UAW strike

I just did some quick math. GM CEO makes $29 million. Let's round up to $30 million and say that she should make less and share it with the workers. Let's cut it in half and say GM should redistribute $15 million (half) to GM's 167,000 employees. Each employee would get $90 per year.

I'm not lobbying for CEO pay. In fact I think BODs tend to be good old boys networks. Compensation committees are appointed by the board and it can become a case of I scratch your back and you scratch mine. But that aside, the notion that CEOs are getting rich at employee's expense is simply not accurate. I'll add that 2/3 of Barra's pay is performance based, not guaranteed. I think the UAW wants guaranteed pay.

One thing I don't understand is why libs despise CEOs who make $30 million to run $billion companies with hundreds of thousand of employees, but at the same time don't have an issue with top celebrities earning many times more than that.

P.S. UAW workers already make more than Tesla workers.
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Pribula Snaps vs OSU

Jake Butt on the BTN broadcast brought this up and it has been brought up here before as well. I think this is an interesting/enticing idea but concerned it also could potentially screw up Allar's and the offense's rhythm. Pribula is such a good runner and very shifty and could create issues for OSU. But OSU is not UMass so when he gets in there they will know what we want to do. Nevertheless, he is such a change of pace from Allar that it forces OSU to prepare for more potential packages.
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Many democrats have a lot in common with the nazi's

International and Domestic Crises Require Coherent American Leadership​

I'm betting the squad was pissed they couldn't attend some of those celebrations yesterday.

So far, preliminary polling conducted by my firm, Schoen Cooperman Research, shows strong support for Biden’s response and high levels of support for Israel. That being said, there are clear divisions between Democrats and Republicans, with the latter being far more supportive of Israel, while Democrats are generally either more uncertain about supporting Israel or outright more opposed.

To be clear, there is virtually no support for Hamas on either side of the aisle, although unqualified support for Israel rests mainly with the GOP, not Democrats, despite Joe Biden’s very strong, unqualified, and inspiring speeches this week, where he stood firmly behind Israel and gave America’s full backing to the Jewish State in the wake of Hamas’ brutal attack.

Russian ruble at 7-year high.

Despite all the sanctions imposed by the clueless Biden administration the Russian ruble is now blowing away the USD. In March the ruble was 139 to the dollar, now it's at 54.47. Way to go Joe!

If you voted for Biden, you are an idiot.

If Biden Is Dems' Nominee in 2024 They'll Lose

LOL... Can you imagine if Trump were to win again? F'ing leftwing extremists would go absolutely crazy.

I'm telling you, one of these psycho's is going to take a shot at him. That's how f'd up they are.

If Joe Biden is their nominee, Democrats will lose the White House next year.

That conclusion gets harder to deny with each passing week.

But what can Democrats do about it?

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll has Biden trailing Donald Trump by nine points, 42% to 51%.

Progressive pundits have reacted with denial, anger and bargaining.

The once-mainstream polling analyst Larry Sabato could only rage on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter: “It’s a ridiculous outlier (Trump up 10 over Biden — laughable). My question: How could you even publish a poll so absurd on its face?”

Where would the profession be if pollsters discarded the data every time they didn’t like what their surveys told them?

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -attributed to Mark Twain

There is another thread going on about the lack of explosive plays, backed and countered by staistics.

I think the only useful statistics are those that dig into what ANY teams do against competitive teams. So for us, throw out the Delaware game as playing against a team literally out of its league. Throw out the Northwestern game too. They might as well be out of their league this year. Illinois isn't much better. The pending UMASS game will be a travesty of a competition.

Through six games the only ones that might matter statsitically are WVU and IA. By the end of the year there will be three, possibly four more games that matter statistically: OSU, MI, UMD, and possibly Rutgers. Those are the games from which meaningful averages will be mined. Hopefully, we can add the conference championship game too.

This goes for every damn team in the country too. Who cares what statistics GA wracks up against Vanderbilt, Ball State, or friggin' UT-Martin? The only meaningful ones were against South Carolina, Auburn, and KY.

Friggin' statistics!
