I was just about to post this exact same question. I’ve heard Anthony mention his dream is Olympic gold. He may figure screw it, I fight through one match and qualify, then he can focus on healing himself
I am a monster fan of Cassar's but I think that match before the injury showed there is a big delta between free style heavy and NCAA folk.
I still subscribe to my theory that unless you are a freak of nature it is about a 3 year transition even for guys like Zain and Nolf to get to the level where you have a realistic chance at a medal in free. To clarify, there is a wide chasm between compete and medal. And those examples ignore the fact that at heavy you might have to give up 30-50 lbs.
For the moment we can ignore that an Olympic run will put more strain on that shoulder than a couple of seasons of NCAA duals due to the sheer quality and athleticism of competition of giant sized humans
I am not telling him to give up his dream by any means, but my expectations we're tempered by the first 2 minutes of that match. On paper Dom was not supposed to present that much of a challenge and it was apparent AC's neutral defense and maybe even his basic stance need work, his lead leg was there for the picking and don't think a bunch of NCAA coaches didn't see this as well. A stance is harder to change that you think as ones while offense is triggered of that comfort zone that has been engrained in your mind, changing it is a bit like changing a golf grip - sounds simple but will drive you nuts, and under stress you'll gravitate back to the original.
His Par Tere offense against a big body didn't have much to offer as well. Giving up 30+ lbs of muscle to the world's best who have been competing for the past 5+ years, making our team and even sniffing a bronze, would be one of the biggest accomplishments in our sport in a long time. As was winning an NCAA final up several weights from where you started and never having been the starter before. AC has the drive and the desire and track record, I get it.
80% of the guys on Oly redshirt have zero chance of being our representative to the games, but all have dreams. I think many just want the extra free year off. How much harder if you don't take the year off the focus on free 100%? Eireman, Lewis, Massa, even Surriano who is truly elite are on a wing and a prayer whether or not anyone will admit it. Only Yanni in my view has a shot and if he makes the team, could medal (Bo is on my list as well but...) and he is a rubber man freak of nature for sure.
Assuming they popped the shoulder back in and he will be good to go in a few weeks; for me if AC continues and enters a last chance qualifier and then the trials I will be cheering as hard as the rest of you, but in the back of my head I would "now" rather see him take a pass.
To the detractors out there, this is just my opinion and doesn't mean I am throwing AC under the bus. Heck for all we know repeatedly injuring that shoulder could put a future MMA career in jeapordy.