Virginia Tech Dual Thread


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
I will try to post results although it will be live on ESPN3, so if you're looking at this you should be able to watch the match.

My Calls for Today:

125- Megaludis dec Dance. Nico repeats his Consi Finals performance. 3-0
133- Conaway dec Norstrem. Conaway gets on his O. 6-0
141- Gulibon dec Chishko. Jimmy gets it done. 9-0
149- Retherford mdec Mastriani. Brutalizer 13-0
157- Nolf dec Brascetta. Jason gets his first big win 16-0
165- Rasheed dec McFadden. This is a toss-up but I'm calling it 19-0
174- Epperly dec Nickal. Epperly is a beast. Think Bo can keep it close and maybe catch him but going with one of my finalist favorites in Epperly. 19-3
184- McCutcheon mdec Zavatsky. Matt looks different and I think he is feeling it 23-3
197- McIntosh dec. Haught. Repeat of last year 26-3
HWT- Walz pin Johnson. Sorry but this is probably gonna be ugly. 26-9

So my final score prediction is 26-9. 65 is a homer pick. 57 I think this is J's day but also homerish. 84 Cutch major going off how he looked Friday, think he wins regardless. HWT obviously could be anywhere from a decision to pin but I think Jan's conditioning just isn't there yet, and Walz is a beast. VT is better than the Haven but this match opens some eyes nationally about these kids. The other matches I'm like 95% confident will happen. 41 could be an upset.
I will try to post results although it will be live on ESPN3, so if you're looking at this you should be able to watch the match.

My Calls for Today:

125- Megaludis dec Dance. Nico repeats his Consi Finals performance. 3-0
133- Conaway dec Norstrem. Conaway gets on his O. 6-0
141- Gulibon dec Chishko. Jimmy gets it done. 9-0
149- Retherford mdec Mastriani. Brutalizer 13-0
157- Nolf dec Brascetta. Jason gets his first big win 16-0
165- Rasheed dec McFadden. This is a toss-up but I'm calling it 19-0
174- Epperly dec Nickal. Epperly is a beast. Think Bo can keep it close and maybe catch him but going with one of my finalist favorites in Epperly. 19-3
184- McCutcheon mdec Zavatsky. Matt looks different and I think he is feeling it 23-3
197- McIntosh dec. Haught. Repeat of last year 26-3
HWT- Walz pin Johnson. Sorry but this is probably gonna be ugly. 26-9

So my final score prediction is 26-9. 65 is a homer pick. 57 I think this is J's day but also homerish. 84 Cutch major going off how he looked Friday, think he wins regardless. HWT obviously could be anywhere from a decision to pin but I think Jan's conditioning just isn't there yet, and Walz is a beast. VT is better than the Haven but this match opens some eyes nationally about these kids. The other matches I'm like 95% confident will happen. 41 could be an upset.
I got it to the "Please Stand By" screen, as it's about to start. I'm sure it's not going live until noon/1pm.
125 - Nico vs. Dance

Attendance record apparently broken today.

P1 - Nico working his ties and underhook.
Feeling it out for the first minute.
Dance going hard over top.
Stalemate 149
Lotta nothing going on but ties.
Mega with a half shot. And again.
Dance with a thwarted dump.
Headlock attempt. Nothing.

P2 - Nico takes down.
Caution, didn't catch on who.
Nico out in a second. 1-0
Dance goes back to his underhooks.
Nico shrugs and outside shot. Nothing
Dance is really trying hard to go upper on Nico but he's not having it.
Nico in on an outside single.
Working up.
Dance fighting off hard....
Working up.
Takedown! 3-0.
Escape quick 3-1

P3 - Really good wrestling here folks. Dance takes down.
Dance sits and holds there. Nico works down to a single.
Mega riding well. Dance is baiting a stall. Nico dropping.
Nico with the RT.
Caution Nico
Nico drops again. Can't say I'm enjoying his riding.
Dance reversal. 3-3.
RT Gone. OT we go

OT1- Nico in on shots. Dance stuffs and works around...
Nico in on a single.
Going up top again. Nothing. Nico with a two on one.
Nothing and were into 2OT

OT2- Nico goes down to start
Nico up and dance hits the head to start. Riding tough on top and cranking the arm.
Rides out. Dance will go down

OT3- Nico drops down to the legs. Dance on feet. Dance out 3-4.
Nico working up. Single
It ends. Dance pulls the upset 3-4
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Can somebody provide a link to any sort of feed???? Thank in advance
133- Conaway vs Norstrem

P1- Nothing after 1 minute
Nothing after 2 minutes. Really boring.
Some half shots. Norstrem has the length here.
Ends 0-0

