FDA couple of years too late on this one. Oops.

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I've figured out the ultimate solution to this Portal / NIL stuff.

Every player must go into the portal every year. And then we have an auction for their services. If the richest schools want to buy up the best players before the poorer schools get any then they can do that. OTOH, if 20 QBs, say, have been taken by 20 schools and the 21st QB comes up and those top 20 schools try to double down and get depth, the 21st QB might think "They'll give me more money but OTOH I'll be more likely to get to play at one of the poorer schools, so I'll go to one of those and make less money now but be more likely to make the NFL someday."

Voila. The richest schools still get the best teams but we still keep all of college football thriving instead of having it narrowed to 20 elites schools, which would get old fast.

Oh, and if a kid wants to stay at the school he's already at then fine, but he has to pay his way through school.

There you go. Now you can start telling me how brilliant I am.

Bidenflation, At 13.2%, Continues To Hurt Americans

Americans were better off with Trump.

The media celebrated the past week with headlines like "'Santa is coming after all'; Investors celebrate a cooler-than-expected inflation report" and "November CPI: Biden says economic plan 'just getting started' as prices cool."

Paul Krugman, the Nobel laureate, recently wrote a column in the New York Times, "Wonking Out: When Should We Declare Victory Over Inflation?"

But the credibility of economists, even Nobel laureates, under the Biden presidency has taken a severe blow. Recall, these are the same folks who wanted to foist Biden's Build Back Better Plan on Americans. If it had passed, inflation would be persisting in double digits.

True, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) released by the government last Thursday showed a 7.1% year-over-year price increase from November 2021 to November 2022, edging down from a rate of 7.7% in October. The CPI has declined steadily from a 40-year high of 9.1% in June to 7.1% in November.

Intriguingly, no media outlet bothered to inform its readers or viewers that the prices have increased by 13.2% under President Biden's watch between February 2021 and November 2022.

How I went from woke capitalist to victim of the woke mob

This is a really good article. This woman is a liberal who questioned the COVID measures implemented, and the woke mob at Levi Strauss, her employer, cancelled her. How dare she have her own opinion......................

@BoulderFish might appreciate it. It echo's his thoughts.

This is the left today.................. Authoritarian rule or bust....... Do what I say, OR ELSE....

Even when these woke employees are laid off, they don’t realize they are being used to further leadership’s deceptive message. In reality, these unsuspecting employees are often laid off primarily so that the rich can stay rich and keep getting richer. But the message broadcast to the world is that it was a “tough call” intended to maintain employment for as many as possible. The employees and consumers who believe the “we really care” message are being manipulated and taken advantage of in a woke capitalist game.

For a great many others, us oldsters in the upper echelons of American business leadership, woke capitalism is a ploy. It is a pose, a communications strategy, a way for corporate executives to feel like philanthropic heroes and be celebrated as such, all while getting rich in the same way they always have. Only this time, they are selling a side of righteousness and social justice activism to go with their T-shirts, instead of offering a mere assurance that insecure teenagers will look cool and feel confident on the first day of school. In their cynical way, these leaders are more relentlessly destructive than the most zealous social justice warriors, for they are even more willing to cancel anyone who challenges the narrative of companies as do-gooders.

Which is to say, woke capitalism is above all a lie. There is no justice in it. Only protection of intergenerational wealth for the already wealthy and enforced obedience and conformity of thought among employees to protect the lie.

Having come from the progressive side of the aisle, I was caught short and alarmed by the “progressive” savagery in policing their own, by the unforgiving drive to purge the unworthy and heretical. For those on the side that supposedly celebrates diversity to trample anyone who veers from top-down talking points — to hold any such dissent as profane — seems a transparent and obvious trespass against their own stated values.

Lame FBI Response to Twitter Files

"“The FBI regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities,” the FBI said in a statement. “Private sector entities independently make decisions about what, if any, action they take on their platforms and for their customers after the FBI has notified them.”

What a joke. Totally arbitrary what could be subversive or undeclared. Nothing wrong with covert either matters. Somehow FBI focused on the right and ignored Leftist subversives like Antifa.

So, Elon suspended a pack of scumbag jurnlists who were doxxing him in real time.

They're crying about it, saying "so much for free speech".

Now, if there was ever a limit to free speech, it is when that speech is being used to DIRECTLY threaten another person.

Not "you anonymous clowns need your asses kicked" or shit like that, but stuff where home addresses are given out and so forth.

Every journalist seems to be a liberal midwit and human garbage.

Loved what happened at WaPo, and I wish them the absolute worst.

Horrible people.

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good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun, example 1,372,483

This is why I fully support teachers who want to carry and get the appropriate training on the use of a firearm to be able to carry while at work. It is the most effective way to stop school shootings.

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AOC is a hottie

I’ve spoken about my flaws with AOC (completely incapable of criticism because GD son take a peak at that skirt)

Gaga is similar. Idk just a weird lib in power and I want to do the deed. Is this a trap? AOC will never change unless we’re talking Pelosi age, even then….. WTF do I do conservatives? I love you guys but I love beautiful women.

Biden admin working with State Dept., to funnel refugees to cheap paying jobs.

Raise the minimum wage say the leftists. The minimum wage has to be a living wage say the leftists. Illegals imported in the USA to work for Corporate campaign contributors to the Democrat party so that they don't have to pay that "living" wage. And they work for $7.25/hour. And the leftists here all voted for this. No more pissing and moaning from you board idiots over the minimum wage ever again,

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