World Championships - Oct. 20-28

Dake Khutsishvili (Georgia) Mat B
  • Dake in on a leg but can only get the step out, 1-0
  • Stream spotty
  • Khutsishvili warned for passivity, under a minute left in first
  • Dake with a beauty of a sweeping low single, which he converts and then absolutely rag dolls Khutsishvili with consecutive guts to win 11-0
Three guys into semis, Stieber still alive, all four guys from yesterday going for medals later today, US trails Russia in team race 80-70, still very much in it.
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dake is wrestling with what looks like no wasted motion or energy. has a plan and just executing it with no care for his opponents so far.

now what will get him a win in the semis is his adjustments from the past match and in match or in sequence adjustment.

this could be a match that the wrestling world watches for technique pointers down the road.

Thanks all for updates. Sitting in an airport again...happily reading about USAs success. Good luck to ALL the guys today, tomorrow and Tuesday :). U-S-A, U-S-A
dake is wrestling with what looks like no wasted motion or energy. has a plan and just executing it with no care for his opponents so far.

now what will get him a win in the semis is his adjustments from the past match and in match or in sequence adjustment.

this could be a match that the wrestling world watches for technique pointers down the road.

Hope you’re right. I never saw Dake outmatched before that Yarigin final. It wasn’t total destruction but it wasn’t far off. . .
I know Bo is out there as David’s training partner. Was Nolf out there last year for Zain? Or did Zain not have a training partner? Can’t remember
Here is David's semifinal against Kurugliev (RUS) in case anyone missed it.

Edit: sorry see post below, this link was only available outside the US.
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Gilman Sanayev (KAZ), Mat B
  • Sanayev warned for passivity a minute in
  • Sanayev with a flawless high crotch that he converts, Sanayev 2-0
  • Gilman almost snuck around from a front headlock, grabbing a leg, but couldn't finish, 2-0 still at the break
  • Sanayev again with a leg for a feet to back, takedown, followed by a lace. 8-0
  • Gilman shoots and converts right off the whistle but ref stops action. Challenge by Gilman's corner on whether TD was feet to back (I think), but upheld, 9-0
  • Sanayev immediately takes Gilman down, 11-0 and Gilman will have a shot at bronze
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Chakaev Otoguro next up on Mat B.
  • Stieber needs a Russian win here to be pulled back in. These guys are both talented and fun to watch. There's a challenge--score reads Otoguro 2-0 but Chakaev definitely scored what looks like 4.
  • Okay, so it's 4-3 Chakaev with the four-point move.
  • 6-3 now, which becomes 6-5 on a nice Otoguro shot.
  • Otoguro moves ahead 9-6 on a feet to back double near the edge. 1:30 left.
  • 10-6 on a step out.
  • Chakaev gets two back near the edge, closing gap to 10-8, now taking a lunger. SOMEHOW he revives himself and he'll continue.
  • Chakaev looks to have pulled off a nice chest wrap but the score is 12-9 (so 2 Otoguro TD and 1 Chakaev reversal), so he's challenging. Not sure how many challenges Russia has but this is their third of this match. Challenge lost but it's 12-10 (so maybe it was Otoguro's challenge)
  • Otoguro goes upper body and wins, 14-10. Adds a step out and it's 15-10.
  • Chakaev down in par terre because this match didn't already have everything. And that's it, 15-10.
  • Stieber eliminated.
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Sanayes! YES! YES! YES! YES!

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Dake up on B vs Gazhimagomedov; important for Dake, important for the team race
  • Dake being driven out of bounds and tosses Gazhimagomedov for 4; they're restarted and then there's a challenge; challenge lost, 5-0 Dake
  • Dake with a crotch lift and it's 7-0
  • Is there anyone better at scoring huge points out of bounds than Dake?
  • Head-butted, Dake is given a point, and he's being attended to. 8-0, three seconds left
  • Break
  • Dake tosses Gazhimagomedov to make it 13-0.
  • Dake is a beast
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Why did TMWC tweet

"Gilman falls to Sanayev 11-0, very questionable match #BudaWrestle2018"

??? Impugning officiating ???

This is like post week 106 of UWW corruption, no?
Cox Karimimachiani (Iran) on Mat C
  • Not much through the first 1:30, Cox warned
  • Karimimachiani on clock, 1-0
  • Break
  • Cox gets a step out point, 2-0
  • Karimimachiani gets to a leg and converts, but Cox reverses, up now 3-2.
  • Cox goes behind at edge of mat, makes it 5-2, 1:00 left
  • Cox will move onto finals, 5-2, looks pretty emotional
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