New poll in NH - Biden 52% v Trump 40%

Head to head: no one seems overly thrilled with the rematch but have more confidence in Biden.

CNN Poll: Biden leads Trump in potential New Hampshire rematch, though dissatisfaction with both remains high​

An early read of a New Hampshire rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump gives the incumbent president the advantage, amid signs that anger toward Trump could outweigh dampened enthusiasm for another Biden term, according to a new CNN/University of New Hampshire poll.

About 6 in 10 New Hampshire residents, 62%, say they would be dissatisfied or worse if Trump retook the presidency – with most, 56%, expressing outright anger at the prospect. A 56% majority say they’d be dissatisfied or worse if Biden won reelection, but fewer, 38%, say they’d be angry. About one-fifth say they’d be less than satisfied with either scenario.
But in a head-to-head matchup between Biden and Trump, a narrow majority, 52%, of potential 2024 voters in the state say they’d back Biden, with 40% favoring Trump and 8% unsure or saying they would back someone else. That’s a wider edge for Biden than in most recent national polling on the matchup, which has largely found a margin-of-error contest between the two most recent occupants of the White House.

There’s also little consensus that any of those challenging Biden or Trump for their party’s nominations would be a good choice. Nearly half, 48%, say they’d be dissatisfied or angry if South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott were to win the presidency next year, with the numbers going up from there. Majorities say they’d be unhappy with a win by former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (57%), tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (62%), Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (63%), former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (72%) or former Vice President Mike Pence (76%). On the Democratic side, most also say they’d be unhappy with a win by author Marianne Williamson (56%) or environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (59%).

Biden’s edge in a New Hampshire rematch of 2020 rests partly on stronger support among his own partisans: 94% of Democrats currently say they’d back him against Trump, while 79% of Republicans in the state now say they’d support Trump. Yet Democrats are less enthusiastic about the prospect of a Biden presidency than Republicans are about a Trump one. Few Democrats in the state are outright discontented with the thought of a second Biden term – about 8 in 10 say they’d be satisfied to see him reelected. But just 31% report that they’re enthusiastic about the prospect, with that number falling to 19% among Democrats younger than age 50. Among Republicans, by contrast, 53% say they would be enthusiastic about a Trump win.

Despite the lack of enthusiasm, Biden remains the unquestioned leader in the campaign for the state’s primary: He holds a commanding 78% support among likely Democratic primary voters, with Kennedy and Williamson both in the single digits (at 9% and 6%, respectively). And a majority of Democratic primary voters, including three-quarters of Biden’s supporters, say their minds are definitely made up.

The New Hampshire primary is traditionally the first in the nation. Its date for 2024 has not yet been scheduled, though it is widely expected to be set for January. A January primary in New Hampshire, however, would violate the Democratic National Committee’s rules. If that happened, Biden likely wouldn’t put his name on the ballot. But even in that case, 69% of Biden supporters say they would write him in anyway.

Likely Democratic primary voters in the state see few plausible alternatives to a Biden-led ticket. While 81% would be enthusiastic or satisfied if Biden won reelection, fewer than 1 in 5 Democratic primary voters feel the same way about either Kennedy (17%) or Williamson (12%). Just 9% hold a favorable view of Williamson, with 47% viewing her unfavorably and the rest neutral or unsure; Kennedy gets an identical 9% favorability rating, but with a 73% majority rating him unfavorably. Just 37% say there’s someone else besides the current candidates they’d like to see run in the Democratic primary, but there’s little agreement as to whom: 7% of all likely Democratic primary voters name Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, with smaller numbers suggesting Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (5%), California Gov. Gavin Newsom (4%) or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (3%).

Considering Vice President Kamala Harris, 63% of Democratic primary voters say they’re at least satisfied with her as Biden’s running mate, though just 21% describe themselves as enthusiastic about her. Another 26% are dissatisfied or angry, with the remainder unsure. More broadly, Harris prompts largely negative views among New Hampshirites overall, with 54% saying they have a negative view of her and 23% a positive one. Even among Democrats, just 46% say they have a favorable view of Harris and 14% a negative one, well below Biden’s 70% favorability rating among Democrats in the state.

An 86% majority of likely Democratic primary voters approve of Biden’s current job performance overall, although only about half say their approval is strongly held. When asked to name their top concern about Biden as a candidate, 57% of likely Democratic primary voters cite his age, with 4% mentioning his health. Relatively few concerns focused on his character (6%), his policies (4%) or attacks he might face from opponents or the media (4%). And few see a major disconnect between their own political views and Biden’s. A 43% plurality say Biden’s ideology is similar to their own views, with 39% saying Biden’s views are further right than their own (32% slightly, just 7% by far), and 16% that his views are further left than theirs (9% slightly, 7% far).

