I cut, split and stack my own firewood. I use a European type of stack called the Holz hausen, known here as the beehive stack, to season my wood.
I have a seemingly pretty big yellow jacket nest in, or under, one of my woodpiles. They come boiling out down near the bottom, but the nest or ground nest could be up to 5 feet away under close to a ton of wood. First I tried the Hot Shot foam--looks like shaving cream, shoots 20 feet, blah blah blah.
No go because I was probably not getting it to the nest. I tried putting my pushmower where the exhaust went right in the gap between the firewood pieces where they were coming in and out. Hit them with forty minutes of carbon monoxide, and it sure seemed like they were gone for a couple days, but they came back.
Got online and read about a bunch of home remedies. All of them seemed to require you do something at the entrance to the nest, which I cannot see. One of the remedies was to take Sevin garden insect killer dust and sprinkle it near the entrance where they can get it on them, because they will take it back to the next and kill everybody in there. But I still don't know where the entrance is.
This morning it appears I got it just right. I took about a half pound of Sevin powder and sprinkled it in the gaps between the wood pieces where they come out, then fired up the LEAF BLOWER and let it whistle that dust right in there. It worked well enough that some dust was coming out the back side of the stack about 7 feet away.
Just received a report that there is no yellow jacket activity now. I'll watch it a couple days, then weed whack around the stack. That will tell the tale!