^^ This one has me baffled. The PA COVID-19 rules issued on Nov. 17 require mask wearing. As an example, before that date youth soccer players only had to wear them when on the sidelines, during halftime, etc. Since that date, they, as well as the refs, are all required to wear them even during competitions. The rules are at
From the above link, some specifics:
Does the Order require individuals to wear masks when participating in indoor physical activity?
Yes, a person must wear a face covering when participating in indoor physical activity where another person or persons who are not members of the individual's household are present in the same space, irrespective of physical distance. Face coverings need not be worn if the person meets one of the exceptions in Section 3 of the Order.
Does the Order apply to athletes and sports activities?
Yes. Everyone who participates in sport activities including coaches, athletes (including cheerleaders), and spectators must wear a face covering, such as a mask, unless they fall under an exception in Section 3 of the Order.
Indoors: Coaches, athletes (including cheerleaders), and spectators must wear face coverings, when indoors and where another person or persons who are not members of the individual's household are present in the same space, irrespective of physical distance. This includes while actively engaged in workouts, competition, and on the sidelines, etc.
Outdoors: Coaches, athletes (including cheerleaders), and spectators must wear face coverings if they cannot maintain sustained physical distance from persons outside of their household. This includes while actively engaged in workouts, competition, and on the sidelines, in the dugout, etc. If sustained six-foot distancing can be maintained, face coverings may be removed when outdoors.