Among New Hampshire residents as a whole, Biden’s job approval ratings remain underwater – 46% approve, while 54% disapprove – although that’s slightly stronger than his average approval rating nationally, which stands at 40% in the latest CNN Poll of Polls. Four in 10 say he’s had the right priorities during his administration, with 57% saying he hasn’t paid enough attention to the country’s most important problems.

Many express concerns about Biden’s physical and mental health in the poll. Just shy of half (46%) say that Biden is currently definitely or probably mentally and physically capable of fulfilling his duties as president, with 52% saying they don’t believe he is. Looking ahead, confidence in Biden’s abilities declines as just 35% think Biden would definitely or probably be capable of fulfilling his duties for another full term.

Yet Biden still holds the advantage in hypothetical general matchups against top Republicans, and his chief rival, Trump, is even more unpopular than Biden in the state. Among New Hampshire’s potential 2024 general electorate – those who say they intend to vote in November 2024 – Biden’s unfavorability rating stands at 52%, while Trump’s tops that at 63%.

The hypothetical matchup between the two somewhat mirrors the results of the state’s 2020 presidential election, which Biden won 53% to 45%. Trump came significantly closer to carrying the state in the 2016 election, when Hillary Clinton bested him by less than 3,000 votes.

Biden also holds double-digit leads in hypothetical New Hampshire tests against DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Pence, Scott, Haley and Christie, but substantial numbers of potential voters in each these matchups – between 9% and 16% – volunteer that they’d instead choose to vote for Trump. That comes almost entirely among Republicans, 18% of whom say they would vote for Trump in a Biden vs. Ramaswamy matchup, rising all the way up to 35% saying they would vote Trump in a Biden vs. Christie matchup.

Voters’ desire for an additional option doesn’t always translate from polls to the ballot box – in 2020, fewer than 2% of New Hampshire voters picked a candidate other than Biden or Trump. And should someone other than Trump become the GOP nominee, it is likely that these Republicans would ultimately vote for that candidate. But the current numbers reflect the depth of some Republican voters’ ties to Trump.

The eventual nominees are likely to face off in a pessimistic political environment that sees Granite State residents expressing discontent about both pocketbook issues and issues like abortion. Just 1 in 4 New Hampshire residents see the country as headed in the right direction. About half, 51%, say their family’s finances are worse off than they were at the beginning of the Biden administration, with 32% saying they’re doing about the same and just 16% that they’re now better off. Most Republicans (84%) say they’re worse off, as do 58% of those without a college degree.

By 59% to 37%, New Hampshire residents oppose last year’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade. A 54% majority describe themselves as “strongly” opposed, with such strong opposition especially high among Democrats (90%), women (63%) and adults younger than 35 (59%). Views are more closely split on New Hampshire’s law banning abortion after 24 weeks, except in cases of medical emergency, with 45% of state residents in support and 47% opposed.

The CNN New Hampshire poll was conducted online September 14-18 by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. Results among the full sample of 2,107 New Hampshire adults drawn from a probability-based panel have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.1 percentage points. Likely Democratic primary voters and potential 2024 general election voters were identified through survey questions about their intention to vote. Results among 953 likely Democratic primary voters have an error margin of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points; it is 2.2 points for results among the 2,060 people in the potential 2024 electorate.

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Do you have any idea what this is?

Representative Jamaal Bowman D-NY thinks it's for opening doors. I'm betting he voted for Biden.


Bowman’s office said it was an accident, and the congressman told reporters later Saturday: “I was trying to get to a door. I thought the alarm would open the door, and I pulled the fire alarm to open the door by accident.”

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Benefits of re-watching

I didn't much enjoy the game yesterday but on the re-watch, in Q3 from about 13:10 to 2:00, Penn State played some very solid football. It wasn't beautiful but it was gritty under pressure and that's what you need in big games. NW was playing tough and PSU out-toughed them during this stretch.

-- Game is tied, 3rd and 2 deep in own territory, kind of a clutch situation. Allar puts a ball into a tight window to Warren to get the 1st down.
-- 1st down, Allar throws the ball away rather than force it. I love how he doesn't care about his completion %age. His patience and team orientation shows real maturity.
-- 3rd and 10, with good pass-blocking by both tackles, Allar throws a pea about 20 yards in the air, perfectly located to KLS on deep sideline which sets up the winning TD.

-- (7:45) They stone NW on 4th and inches, awesome job by the D-tackles getting low.
-- No drive but 47 yard field goal is perfectly hit. We have a FG kicker for sure.
-- PSU is up 10 points, which is usually when a defense goes into cruise control, but PSU D doesn't let up a bit. If anything they dial up the pressure even more and just crush them. Really good effort.
-- Zion Tracy makes a great play to foil the fake punt. That is a talented player and also reflects some good special teams coaching.
-- (around 4:00) Short field drive, but probably the best drive of the day, no negative plays, no mistakes. NW defense is finally broken and the TD is on a beautifully thrown flare to Singleton. Those flares are not easy to throw but Allar makes them look easy. This puts PSU up 17 and effectively ends the game the way PSU D is playing.

