Biden is our $6 billion Mideast disaster thanks to his support of Iran

More importantly is Iran's oil profits. Trump had it down to single digits of billions, and under Biden is 8 times what it was under Trump...........

Iran gave Hamas the money, the arms, the training, and the plans to commit mass murder against one of America’s closest allies. After Hamas committed these acts of evil against Israel — killing 27 Americans in the process — Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised the attacks, writing "God willing, the cancer of the usurper Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region."

Even Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has acknowledged Iran’s "broad complicity" in the devastating October 7 attacks.

Just recently, another Iranian-backed terrorist organization, Hezbollah, began its own attacks against Israel, launching rockets and drones from Lebanon. Like Hamas, Hezbollah would likely not exist without Iran’s backing.

While Iran bankrolls terrorists, Biden bankrolls Iran. Since taking office, Joe Biden has helped unfreeze at least $10 billion in Iranian assets. And through his administration’s lax enforcement of sanctions, Biden has also helped Iran make an estimated $80 billion in oil profits since 2021.
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Hard Evidence Warranting The Impeachment Of Joe Biden

Impeach the corrupt draft dodging racist.............

In a staggering act of journalistic deceit, the New York Times is reporting that Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden without any “evidence of financial wrongdoing or corruption by the president.” Similar statements have been made by a massive array of media outlets and Democrat politicians.

In reality, overwhelming proof of Joe Biden’s corruption and wrongdoing has been found, including hard evidence like written records and corroborated testimonies from first-hand witnesses. Collectively, at least 12 sets of documented facts leave no reasonable doubt that Biden participated in his son’s illicit business deals, bribed foreign officials, and obstructed justice.

Moreover, no less than three major defenses of Biden are demonstrably false.

The Sick Alliance between the Left and Muslim Extremists

Nazi's killed people of the Jewish faith too.

The virulent anti-Israel protests across America and Europe throw a glaring light on the bizarre alliance between left-wing activists and militant Muslims. That odd combination has been the bedrock of political activism at universities and in the streets for years. It began in universities, where it now dominates political discourse, threatens Jewish students, and intimidates anyone brave enough to voice their dissent. We can now see how it has spread far beyond the campus.

What makes the alliance so strange are the deep-seated differences between leftists and Muslim fundamentalists over core beliefs.

The left supports women’s rights and full equality in the workplace and public sphere. Militant Muslims oppose them.

The left supports gay rights and gay marriage. Militant Muslims toss gays off buildings. None would dare hold a public march in Pakistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia.

The left supports abortion rights. Militant Muslims oppose them.

The left supports religious freedom, including the right to reject religion altogether. Militant Muslims believe heretics should be executed.

The left rallies against book banning. Militant Muslims embrace it for any book they believe insults Islam or supports Israel.

The left opposes the death penalty. Militant Muslims endorse it and praise their governments for using it.

These beliefs are not marginal for either group. They are foundational, and they are profoundly opposed to each other. Still, the two groups have formed a long-standing alliance. How do they deal with these profound differences? And why are they allied?

Checking in with my future Big Ten conference-mates

Apparently, Pitt was one of 12 “desired programs” vetted for Big Ten expansion last year.
Login to view embedded media Our very sane and competent head coach has assured me we will win the Big Ten every year when the times comes. I have come to accept submissions to your future conference overlords. I’ll hang up and listen.

Democrats Lose Governor Race In First Major Contest Ahead of 2024

Democrats Lose Governor Race In First Major Contest Ahead of 2024​

It’s a bad day to be a Democrat.

Democrat contenders Shawn Wilson and John Bel Edwards failed to keep the governorship in Louisiana, ultimately losing to Republican Jeff Laundry.

Laundry, who served as Louisiana Attorney General, won 50% of the vote threshold to avoid a runoff vote.

Political commentators say this is a sign of things to come in 2024.

Many major U.S. states and cities have been destroyed by embracing Democrat policies, such as sanctuary city status and reduced funding for law enforcement. This has resulted in skyrocketing crime, homelessness, and drug use.

Ultimately, many businesses are terminating jobs and fleeing blue states in favor of Republican-controlled communities. (Trending: Disturbing Flag Found Near Massacre in Israel)

The GOP is undoubtedly gaining significant momentum going into this year’s remaining races and the presidential election next year.

Landry is known as an advocate for the Oil and Natural Gas industry. He criticized Democrats like former President Obama by saying, “Republicans continue to criticize the president for being anti-oil. He says that’s not true, but his actions don’t match his rhetoric.”

Landry made national headlines by holding up a sign saying “Drilling=jobs” during Obama’s national jobs plan speech in September 2011.

