Wrestling: Penn State vs. Iowa Match Thread

So, some whining tonight from the PSU faithful because it wasn't as easy as some had thought, but PSU takes 6 of 10, they win 3 of 6 toss-ups, they get an unexpected pin and they avoid what most believed was a guaranteed pin at 125. I can live with it. Sure, would have preferred that we take 141, 149 and 165, but nothing that occurred tonight makes me think that those guys can't or won't win in a rematch.

And, while you really want both teams to be at full strength and Iowa was without Assad tonight, it made ZERO difference in the dual's outcome. Nobody thought Assad could or would beat Brooks and there's some reason to think that Brooks may have majored Assad too, so.......Both teams came to wrestle and did their best. Some of the Iowa guys worked harder and looked a little better than I thought, but PSU has a better team and better individual wrestlers.

Oh Good Lord, using this type of "dual" bullshit wrestling to forecast how PSU and Iowa will fair in Tournaments is ridiculous. Brands wrestles like that (which he will, because that's all that little beatch has) at Nationals, he isn't doing shit at the NCAA Tournament.
Literally nobody was doing that until our visitors started talking shit after the Murin match.

I am mostly talking about the last 30 minutes or so, give or take.

I’m not the morality police or anything. I just don’t think it represents us well.

Trust me, I love ribbing the guys over at HR/GIA. @johnstownsteel will attest to this. Maybe it’s because I’ve followed this thread all week and I understand the delivery of our Iowa fellas here, but I don’t think aggressively shouting them down is the way to go. Especially since a lot of their comments are tongue planted at least partially in cheek.
Oh, the one who predicted RBY wouldn't Major either. RBY had him majored.... on his way to a TF.... then pinned him. Yea, we were all "delusional" saying RBY would Major or better. LMAO
Watch it he's an expert lmfao. I kinda liked Madden and js they fit in for a while then they went full Iowa fans you know the kind with no grace. Blowhards who can't shut their cockholsters I'll chalk it up to them losing and let it at that lol
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Cass/Kerk was the only individual matchup I picked wrong, and even that one I was 50/50 on but let my fandom be the deciding factor. I was way off on bonus points though. RBY definitely was MVP for you guys to get that pin right after Spencer's "disappointing" tech fall and really shut down any road to victory we may have had

Lots of good matches throughout though. Real good atmosphere there that came through well on TV, I would love to make it to a dual in BJC sometime.

Congrats to PSU on a well earned victory tonight. Hoping for some more battles during the postseason between these two teams!
Just commenting on the atmosphere observation. For me, it seemed very subdued. Of course, with so many of the matches being snoozers, understandable.
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Just commenting on the atmosphere observation. For me, it seemed very subdued. Of course, with so many of the matches being snoozers, understandable.

PSU matches are often a bit subdued. The convention at home meets tends to be quiet scrutiny punctuated by outbursts of joy/frustration. But it’s not a constant roar or anything.

At the BJC you get more non-traditional fans (or more fans who can’t get to a Rec hall match, which is still awesome about the larger BJC duals), so you might get a bit more “normal” cheering.
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Watch it he's an expert lmfao. I kinda liked Madden and js they fit in for a while then they went full Iowa fans you know the kind with no grace. Blowhards who can't shut their cockholsters I'll chalk it up to them losing and let it at that lol

Yes, I would say heat of the moment for some on both sides. Those guys made the week leading up to the match better here all in all.
Watch it he's an expert lmfao. I kinda liked Madden and js they fit in for a while then they went full Iowa fans you know the kind with no grace. Blowhards who can't shut their cockholsters I'll chalk it up to them losing and let it at that lol
No grace? You got nittanychris saying Max sucks, Cobe can roll around a bit but he’s not impressed and Kennedy has no upside. 2 of those 3 won their matches and Cobe was close against a higher ranked opponent. You wanna talk about blowhards.
Just commenting on the atmosphere observation. For me, it seemed very subdued. Of course, with so many of the matches being snoozers, understandable.

Didn't come off great on TV for me because of the type of wrestling. If the casual fan tuned in i don't think they would have thought this was a fun watch given the slow start and sometimes finish for a majority of the matches.
No grace? You got nittanychris saying Max sucks, Cobe can roll around a bit but he’s not impressed and Kennedy has no upside. 2 of those 3 won their matches and Cobe was close against a higher ranked opponent. You wanna talk about blowhards.
Congrats of the win. Lot's of good wrestling out there tonight. Dean and Kerk can ride when they want to. Impressive showing
It was a good dual. Lots of matches could have gone either way.
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Jeff Byers just said Vespa is going to be wrestling the next few matches for PS. Not sure about what the story is with Steen. Maybe he beats Steen? I dont know. Interesting...

I mean, we have kinda seen what we have with Steen, currently. I, like all of us, hope to see him improve, but unless Vespa is getting tossed around in the room by Gary, it makes sense to put him out there.
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Sure seemed liked SVN had at least one prime re-attack TD opportunity in the 1st period. Really surprised by his lack of aggression. The BJC seemed kinda dead tonight but a great dual.
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