, or even what we believe about the essence of life. They have control and, for now, are not any sort of threat.

But we do need to care about the planet. I think our visitors do care, which is why they frequent nuclear sites and our military. Nuclear holocaust is actually something that I believe will not happen, because they care. There are cases in ufology that show their capability to toy with our nuclear codes, even to disable missiles in the air.
The June 25th report broke down sightings into several categories: US tech, foreign tech, atmospheric phenomena, debris, and "other". They admitted they don't know what the other sightings were and had only 1 out of the 144 cases in the report be explainable by one of the first four categories.

I've read a number of theories about what these "other" phenomenon are and all of them are mind-blowing.
YIKES, Were you violated by ET's in the past? If you mention JoePA, you might receive a healthy $$ dividend if it happened between 1970 and the the early 2000's.

It was ET and that damn glowing finger.

The June 25th report broke down sightings into several categories: US tech, foreign tech, atmospheric phenomena, debris, and "other". They admitted they don't know what the other sightings were and had only 1 out of the 144 cases in the report be explainable by one of the first four categories.

I've read a number of theories about what these "other" phenomenon are and all of them are mind-blowing.

It's actually the most important story of our time. But since we can do nothing about it other than panic or disillusion people, the old evidence never makes the news to be combined with the new evidence.

My hope is that we would get some form of energy technology out of it. I don't believe that we have no recovered material. In fact I don't believe that we have no recovered bodies.

I will add that I think the energy technology to be had is some form of nuclear, and that is the problem. Nuclear can be used for nefarious purposes.
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It's actually the most important story of our time. But since we can do nothing about it other than panic or disillusion people, the old evidence never makes the news to be combined with the new evidence.

My hope is that we would get some form of energy technology out of it. I don't believe that we have no recovered material. In fact I don't believe that we have no recovered bodies.

I will add that I think the energy technology to be had is some form of nuclear, and that is the problem. Nuclear can be used

If there is any credibility to these reports and encounters, we probably shouldn’t have anything to do with these alleged visitors. It’s hard to make the case they would be our benefactors.
We might be considered a resource or simply an amusement. If these reports are credible, it is plainly obvious our technology is quite primitive in comparison. If we were going to be conquered and exterminated, it would have happened.
It's hard to believe that the government, after 70+ years of looking at reports on this topic, have NO IDEA what these things are. I think SOMEONE there has a really good idea of what this is all about but isn't sharing with the public for various reasons.
It's hard to believe that the government, after 70+ years of looking at reports on this topic, have NO IDEA what these things are. I think SOMEONE there has a really good idea of what this is all about but isn't sharing with the public for various reasons.

As best I can piece things together, I think Bush Sr. was the last president to be fully disclosed on this. He was CIA and obviously wasn't too thrilled about the loss to Clinton. That's when I think internal disclosure and control ended.

Since then I think there has been a loss of connection between defense department oversight and the deep black budgets that manage debris and bodies. In short, I think private enterprise is actually in control, and that there are so many levels of clearance and so much compartmentalization that no one in government can actually speak the truth to either Congress or the POTUS. It is more sensitive than our nuclear codes.
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Check out some of the interviews on YouTube that Kurt Jaimungal does with Jacques Vallee and Kevin Knuth. Pretty amazing stories about encounters and recordings. And Avi Loeb at Harvard is starting the Galileo Project to capture images of UAPs.

Scientists are starting to take this topic seriously, as well they should.
Jaimungal has an upcoming AMA with Luis Elizondo, who is a fascinating listen.
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Jaimungal has an upcoming AMA with Luis Elizondo, who is a fascinating listen.
I've seen a Jaimungal-Elizondo interview already- is this a Part 2? Kurt asks Lue how he thinks people would react if they knew what Lue knows about UAPs, and Lue's response was "somber", that they'd be re-evaluating humanity's place. Elizondo didn't go into specifics on what he meant.

Ross Coulthart is a good listen. Very knowledgeable on the history of the topic, not a die hard believer but not a rigid skeptic either.
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It's the offseason and I think we need some interesting things to discuss.

My first link is a couple of years old (about a West Coast incident in 2004). I don't know if it was discussed here at the time.