Anyway, NW played tough, they didn't blow the game, PSU had to take it from them, and they did in the 3rd quarter through an accumulation of good solid plays.

My biggest disappointment with the 2024 recruiting class.

We nabbed a couple inside LBers and no one who clearly plays on the outside. We missed on a couple of prospects that seemed tailor made for Manny Diaz, Jamonta Waller, who was a longshot that seemed very interested in us and Chris Cole and Elijah Newby, both of who look like LBers in the recent PSU mold. At least one of them appeared to be a sure thing and the other sure showed a lot of interest.

Can't have everything...yet.

Polls, Polls, Polls

One data point only but things are definitely crazy. I would be interested on what this said 4 years ago.

Oyez, oyez!

First Monday in October boys and girls. Today, we get an argument whether "or" actually means "and" in the context of a prohibitive grammar.

So what's key on the docket? Well, from the looks of it so far, I'm reminded of the title of a book by the late Gary McDowell, my freshman American Government professor: "Taking the Constitution Seriously". By that, what I mean is that we have a lot of interesting cases involving taking ALL of the Constitution seriously, including the "powers" and "structure" parts and not just the "rights" parts.

So we come strong out of the gate on Tuesday with a challenge to the CFPB on appropriations clause grounds (Aardvark prediction: agency prevails, as the theory is just a little too creative), followed on Wednesday with a case involving ADA "tester" standing (Aardvark prediction: hotel wins). We finish off the month with SC redistricting challenge (Aardvark prediction: state loses, as their theories strike me as a little too theoretical).

In November, we get some slightly sexier cases involving the First Amendment, including public officials and social media, and the ability to trademark slogans with political criticisms (Aardvark punts), and the Second Amendment, in the case that Hunter Biden is awaiting with baited breath regarding whether the 2d amendment precludes ownership restrictions for persons subject to civil restraining orders (Aardvark prediction: abuser loses).

But the most important, and facially more boring, cases of the term have yet to be scheduled, including whether Chevron deference is formally overruled (Aardvark prediction: yes) and whether the taxation clauses preclude taxation of unrealized income (Aardvark prediction: yes).

Then of course you have the various cases that have seen some shadow docket activity this summer, for which the court hasn't yet granted review - the Biden social media case, the Danco/FDA case, the new social media censorship regulation cases, etc. As separate parlays, Draft Kings has put the over/under on the number of abortion-related cases this term at 1.5, is offering 7:1 odds the bump stock case does not get taken (or if it does, just gets remanded after Chevron is overruled), and is offering 10:1 odds if the IRA drug price negotiation case makes it there this term.
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Prepare for Government shutdown - House Repubs in total disarray.

Too many factions, no real leadership, can't keep any agreements reached , and a lot of the MAGA/Freedom Caucus want a shutdown no matter what.

'Unmitigated disaster': Feuding GOP ends crisis meeting without path forward on spending bill​

House Republicans descended into a bitter feud during a closed-door meeting to discuss plans for funding the government Tuesday.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy canceled plans to hold a vote on the proposal later this week, leaving him without a plan in place to fund the government less than two weeks before a shutdown would begin Sept. 30 following the contentious meeting, reported CNN.

“There are a lot of ‘No’ votes in that room. I don’t know how they will get to 218,” said Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) after the meeting. “Without a deal with Democrats, I don’t see it passing. … It is going to be a long two weeks.”

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) said GOP leaders were “entertaining everything” to get a proposal ready to vote on, including even lower spending cuts, but he predicted that a shutdown was likely inevitable, and Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) called on Republicans to work through the weekend to reach an agreement on keeping the government funded.
"[Norman] said he accidentally voted to support a rule for the short-term funding bill, saying he was 'asleep at the wheel' during the meeting on Monday night, but plans to vote against the rule when it comes to the floor," CNN reported.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) suggested McCarthy to set out a topline spending number and numbers for each of the appropriations bills to help undecided lawmakers understand the range of options.

“I think the biggest thing that I have heard – and this is where my colleagues I think have a really important point – what do we do next? The speaker needs to set a topline, needs to set a structure, a target,” Roy said. “I have been saying that for months. We are here in my opinion because we haven’t had a clear target.”

At least 16 Republicans pulled support for a short-term spending package Monday as hardliners such as Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) threatened McCarthy's continued leadership.

“It’s an unmitigated disaster right now on the majority side,” said Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR)