P2- Norstrem takes down
Some rolling around but Conaway holds for 15 sec
Caution VT
Caution again didnt see who.
More rolling. Conaway holding well on top.
RT for Conaway. 53 left
Conaway throws boots in. Making it tough for Norstrem.
Late escape
0-1. Ends

P3- Conaway with 150~ RT goes down
Caution again on PSU
Conaway out 1-1. JC effectively in front.
Conaway shrugs a td attempt and gets him! 3-1
Boot in again. Minute left.
40 left Conaway workmanlike.
RT locked
Conaway wins with a very solid 4-1
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Did dance even take a shot and poor by nico should havery cut after getting riding
141 - Gulibon v Chishko

P1- Gulibon working his fakes. Ducks. Chishko keeping distance.
Stalemate 218
Gulibon more active today. Stalking 115 left
In on a leg edge of mat
Out. had a cradle locked
Ends 0-0

P2- Gulibon takes down and is out in 5 1-0.
Working his offense but Chishko is holding it off. Close to stalling.
Chishko in on a leg.
Gulibon breaks it and reshots.
Stalling Chishko.
Ties and a shot by Jimmy. Chishko holds it off. Good D
Ends 1-0

P3- Chishko down.
Out in 5. 1-1
Fake by Jimmy and nothing. Back to center
Shot by Chishko and reset. 110 left
Chishko shot again. Sprawl reshot. JG in on a leg...
Funk by Chishko....
Crazy sequence and Chishko gets the TD.
Chishko upsets and played the match he needed to. 3-1 Chisko

Review pending...

...finalized. 3-1
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149 - Retherford vs. Mastriani

P1- Retherford posting. Pushing.
Reset 137.
In on a leg and 2! 2-0
Zain doing what he does.
Boots are in. Reset 45.
Close to breaking plane. No call.
2 NF.
Ends 4-0 with RT around 130

P2- Retherford down.
Caution VT.
Caution again VT
Quick escape 5-0
Zain single and two. 7-0.
Backs. 4 this time and its 11-0
Another 4. Tech. dunzo

8-6 PSU after 4
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VT one shot through 3 matches? JG needs to finish one of his attempts though
Did anyone think this was going to be anything but a dog fight. Teams have been using our aggressiveness against us from day one. Gulibon should not be losing to that kid.
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157 - Nolf vs. Brascetta. Big one here!

P1 - Nolf low single and...
Break. 15 secs.
Nolf going for it.
Brascetta going over top.
Nolf more shots.
Nolf snaps. Looks like he belongs, good sign to start.
Quick shot NB. Sprawl and nothing.
Single leg and TD 2-0 JN!
Nolf riding.
Gets RT. 2-0. Ends

P2 - Nolf down to start.
Quick escape 3-0.
Nolf is working. Brascetta taking his turn on setups.
1 min left. Nolf shot. Nothing.
Nolf tries to score off broken shot but nothing.
Nolf doing an awesome job anticipating. Reading NB very well.

P3 - Brascetta down.
Nolf holding him down well. RT locked. Tough on top this match. Breaks him down.
Escape NB. 1 min 3-1.
Nolf still aggressive. Trying to keep action
15 seconds. 10.
Welcome to college wrestling Jason Nolf! The upset!

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Wow, Retherford just beat the snot out of the #12 guy and a pretty tough wrestler. Impressive.
165 - Rasheed vs McFadden.

P1- Working. Rasheed with a far shot but he's in.
Takedown! 2-0.
Holds. Some bad hips but makes up for it. 144 left reset.
Rasheed really riding here. Length working. 45 left.
Holds and its 2-0 with about 240 RT

P2- Rasheed down.
Rasheed with some funk. He's out and gets reversal. 4-0.
This kid is gonna frustrate the fans. Backyard wrestler.
McFadden out. 4-1.
Reset 51.
McFadden with a shot but held off.
Going to 3rd 4-0. **sidenote VT has not gotten a TD yet.

P3- McFadden down.
McFadden out 4-2.
Blood time
Dresser is buying him some time.
Rasheed goes down.
Caution VT.
Rasheed working up. McFadden cuts 5-2.
McFadden on a single. Gets it. 5-4. Cuts 6-4.
Another 6-6.
7-6 Rasheed.
Two with literally .01 seconds. OT

OT1- It's 8-8.
TD McFadden. Rasheed just gave up it seems.

Definitely got some help with the time off. Really annoying. Rasheed showing his age. Gotta finish.

10-8. It's 11-9 after 6
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Classic line by the "analyst":

"Twenty-five seconds is a lot of time, but Brascetta has to do something quick." LOL.