I'm particularly interested in hearing from those who think UFOs are something other than alien spacecraft. Please offer a hypothesis that fits the evidence.

Here's a more recent (2015) incident that occurred off the East Coast:

And a New York Times article that some consider "disclosure" ...

Some Ufologists believe that the older incidents, before the digital age of being able to easily doctor photographs and video, provide more compelling evidence. To me some of the strongest "evidence" is the witness testimony -- when those witnesses are independent, a large group, and seeing essentially the same thing from different angles. This would be true of the Chicago O'hare incident, the "Phoenix Lights," and some others outside of the U.S., such as the Westall UFO(s) at an Australian school. What's interesting about the school incident is that "men in suits" arrived shortly afterwards to confiscate any photography and silence/threaten witnesses.

Here is some discussion on Westall by Richard Dolan (with his hot, much younger wife), beginning at about 37 minutes. There are some other compelling incidents discussed in this program, but with fewer witnesses.

Some of the better "testimony," in my opinion, is in not just the account of the incident, but in the human reactions that occurred during the incident, as well as the emotions when revisiting the topic afterwards. Let's be clear. There is a difference between testimony and evidence. For testimony we are left to decide whether it is credible based on witness factors -- stature, reputation, motives, number of witnesses, reactions, etc.

I do have opinions on some of the more recent UFO researchers that you might find appearing in online videos and documentaries. My opinions cover a range, from those I see as outright shysters to those that I think get some things right and others wrong. With Dolan I am mixed. I'll leave further comment in this area to a later post.

The bottom line is that there is considerable evidence that supports the notion that we are not the most intelligent form of life currently inhabiting this planet. That should be very compelling in itself. The problem is that this topic tends to get dominated by charlatans and scammers. If we include those charged with debunking the evidence, it's no wonder that the issue never gains the traction that it deserves. In some ways, the forces at work are very similar to those that sustained the False Narrative at PSU.
Hey, I just had an exam, and my urologist said, "You are great for your age!" ...sorry, I could not resist!
Another example of why scientists, media, govt, etc. need to start taking this more seriously. Really think all these credible first-hand accounts from trained observers are part of a disinformation campaign, hallucinations, equipment malfunctions, or weather balloons?

I'd like to know what Rubio and the Senate Intelligence committee have done since the June report from ONI. Has the govt done anything further to get to the bottom of this?
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Care to be more specific? I'm sure anyone reading this thread would be interested in the details of your story.

Most who believe we are not being visited retain that belief on the basis of our current understanding of physics, which would make interstellar travel impossible for life as we understand it. They do not have to deny the existence of life on other planets.

They might concede the existence of life on other planets while also under the belief that it evolves independently, based on our understanding of dimensions, linear distance, and time.

I would speculate that there has been some interstellar breeding.

Let's assume that other life has evolved much further than humans, and that it can travel to earth. Would we even know about them? Consider disturbing an ant mound. As the ants repair and grow the mound do they even know that the mound was disturbed by a human?
August paper suggests formation of intelligent live in the universe is considerably less likely than previously theorized......

I'm not going to read that article as I am not a physicist, but what does the mechanism of oxygenation on earth have to do with the probability of other "life" in the universe? We don't even know if other life forms have similar chemistry.

Does the article make a probability claim about other life? If so, perhaps you could quote the article.
I'm not going to read that article as I am not a physicist, but what does the mechanism of oxygenation on earth have to do with the probability of other "life" in the universe? We don't even know if other life forms have similar chemistry.

Does the article make a probability claim about other life? If so, perhaps you could quote the article.
Exactly. Other life forms don’t have to be carbon and oxygen based. They could be silicon based. Just look at Los Angeles! ;)
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I'm not an expert on this by any means, and when I look at the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge and the Mesoamerican pyramids, an extraterrestrial source of knowledge and capability makes sense....but when considering how far away potentially inhabitable planets are, and the light years of travel required to reach any of them, I can't imagine any realistic possibility of UFOs....
Maybe they are smart enough to find a short-cut.
There used to be posters here who talked to spacemen. They also conversed with ghosts, suangi, and leprechauns.